8 Aphrodisiac Foods To Help You Feel Even Sexier!

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

8 Aphrodisiac Foods To Help You Feel Even Sexier! | The Organic Beauty BlogLet’s face it, us ladies are often wired a little differently when it comes to sex.  (Hello 6 month dry spell of 2006!)  Sometimes we need a little boost to get us in the mood, and luckily there are a bunch of foods out there that can do just that!

8 Aphrodisiac Foods To Help You Feel Even Sexier! 3 | The Organic Beauty BlogDark Chocolate

As if you need another excuse to eat more chocolate, right?  Well, take this puppy off your guilt list.  Nibbling a square or two of high quality dark chocolate (think 65% dark or higher) a day has been shown to make women feel sexier and improve their sex lives!  In addition to tons of amazing antioxidants, dark chocolate is full of endorphins, anxiety busting tryptophan, and small amounts of anandamide and theobromine, which can destress you and help you get in the mood!  Go for a dairy-free, organic dark chocolate like Nibmor, which you can get at Whole Foods or your local health food store.

Raw Honey

Unprocessed honey is loaded with B vitamins, which help produce testosterone (which we ladies also need for a healthy sex drive).  It also has boron, which helps your body metabolize and use estrogen, a vital hormone for blood flow and arousal!  Dip some Granny Smith apples in honey for a yummy dessert, or use it to sweeten your tea!  My favorite is Wee Bee Naturally Raw Honey.


A research study on rats showed that this yummy spice bolstered friskiness and sexual activity.  It has properties that simulate the effects of serotonin and stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, relaxing the mind and body, and priming you for some lovin’.  Grate some nutmeg into your morning smoothie, into desserts and soups, or on some yummy roasted vegetables like squash!



This popular aphrodisiac is loaded with zinc, another testosterone-producing mineral, as well as amino acids that kick other sex hormones into gear.  But make sure to chew your oysters, as opposed to just slurping them, to maximize absorption of all the potent sexy nutrients!  Not a seafood lover?  Go for a 1/4 cup of pumpkin seeds instead!

Dark Leafy Greens and Asparagus

You know you have to eat more greens, but how about better orgasms some good motivation?  Dark leafy greens and asparagus are super rich in folate, which regulates the body’s production of histamine, a chemical released during orgasm.

8 Aphrodisiac Foods To Help You Feel Even Sexier! 2 | The Organic Beauty BlogGarlic and Ginger

These spicy health-bombs increase blood flow to your whole body, but most notably, your sexy bits!  They increase arousal, sensitivity and sensation, and can take fooling around from fun to mind-blowing.  I try to use garlic in almost everything I make, from salads (just press a few cloves into your dressing!) to soups, and almost all preparations of veggies.  Ginger works great in Asian dishes, stir-frys, soups, or just a super easy ginger tea!  Rock my immunity boosting Honey Ginger Lemon Tea to keep coughs and colds at bay, AND spice up your sex life!


Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA, have been shown to not only reduce stress and boost mood, but also increase female libido, improve orgasms, and keep everything lubricated.  If you’re not eating wild Atlantic salmon twice a week, take a high quality fish oil supplement like NOW Super EPA!

Check out this delicious Valentine’s Day dinner menu that uses all these foods, as well as a bunch of male virility boosting foods as well!

Green Tea for Maximizing Health and Beauty


By: Stephanie Heino

Green Tea for Maximizing Health and Beauty | The Organic Beauty BlogTea (Camellia Sinensis) refers to Black, Green, White and Oolong teas. The teas differ by the fermentation process where the black tea is fully fermented (oxidized), oolong is partially fermented, white is minimally processed and green is unfermented, which makes green tea the healthiest. This article will focus on the health benefits of green tea, but in general all teas are similar due to similar bioactive health substances, like bioflavonoids (super-antioxidants found in many natural foods), for example.

Green tea, made from a bioflavonoid-containing plant – has been enjoyed as a hot (and cold!) beverage and an herbal remedy in China and Japan for thousands of years. Recently, researchers have investigated green tea’s healing properties and have discovered some interesting health benefits which include protection against certain infections; improved cardiovascular health; better dental hygiene; clearer, healthier skin; and protection from developing some types of cancer.

There are many different types of teas available these days.  Some are sold as herbal teas to distinguish them from black tea. Green tea and regular tea come from the same plant – the Camellia sinensis shrub, which is native to Asia.  The leaves of Camellia sinensis are dried and cured in different ways to yield different types of tea. Instead of fermenting the green tea, the leaves are steamed, dried, and ready for use. The steaming deactivates enzymes present in the tea leaves that can slowly break down the bioflavonoids. Therefore, the green tea process preserves much of the beneficial nutrient content found in the fresh tea leaves. Many people are confused about green tea containing caffeine –it does, but only half as much as a cup of coffee (6-ounce cup of green tea can contain 15 to 60 mg of caffeine). There are also decaffeinated green tea beverages and supplements available for people who want to avoid caffeine intake while experiencing the health benefits.

Some of the major beneficial effects of green tea include a reduced risk of many diseases such as heart disease; a reduction of dental problems; a reduced cancer risk, especially gastrointestinal cancer; the maintenance of healthy cholesterol levels; and anti-hypertensive effects. According to Japanese researchers there is a reduced risk of gastric cancers in populations drinking several cups of green tea per day.  According to vital health statistics, the death rate from cancer in both men and women in the Shizuoka region of Japan was found to be much lower than the national average. After conducting animal experiments to see if feeding green tea leaves to mice would suppress cancer cell growth they found that tumor growth in experimental mice fed green tea was indeed suppressed. There is also some evidence that consumption of green tea can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack and stroke. This can be accomplished by keeping the levels of cholesterol in the blood within a normal range and promoting good blood flow.

There is a great amount of other health benefits of green tea. Due to the naturally occurring amount of fluoride in green tea, as well as the anti-bacterial property, studies have confirmed the positive effect green tea has on teeth. Therefore green tea may be used to prevent dental cavities. Other benefits of drinking green tea before, during, and after meals includes antibacterial action, antioxidant effects, reduction of blood-glucose levels, as well as increased longevity.

The best way to get the benefits from the green tea, take green tea supplements before or with your meals and enjoy a cup of green tea often, in particular with meals. When selecting dietary supplements, look for brands with green-tea extracts standardized to 25-percent or more polyphenols. As part of a total dietary supplement plan, green-tea extract intake of 50 mg or higher will be beneficial.

As for the beauty aspect of drinking green tea, specialists found out that green tea has a special effect on our skinGreen Tea for Maximizing Health and Beauty 3 | The Organic Beauty Blog especially for eczema and acne sufferers. If you suffer from eczema, drinking green tea regularly can be a remedy for reducing the symptoms since green tea plays the role of a moisturizer with its powerful antioxidant properties that are 20 times stronger the vitamin E. Some say that 3 cups a day is enough for a guaranteed result!

Green tea is also good for preventing and fighting existing acne and a much better method that is far less harmful than the chemicals in all products you usually are recommended. You can find several cosmetic products containing green tea extracts, but consuming it is the simplest and best method to receive all possible benefits. It is said that this miracle beverage contains more antioxidants than any of the beauty products rich in chemical antioxidants and vitamins like E, C, and A. Green tea is an amazing antioxidant beauty food for skin and glow, as well as your general health!

Drink it up!

Good vs. Bad Bacteria – How To Maintain Balance In Your Gut

By: Stephanie Heino

The human body plays host to a number of micro-organisms, most of which are our friends.  But we do have some that create imbalances which show up in your overall health. Our colon has the largest microbial community in the body, and this is where the micro-organisms live. In this part of the body, the bacterial population usually doubles once or twice a day. Many of these bacteria are, of course, also eliminated during the course of the day, so that a healthy balance is maintained. Under normal circumstances, the microbial community in the colon – which includes more than 300 different species of micro-organisms – regulates itself. These micro-organisms normally prevent infection and growth of “bad” bacteria (parasites like Salmonella and clostridia, for instance), and have a positive effect on nutrition.

However, the intestinal flora of the colon can very easily be disturbed. This may change the balance of normal micro-organisms in the colon greatly. Several factors, like stress, altitude changes, starvation, parasitic organisms, diarrhea, and use of antibiotics, could contribute to such an imbalance.

When the balance is disturbed, one can become susceptible to disease. In these circumstances, boosting the numbers of “good” bacteria present in the gastrointestinal tract can be particularly useful. This is where probiotics come into play. Probiotics are microbial foods or supplements that can be used to change or improve the intestinal bacterial balance to boost the health of the host. The most common forms of probiotics include Lactobacillus and bifidobacteria. These good guys destroy the overgrowth of toxic bacteria by competing for attachment sites and nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract. Lactobacillus and bifidobacteria also produce organic acids that reduce the intestinal pH and retard the growth of “bad”, acid-sensitive bacteria.

If you are like me, and aren’t a fan of fermented dairy products, there are tons of other forms of fermented foods, such Imageas sauerkraut (white cabbage cut finely, salted and fermented in its own liquid shown in picture) or kimchi, miso (a thick paste made from fermented and processed soy beans) and tempeh (a dish made from split soybeans and water), which are also cultured with Lactobacillus, bifidobacteria, and other forms of beneficial bacteria. However, the potency and number of live organisms in commercial products may vary greatly. And many manufacturers are finding it difficult to overcome technical problems, especially in terms of keeping the micro-organisms alive under unfriendly conditions.

When it comes to intestinal health, we also need to consider prebiotics, which are non-digestible carbohydrates that act as food for probiotics. When probiotics and prebiotics are combined, they form a symbiotic relationship. Prebiotics include foods like dietary fiber that nourish the beneficial micro-organisms in the gut. It is therefore essential to include enough fiber in the diet by eating fruit, vegetables and whole-grains, as well as bananas, onions, garlic, honey and artichokes.

So if you are not a fan of dairy (like me!) make sure to get enough of these foods, or choose a dietary supplement like NOW Dairy-Free Probiotic-10. You don’t necessarily need probiotics to be healthy. However, these microorganisms may help with digestion and offer protection from harmful bacteria, just as the existing “good” bacteria in your body already do.

Probiotics may help to:

  • Treat diarrhea, especially following treatment with certain antibiotics
  • Prevent and treat vaginal yeast infections and urinary tract infections
  • Treat irritable bowel syndrome
  • Reduce bladder cancer recurrence
  • Speed treatment of certain intestinal infections
  • Prevent and treat eczema in children
  • Prevent or reduce the severity of colds and flu

Want To Have Amazing Hair, Skin & Nails? Eat Your Raw Foods!

By: Stephanie Heino

Want To Have Amazing Hair, Skin & Nails? Eat Your Raw Foods! | The Organic Beauty BlogWant healthy and glossy hair without supplements? Do you want it to grow faster, while getting strong nails and flawless skin? Keep reading!

A sound diet with lots of raw foods will give you the best possible nutritional advantage for getting healthy hair, nails and skin. Stock upon leafy greens and get in a serving of soaked raw nuts or seeds each day which deliver minerals, essential fatty acids and amino acids (the building block of protein that makes our hair, nails and skin). A mineral-rich diet with lots of raw foods is your best bet for creating beauty inside-out.

The health of our hair and nails depends on good circulation of the blood which carries oxygen and nutrients to the area. We need to move the body to ensure this circulation is working as it should. But mostly problems with hair and nails are due to an imbalance within, and that can always be re-balanced through healthy raw foods!

In fact, your body prefers to be nourished with raw foods. If your diet predominately consists of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, you will create a perfect balance within, which will show up on the outside (with some patience!).

Check out this guide to 5 amazing raw foods that will boost your beauty and give you fuller, shinier, healthier hair:

Dark Green Vegetables

Greens like kale, spinach, broccoli and Swiss chard, are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, which your body needs to produce sebum. They are also packed with minerals like silicon and sulfur that are vital to healthy growth of our nails and hair.


Want To Have Amazing Hair, Skin & Nails? Eat Your Raw Foods! 2 | The Organic Beauty BlogDo you go nuts for thick, shiny hair? You should. Brazil nuts are one of nature’s best sources of selenium, an important mineral for the health of your scalp. Walnuts contain alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid that may help condition your hair. They are also a terrific source of zinc, as are cashews, pecans, and almonds. A zinc deficiency can lead to hair shedding, so make sure you eat nuts on the regular.

Flax seeds

The second step to beautiful skin, hair and nails involves including optimal amounts of essential fats in your diet. Fats are especially important for our skin and hair. They are an enormous part of how skin and hair are stay moist and lush as opposed to course and dry, and by including flax seeds and avocados you take care of this issue. If you feel like it will be a problem to eat enough of these foods to truly nourish, it can also be practical to use an essential fatty acid supplement in the form of a liquid oil. Although this is a post on raw foods, evening primrose oil is also a favourite of skin, hair and nails.


Want To Have Amazing Hair, Skin & Nails? Eat Your Raw Foods! 3 | The Organic Beauty BlogBy drinking wheatgrass, and washing your hair in it you will see some great results. By doing this, nutrients penetrate into follicles and stimulate growth of new pigment-producing cells. Getting results takes time, but be patient!

Sea Vegetables

Research shows sodium alginate, a compound found in most seaweed, binds with heavy metals and chemical poisons, flushing them from the body. They nourish the endocrine system, especially the thyroid and adrenal glands. Iodine in seaweed keeps the thyroid functioning normally, and is high in natural sodium. Sea vegetables, providing plenty of proteins, complex carbohydrates, carotenes, and chlorophyll, not only stimulate and strengthen the hair, but also the skin and nails. Brittle hair, caused by a shortage of minerals, too much salt or animal food, or use of drugs, can be restored by eating sea vegetables. Kombu comes in sticks which you can add to your soups, stews, beans and casseroles. It has a yummy salty flavour, and you also get a range of minerals that your skin, hair and nails love.

Get Shiny, Lustrous Hair with Surface

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

In the winter time, I am always struggling with dry, lackluster hair and split ends, which is always getting in the way of my tireless goal of growing out my hair.

I try a gazillion products every year to try to nail down the perfect combination that gives me consistent results.  Most products start out working great, but then my hair gets accustomed to the routine, and I’m back at square one.  So I’m thrilled to finally find a great line of products that hydrate my hair, and make it shiny and lustrous, with results that don’t diminish over time.

Surface Hair is a line of products by stylist, Wayne Grund, which are formulated with sustainably harvested ingredients and certified organic botanicals like babassu oil and amaranth protein.  The products are free from toxic chemicals like sulfates, parabens, and phthalates, mineral oils, and animal products.  Most of the products are also designed to work at maximum potency with heat styling, so they protect your hair and prevent breakage, over drying, and damage.


I’ve been using the Trinity Protein Cream ($24.95) on wet hair after washing, which is super strengthening and really prevents breakage.  The Trinity line is specially formulated for colored hair, but works great for anyone with dry or damaged hair.  The Protein Cream has babassu oil and amaranth protein to smooth the hair, and offers wonderful heat protection.  I only wash my hair a few times a week, so if I do a little styling touch up after a few days, I’ll spray it on dry hair as well for a little extra smoothing and protection.  It smells delicious and doesn’t leave a filmy or greasy buildup like many other heat protection products I’ve used.  Plus, I’ve noticed that my hair gets less damaged between trims and color!

I follow the Protein Cream with Bassu Hydrating Oil ($23.95) on the length of my hair.  This lovely, light oil is super healing and hydrating, and really intensifies hair’s shine and luster.


It protects hair from color and heat damage, and keep color from fading. WhatI love about the hydrating oil is that I can use it on wet or dry hair. Again, since I only wash my hair a couple times a week, sometimes my hair needs a little freshening up or boost between washes.  The Hydrating Oil is amazing for that. It’s lovely light texture removes frizz and seals the cuticle. It’s amazing to use with a flat iron, or just to smooth flyaways and hydrate dry, stressed hair throughout the week.  This potent product can also be used to moisturize skin!

The Surface line has a slew of amazing, safe, potent and effective products for every hair type and concern.  As part of a healthy, natural hair care routine, these products will boost shine, protect hair, and make dry, winter tresses and thing of the past!

8 Foods for Male Virility and Fertility

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

8 Foods for Male Virility and Fertility | The Organic Beauty BlogNo time like Valentine’s Day to pump up your man’s diet with some majorly potent virility foods.  These 8 foods enhance virility, libido, balance testosterone levels, keep spermies healthy, and help prevent prostate cancer.  Eat up and enjoy nature’s own Viagra!

  • Oysters:  These puppies are loaded with zinc, which is a key raw material for the production of testosterone. This also makes them a big aphrodisiac for both sexes!  Not a fan of oysters? Pumpkin seeds are a great vegetarian alternative.
  • Walnuts:  These guys are the closest thing to all-natural Viagra around. They’re full of arginine, an amino acid which is a key for quality erections, in terms of duration and frequency!    Throw a handful of walnuts into your morning smoothie to make any day way sexier.
  • Tomatoes:  Especially when cooked, tomatoes contain lycopene, which is amazing for your prostate health and virility. Rock some tomato sauce or throw a handful of grape tomatoes into your scrambled eggs or sautéed greens for an easy daily dose!
  • Chili peppers:  These hotties are full of capsaicin, which releases endorphins, increases heart rate and dilates blood vessels.  This makes them an awesome libido boosting food for both sexes, really heating things up in the bedroom.  Add some chili peppers and celery to your homemade tomato sauce to get a triple virility punch, or make a hearty, delicious bean chili!
  • Celery: In addition to allegedly making a man’s, ahem, stuff, taste better, the andosterone in celery also increases male pheromones, which are odorless ecto-hormones that make your irresistible to the opposite sex.  Having that kind of positive attention can be a major confidence boost in the bedroom!  Try making a potent and delicious juice out of celery, apples, and ginger!
  • Ginger: This potent food is a major libido booster, due to it’s testosterone and blood flow increasing effects.  It’s also generally amazing for your health!  Add ginger to your smoothies, juices, salad dressing, or make a tea with raw ginger slices!
  • Oats:  This breakfast staple is full of the B vitamin L-arginine, which increases sperm count and blood flow to the penis.  Rock some morning oatmeal with bananas and walnuts to get a mega virility boost!
  • Bananas:  These guys pack a virility double whammy.  They’re loaded with potassium, which is crucial for quality erections, and they also have bromelain, which can increase virility and help reverse impotence.  Check out this post that has a great banana superfood smoothie recipe for male virility!

Ladies, you’re welcome… : )

Healthy Nutribullet Smoothie Recipes

Nutribullet Recipes

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

I’ve gotten a lot of requests for Nutribullet smoothie recipes… Although you can make any smoothie creation in your Nutribullet, the proportions are on a smaller scale since you’re using a single serving blender. If you’re using a full size blender like a Vitamix or Ninja Pro, just double the recipe for two servings!

Delectable Detox Smoothie

This is an amazing smoothie for detoxifying the organs.  Loaded with diuretics and super foods, this is a perfect start to a detox day or to cleanse the body after a night of drinking and poor food choices.

1 cup  organic kale (stems and tough rib removed)
1/2 cup frozen organic mango
1 medium rib celery, chopped
1 cup filtered water
¼ cup chopped flat-leaf parsley
¼ cup chopped fresh mint
1 tbsp virgin coconut oil

Combine ingredients in a Nutribullet or blender.  Add a touch of raw agave or stevia, if desired.

Mega Protein Smoothie

This is a great smoothie for weight loss, since it will control appetite and cravings until lunchtime. It’s also great for a post-workout boost.

1/2 cup frozen peaches
1/2 avocado
1 cup organic spinach
1 tbsp hemp seeds
A handful of raw almonds or 1 tbsp raw almond butter
1 cup water or coconut water

Combine ingredients in Nutribullet or blender. Add a touch of agave or stevia if needed.

Perfect Skin Smoothie

This smoothie is loaded with skin protecting antioxidants, smoothing and anti-aging omega-3’s, and moisturizing healthy fats for clear, youthful skin!

1/2 cup organic blueberries
1 tbsp ground flax seeds
1 cup organic dandelion greens
1/2 avocado
1 tbsp raw cacao powder
1 cup coconut water

Combine ingredients in Nutribullet. Add a touch of agave or stevia if needed.

Super Energy Smoothie

Perfect for those days when you need a little extra something, or before a grueling workout!

1 frozen banana
1 cup organic kale
1 tbsp spirulina powder
2 tsp maca powder
1 tsp acai powder
1 tbsp raw organic almond butter
1 tbsp virgin coconut oil
1 tsp royal jelly
1 tsp raw organic honey (optional)

Combine ingredients in Nutribullet or blender.

Women’s Fertility Smoothie

This smoothie is wonderful for balancing hormones, increasing fertility, and giving women the nutrients they need for healthy eggs and baby-making! It’s also a great libido booster.

1 kiwi
1/4 cup frozen pineapple
1 cup organic spinach
A handful of pumpkin seeds
2 tsp maca powder
1 tsp acai berry powder
2 tsp bee pollen
1 tbsp virgin coconut oil
1 tbsp flaxseed oil
1 cup water

Combine ingredients in Nutribullet or blender. Add a touch of agave or stevia if needed.

Men’s Virility Smoothie

This smoothie is loaded with nutrients to improve male libido, reproductive health, virility, and increase testosterone!

1 frozen banana
1/2 piece ginger
1 cup spinach
2 tsp maca
1 tsp acai berry powder
A handful of walnuts
1 cup coconut water
1 tbsp virgin coconut oil
(Optional) Add a stick of celery for a virility boost!

Combine ingredients in Nutribullet or blender. Add a touch of agave or stevia if needed.

What’s your favorite Nutribullet smoothie? Click here to share it in the comments section!

Amazing Superfood Smoothie

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

Following up on our post about the 8 Amazing Superfoods Your Body Needs, I thought it would be awesome to post a delicious, ridiculously-insane-for-your-health Superfood Smoothie that uses almost all of these phenomenal foods.  Obviously, you don’t have to use each and every one, but if you want to supercharge your health, beauty, and energy, this is one majorly effective way to do it.

The Organic Beauty Amazing Superfood Smoothie

1 cup coconut waterAmazing Superfood Smoothie | The Organic Beauty Blog
1 cup organic baby spinach
1 organic banana (frozen is best!)
1/4 cup organic blueberries
A handful of walnuts
1 tsp maca powder
1 tsp goji berry powder
1 tsp spirulina
1 tbsp chia or hemp seeds
1 tsp bee pollen
A pinch of stevia (optional)

Combine ingredients in blender.

8 Amazing Superfoods Your Body Needs

By: Stephanie Heino

These days the term “superfoods” is being used everywhere in order to define foods that are calorie sparse and nutrient dense, meaning they pack a lot of punch for their weight as far as goodness goes. They are superior sources of anti-oxidants and essential nutrients – nutrients we need but cannot make ourselves. We all may be adding more salads and vegetables to our diets, and the concern over the quality of foods grown on mineral depleted soils makes superfoods an intelligent choice. I use superfoods daily as part of my smoothies, green juices and salads and they really give me another level of energy and I feel great and nourished all day. Keep reading for some interesting health benefits of a few of them.

Goji Berries

8 Amazing Superfoods Your Body Needs - goji | The Organic Beauty BlogAlso known as lycium or Chinese wolfberries, gojis are native to the Himalayan region of China and Tibet. These small, red berries have been used by Chinese herbalists for thousands of years to help eyesight, boost immune function and promote longevity. Many of the documented health benefits of the berries are related to their high antioxidant concentration. Carotenoids, a specific type of antioxidant found in goji berries have been shown to help protect eyesight. Packed with antioxidants, B vitamins, iron, and complete protein, goji berries are certainly deserving of their superfood status! Dried goji berries make an excellent snack, and are also used in muffins, raw desserts, salads and energy bars! Although they are most often eaten in dried, whole berry form, goji berries are also available as a powder juice or supplement.

Here is a recipe to goji energy bites, which are just so delicious!

Acai Berries

8 Amazing Superfoods Your Body Needs - acai | The Organic Beauty BlogThe endless health benefits of Acai should not be underestimated. They have the highest nutritional composition of anything you can eat in the world (wow) and as a result they can give the body a large number of nutritional requirements that it is typically short on.

The most significant health benefit of Acai berry is that it reintroduces nutritional elements that the bodies ought to have, but are typically just not present in our diet. Eating more of these nutrients aids the body in functioning the manner it’s supposed to. This helps the body to reach a healthy equilibrium.

Acai berry in different forms (I prefer the freeze dried powder) can be put into everything from salad dressings, smoothies and your tea. It takes some getting accustomed to. It tastes kind of like a combination of chocolate and berry. There are a multitude of ways to incorporate the health advantages of Acai as part of your nutrition plan and the advantages justify the effort. Acai berries aids in increasing your energy level and your metabolism so your body will use more calories naturally that you will discover helps you to lose weight and helps you to feel a lift in energy.

Camu Camu Fruit


The Camu camu fruit is believed to be the world’s most abundant source of vitamin C, an antioxidant vitamin often used to strengthen the immune system. It gives you as much as 60 times more vitamin C per serving than an orange. This antioxidant-rich berry from the Amazon is also a plentiful source of potassium, calcium, protein, beta carotene, amino acids and powerful phytochemicals. The most common way to bring it into your diet is to by raw organic dried camu camu fruit powder mixed into your smoothie.


8 Amazing Superfoods Your Body Needs - spirulina | The Organic Beauty BlogSpirulina is one of the most nutritious and concentrated food sources on the planet. As a result, it’s appearing more frequently all the time in natural foods and beverages, such as green foods and drinks, energy bars and oral supplements.

Spirulina consistently boasts an amazing protein level of 60 percent on average—making it a protein source for vegans/vegetarians. And spirulina’s protein is biologically complete, containing all of the essential amino acids needed for human health. Spirulina is similar to sea vegetables such as dulse, kelp, nori, Kombu, arame, and wakame. Along with its cousin chlorella (another one of my favorites), spirulina is a member of the “blue-green” family—but this family is actually not truly algae. Check out an amazing green smoothie recipe here, containing almost every superfood in this article!

Maca Root


I myself use maca mainly for its energy boosting effects. Many people use maca for its virility and fertility boost benefits as well. Maca is a real libido booster and people or couples who would like an enhancement in that department should start taking maca regularly. It has been described as the best natural supplement out there for virility and libido for both men & women. Women usually use maca for hot flashes, and for treating and relieving PMS symptoms. Maca works amazingly for regulating hormones. This also makes maca great for anyone with mood swings and stress in their life.

On top of all these things, maca is a nutritional powerhouse. It’s loaded with amino acids, carbohydrates, and minerals including calcium, phosphorous, zinc, magnesium, iron, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B12, C and E. It’s rich in almost every mineral! Maca is one of the most potent plant-based sources for Vitamin B12, which is great news for vegans or for people who do not eat meat. Rich in protein as well, at least 10% of the maca root weight is protein. It comes in a bunch of different forms; capsules, powder and liquid, and just like many of the other superfoods it is super easy to add to your smoothie for a great boost. If you don’t have a smoothie every morning, the capsule form may work better for you, to ensure you’re getting consistent doses every day for maximum effect!

Hemp Seeds

8 Amazing Superfoods Your Body Needs - hemp | The Organic Beauty BlogHemp seeds are of exceptionally high quality in terms of amino acid composition and protein structure, the latter affecting digestibility and utilization by the human body. Hemp protein contains all of the essential amino acids in more nutritionally significant amounts and at a ratio closer to “complete” sources of protein (like meat, milk and eggs) than all other oil seeds except soy. It is delicious to boost your morning smoothie with, or sprinkle on top of your quinoa porridge or oatmeal.

Chia Seeds

8 Amazing Superfoods Your Body Needs - chia | The Organic Beauty BlogPeople are going crazy for chia seeds, which have gained attention as an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. They are also an excellent source of fiber at 10 grams per ounce (about 2 tablespoons), and contain protein and minerals including iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc.

Including chia seeds as part of your healthy diet may help improve cardiovascular risk factors such as lowering cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure. Chia seeds can be eaten raw or prepared in a number of dishes. Sprinkle ground or whole chia seeds on cereal, rice, yogurt or vegetables. The seeds are very absorbent and develop a gelatinous texture when soaked in water making it easy to mix them into cooked cereal or other dishes. So delicious! Check out this post about healthy breakfast options featuring a delicious chia seed porridge!

Bee Pollen

8 Amazing Superfoods Your Body Needs - bee pollen | The Organic Beauty BlogBee pollen is the food of young bees and is comprised of approximately 40% protein. It is considered one of nature’s most completely nourishing foods. It contains nearly all nutrients required by humans. About half of its protein is in the form of free amino acids that are ready to be used directly by the body. Such highly assimilable protein can contribute significantly to one’s protein needs.

Bee pollen contains all the essential components of life, such as proteins, free amino acids, vitamins, including B-complex, and folic acid. The percentage of rejuvenating elements in bee pollen is much higher than those present in brewer’s yeast and wheat germ. Bee pollen corrects the unbalanced nutrition in the body, which is very common today since we consume so many nutritionally incomplete foods, often with added chemical ingredients, which expose us to physiological problems. I would suggest using bee pollen as part of your smoothie, delicious and healthy!

Again, check out our Organic Beauty Superfood Smoothie Recipe to incorporate many of these amazing ingredients!

[Photos: 3, 5,]

Naturally Beat Those Winter Blues!

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

Naturally Beat Those Winter Blues! | The Organic Beauty BlogWhether or not you actually suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), it is pretty tough to not get bummed when it’s freezing and grey outside for days on end.  Our social lives take a major hit, and we are much more likely to crave getting all bundled up and cozy at home than a night on the town.  It’s harder to motivate ourselves to get to the gym, and those cravings for comfort food just don’t let up. But fear not!  With just a few daily steps, you can naturally beat the winter blues, improve your mood and energy, and keep your system on track.

  • Catch some daylight!  Especially when the days are shorter and darker, it is that much more important to get exposure to daylight.  Ideally, this would be direct light outside, but, when it’s frigid and miserable outside, getting some daylight through a window does the trick too!  Leave your blinds open at night, so the morning light can wake you up and help regulate your production of melatonin, and thereby, your sleep cycle!  Keeping a regular sleep-wake cycle is vital to staving off wintertime depression. If your bedroom doesn’t get much natural light, then stand dreamily in front of your brightest window for a couple of minutes right when you wake up!  It’s a nice little morning ritual with wonderful health benefits.
  • Exercise!  I know it’s hard to get to the gym when it’s 0 degrees outside, but it’ll pay off in terms of your motivation and energy, which will help you tons in the long run.  If it’s super gross out, just work out at home!  Don’t let the weather be an excuse to skimp on exercise!  Find a dvd that you love, and sweat it out in the warmth and comfort of your living room.  Exercise is one of the best natural antidepressants out there!
  • Take some fish oil.  Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA, are amazing for balancing mood and staving off depression.  Even if you eat fish regularly, supplement with 2-3 grams of high EPA fish oil every day.  My favorite is NOW Super EPA.. I take it every day!
  • Take vitamin D.  In the dark of winter, especially in the northern parts of this fair country, it is impossible to get enough vitamin D from sunlight.  The result is that we’re all running around completely deficient in this important nutrient!  Low levels of vitamin D can cause depression, lowered immunity, anxiety, higher stress levels, and a host of other unpleasant symptoms.  It is absolutely crucial to supplement with a high quality vitamin D during the winter months, and for many of us, year round!  Opt for at least 3000-4000 IU of sublingual vitamin D daily.  My favorite is Biotics Bio-D-Mulsion Forte.. Just two drops under your tongue in the morning and you’re good to go!
  • Load up on plant nutrients.  Plant foods are nature’s amazing natural mood-boosters, and it is super easy to eat your way to a fantastic mood even in the greyest of winters.  Whole grains like amaranth and quinoa are great for raising serotonin, which is your brain’s natural feel-good neurotransmitter.  Olive oil and other healthy fats like avocados and nuts are also wonderful natural antidepressants.  Green leafies like spinach and collards are loaded with folate, which along with other B vitamins, is vital for regulating mood.
  • Treat yourself!  Plan a fun winter getaway weekend, a spa day, a fun party, or even some nights at the theater, a concert, or the opera!  Having some exciting things to look forward to is a great way to boost your mood and break up the monotony of a long winter.