
Pep Talk: 4 Points in Praise of Peppers

Are you a hot pepper obsessive or avoider? Peppers high in spice factor are something of a superfood, so you might want to consider keeping it hot, hot, hot!

The other day, my friends and I were discussing something called the Scoville Scale (pretty much a ranking of various peppers according to their ‘temperature’). Granted, the big hitters are not recommended for raw consumption, but those who can stand other contenders are often well aware of their health benefits. A boost from this type of natural expectorant can become almost ritualistic, actually. Various post-pepper coping methods went on to include pacing, milk guzzling, and changed breathing patterns (your body actually ups its oxygen flow after eating peppers!) It sounds extreme, but it’s probably not all that misguided! Here’s the real scoop on why your body stands to benefit:

1. Capsaicin is the real culprit here. This chemical compound works hard at fighting everything from everyday congestion, inflammation (like arthritis), and even cancer cells. Spices like chiles and turmeric are known to help keep the big C in check!

2. Stomach soothers– Hot peppers can also relieve an upset stomach pretty quickly and effectively. People suffering from gastric irritations, like IBS, can also benefit from a dose of ever-effective capsaicin. This super chemical aids in both prevention and reduction of ulcers as well. Additionally, the high fiber content contributes to better digestion.

3. Conquer cholesterol! Those who regularly consume foods high in natural spice content, particularly chiles and tamales, tend to have happier hearts. Maybe it’s time to ‘heart’ that heat! 

Pep Talk 4 Points in Praise of Peppers 2 | The Organic Beauty Blog

4. Gimme a C!– Even in more diluted forms, peppers are high in vitamins, especially Vitamin C. Red ones, in particular, pack a punch of vitamins C, A and K as well.

Still if you’re not a big fan of off-the-charts spice, these diluted forms can be of great, healthy use! And for those going the muy picante route, we salute you.

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