I finally broke down and got my first cold of the season last week, and though it thankfully only lasted two days, my poor hubby caught it and has been suffering for a good 4+ days. In an attempt to make him something comforting and immunity boosting, while making use of the relatively meager contents of our fridge, I concocted the following super healthy dinner salad for him. Low and behold, today he’s on the mend! This recipe is a perfect example of how we can use food as medicine. There are more essential vitamins, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients in this salad than you could ever dream of getting from a supplement, and being in whole food form, the delivery system to the parts of your body that need it are much more efficient.
This delicious salad features:
- Kale, which is full of SUPER high in vitamins C, A, and K, as well as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory flavanoids which boost immunity and the body’s natural detoxification.
- Fennel, which is loaded with vitamin C, and immunity-boosting phytonutrients, including anethol, which has major anti-inflammatory qualities. Plus fennel has antimicrobial qualities, which are perfect for beating colds!!
- Orange or grapefruit, whose unique citrus flavanones combine with the super high levels of vitamin C which produce extraordinary antioxidant and immune-supportive results. Plus, the zest ensures that you get the amazing benefits of herperidin, an incredibly anti-inflammatory flavanone that is only found in the peel and white pith of the citrus fruit.
- Garlic, which is an anti-inflammatory, ant-bacterial, and anti-viral superstar, and is one of the best foods to eat when you’re sick. It’s also very high in selenium, B vitamins, and helps your body to metabolize iron!
- Flaxseed oil, which is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which are very anti-inflammatory, and is also high in thiamin and manganese.
- Raw apple cider vinegar, a true wonder tonic that helps your body beat just about anything. It’s loaded with potassium, which helps cure sinusitis and runny nose symptoms; and it has massive antibacterial and anti fungal properties, which are obviously hugely beneficial for beating a cold!
- Raw honey is phenomenal for when you’re feeling sick, thinning mucous, soothing sore throats, and boasting anti-viral and anti-bacterial effects!
- Himalayan salt, which supports respiratory health and clears up congestion, is a strong natural antihistamine, eliminates persistent dry coughs, and provides your body with all the necessary trace minerals it needs to heal and be healthy!
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Yummy Cold Busting Salad
Pour flax oil, vinegar and honey over the orange zest and pressed garlic while you prepare everything else. This helps to release some of the super healthy compounds that speed recovery!
While the oil is infusing, rip up your kale and combine with the sliced fennel and orange. Try to use a cutting board that has those little gutters around the sides so you can reserve the juice from cutting the orange and pour it over the vegetables.
When your veggies are ready to go, mix the dressing with orange zest and garlic and pour over the salad. Feel free to add more vinegar, flax oil or honey if you like your salad a little heavier on the dressing.
Season liberally with himalayan salt and freshly ground pepper. Toss and enjoy!
Recipe Notes
I served this salad with a bowl of organic bone broth with gluten-free matzo balls -- the ultimate in get-better comfort food!
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