
3 Day Post-Holiday Cleanse!

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

NU Health 3 Day Cleanse Ebook

I am so super excited to introduce you all to my new, 3 Day Post-Holiday Cleanse! I’ve gone through all my favorite detoxifying, seasonal smoothie, soup, and lunch recipes to compile a beautiful, and above all, effective, 3 day, whole foods detox to help you reboot, reset, and recharge your system after the (ahem) indiscretions of the holiday season.

Stress, travel, more alcohol than usual, sugar cookies and other favorite holiday foods all have an impact on your body and mind that can show up on your skin, your waistline, and your mood.  Well I’m here to help you wipe the slate clean!

This cleanse is jam packed with delicious recipes, cleansing tips, and even the magic formula for you to create your own cleanse if you want to keep the detoxifying, glow-making action going!

>> Click here to sign up and download your free cleanse! <<

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Spring Detox Your Body: Top 10 Cleansing Foods, Juices, and Smoothies

By: Stephanie Heino

Spring Detox Your Body Top 10 Cleansing Foods, Juices, and Smoothies | The Organic Beauty BlogSpring is slowly approaching, and it is truly the perfect time for a detox. Who doesn’t want to get rid of those toxins, feeling fresh and new when the sun starts heating everything up in just a couple of weeks? The changing seasons and the signs of new life sprouting all around us inspire better eating and getting organized, as well as serving as a reminder that summer is right around the corner. Whether your reason to detoxify is to support your immune system, improve your digestion, prevent disease, or to shed some of those extra pounds from the holidays, detoxing the body (and your whole life!) is a great way to welcome the new season.

One of the body’s many remarkable features is that when you target one organ or elimination system for cleansing (for example, the liver, colon, kidneys, lymph, or blood), the others contribute to the detoxification process.

Full body cleanses that force toxins to be eliminated from several organs at once are stressful to the body and can leave you feeling really yucky. They can cause severe reactions, such as diarrhea, vomiting, or skin problems such as acne. A full body detox might be more suitable for the experienced “detoxer” meaning a person who has had a clean lifestyle and diet free of alcohol, cigarette smoke, artificial ingredients and chemicals, to begin with. For the newbie on the other hand, I would recommend starting with one organ or one elimination system to detoxify, for example, the liver or colon, so it doesn’t hit you too hard.

If you prefer to go all in your first time, you should definitely consult a nutritionist, naturopath, homeopath or herbalist for help to determine what is the most appropriate cleanse for you since there really is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to detoxification. If you have any questions about which approach you should take, or if you want to start a personalized cleanse, I recommend scheduling a free consultation with Holistic Health Counselor Natasha Uspensky.

In this article I will talk about top ten detox foods, as well as a couple of gentle cleanses that work wonders for you to get ready for the most amazing season of the year, as well as that sundress just waiting for you in the back of the closet. If you don’t feel like doing a hardcore detox or fast, these 10 foods can spring clean your body just enough and keep refreshing your vital parts all year around. Just take these three steps:

  • “Eat clean,” avoiding processed foods and chemical additives, and shoot for organic produce whenever possible.
  • Stay well hydrated by drinking lots of filtered water.
  • Include some of these 10 foods in several meals throughout the week, or better yet, every day!

The Top 10 Detox Foods:

  1. Leafy green vegetables. Eat them raw in a salad, throw them into a broth, steam them and mix with rice or add to an omelet, or puree them into juices. The chlorophyll in greens helps swab out environmental toxins (heavy metals, pesticides). It’s also an all-around liver protector, which your liver needs since it’s your major domo detoxifier.
  2. Lemons. Fresh lemonade made with filtered water will keep you hydrated, and its vitamin C helps convert toxins into a water-soluble form that’s easily flushed away. (Add some pureed greens to further boost your C vitamin intake). A great detoxifying practice is sipping a mug of hot water with fresh squeezed lemon juice first thing when you wake up (see below).
  3. Watercress. This is an excellent addition to all kinds of salads, soups, and sandwiches. Those little green leaves have a diuretic effect that helps the flushing process. Plus watercress is a mineral goldmine since it is rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium.
  4. Garlic. Add it to everything such as salads, sauces, soups, and spreads for a great taste. In addition to the heart-friendly bulb’s cardio benefits, it also activates liver enzymes (make sure to not eat it before a date; garlic breath is not sexy!) Research also indicates that garlic diminishes a process that creates cancer-causing compounds in your body. B
  5. Green tea. This antioxidant-rich drink (See our post on the amazing benefits of green tea) is one of the healthiest ways to get more antioxidants into your system. It also contains catechins, which speed up liver activity, making it ideal for detoxing.
  6. Broccoli sprouts. They pack 20 times more cancer-fighting, enzyme-stimulating activity into each bite than the actual broccoli vegetable we are more familiar with. Research suggests that eating the sprouts (they taste like radishes!) kills off H. Pylori bacteria that causes stomach irritation and ulcers.
  7. Sesame seeds. They are said to protect the liver cells from the damaging effects of alcohol and other chemicals. For a concentrated form, try tahini, the yummy sesame seed paste that goes so well with so many dishes!
  8. Cabbage. There are two main types of detoxifying enzymes in the liver, and this potent veggie helps activate both of them. It’s the largest member of the Brassica veggie family, all of which delivers colon-cancer fighting isothicyanates and vitamin C. Coleslaw, anyone?
  9. Psyllium. This plant’s bursting with soluble fiber, which absorbs toxins as well as cholesterol and helps clear them out (amazing!). Stir powdered psyllium into juice to help cleanse your colon, or have whole psyllium husk sprinkled on top your quinoa porridge for breakfast. I would recommend starting with a small amount and gradually increase your dose as your GI tract becomes used to it. It really is a great detox food, because trust me, it flushes it all out!
  10. Fruits, fruits, fruits. They’re full of almost all the good things listed above — vitamin C, fiber, nutritious fluids, and assorted antioxidants. Besides, nothing tastes better than a ripe mango, perfect pear, or fresh berries.

Ultimate Detox Recipe: Easy Garlic-Sesame Salad

Toss dark green leafy vegetables in hot, garlicky oil for a cleansing yet delicious dish!

4 servings

1 tsp. olive oil
1 clove garlic, minced
1 lb. spinach, stemmed, or 1 lb. Swiss chard, or 1 lb. mixture of spinach and watercress
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
1 tsp. sesame seeds for garnish

Warm oil in large skillet over medium-high heat. Add garlic and stir until lightly browned, about 45 seconds. Add greens (do in two batches if necessary) and toss until just wilted, 2 to 4 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.

If you want to go a little bit further, you should keep reading since I will recommend some gentle cleanses that aren’t likely to cause any severe reactions; but with this being said, don’t underestimate their potency. They effectively work to eliminate stored toxins such as chemicals, drug residues, microbes, even toxic emotions from your cells. Be sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of pure water throughout the day to boost the cleansing process.

    1. Basic Daily Detox. Water with lemon. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into an eight-ounce glass of room temperature or warm water. Drink a glass each morning upon rising. For best results, wait about 20 minutes before eating or drinking anything else (including your morning coffee or tea). Repeat daily for a minimum of three weeks, but take a break after about six weeks.
    2. Another Basic Daily Detox. Water with liquid chlorophyll. Purchase a bottle of liquid chlorophyll (flavored or unflavored). Add one to two tablespoons to an eight-ounce glass of water at least once a day. Repeat daily for a minimum of three weeks, but take a break after about six weeks.
    3. Love Your Liver. Liver-Cleansing Vegetable Cocktail: In a juicer, juice two or three carrots, one large beet, one apple, and some spirulina powder. Add one glass of pure water, mix well, and enjoy.
    4. Tummy Tonics. Raw Cabbage Juice: Juice half of a raw cabbage (any type of cabbage). It’s surprisingly sweet and tastes much better than you expect it to. Ginger & Apple Juice: Juice two apples and some ginger. Add a cup of water to dilute and enjoy.
    5. Gut Wrencher. Colon Cleansing Smoothie: Lose inches from your belly and clean out your colon at the same time with this delicious smoothie. In a blender, add one cup of water, half a cup of fresh or frozen raspberries or strawberries, ½ of cup of almond milk, half a banana, one tablespoon of ground flaxseed, and 300 mg magnesium powder. For extra fiber, you can add one teaspoon of chia seeds, hemp seeds, psyllium, and/or spirulina.
    6. Urinary System Cleanse (Kidneys/Bladder). Potassium Broth: Fill a large pot with a cup of potato peelings, a cup of carrot peelings, one whole beet (chopped), a cup of onions (chopped), an entire head of garlic (peeled and roughly chopped or crushed), one or two celery stalks (chopped) and a handful of dark leafy greens. Add enough pure water to cover the vegetables and simmer on a low temperature for one to two hours. Strain and pour the broth into a pitcher, or simply dip a mug into the pot and sip on broth throughout the day. Signs that it’s working: an increased amount of urine that smells like ammonia.

Common signs that toxins are being eliminated during a detox can include headaches, muscle aches, foul smelling breath, stool and urine, acne and skin breakouts, and emotional fluxes (such as irritability or bouts of crying) so make sure you don’t have a lot on your schedule while doing the detox. If these symptoms occur, don’t stop the detox. It just shows it is actually working, and the unpleasantness will soon be replaced with energy and vibrancy, leaving you feeling amazing and like a new person!

Happy cleansing!

Spring Detox: Shed Winter Weight and Get Your Energy Back!

Spring Detox | The Organic Beauty Blog

I’ve written a lot about the benefits of seasonal cleansing, but it being spring, I want to go into a little more depth about the importance of getting your system detoxified and cleaned out after a long winter.  Basically, if you’re only going to do one cleanse a year, this is the time to do it.  If you’re up to doing a more intensive cleanse, check out my article on how to detox and cleanse the right way. For those who aren’t quite ready to go all out, you can reap a lot of the benefits of a detox just by consciously incorporating cleansing, seasonal spring foods into our diets to reverse the effects of winter.

In the winter months, our bodies naturally crave more warming, protein-rich, heavier foods that insulate us (physically and even psychologically) against the cold, comfort us, and provide an additional boost to our immunity to keep us healthy.  Often times, those foods cause us to gain a bit of winter weight (which is totally normal, and can even be healthy!)…  However, come spring, our bodies have an innate need to shed that weight, detoxify the organs from the heavier winter diet, and get light and healthy for spring.  Spring’s harvest provides us with all of the foods to start making this happen:  astringent bitter greens and roots, antioxidant berries, and super nutrient-rich sprouts, which all serve as an antidote to the heavier vegetables, grains, and in some cases meat and diary that we’ve been consuming all winter.  The spring is a time of rejuvenation and cleansing in nature, and it has the same purpose for the human body: to detoxify the system and to reset our ability to burn fat.

In early spring, animals are naturally drawn to eating more bitter roots that serve to cleanse the intestines of built up mucus from our winter diets.  We, too, should focus on incorporating spring’s root vegetables into our diets for this same purpose.  As we transition out of the the colder months, we should eat more celeriac, beets, new potatoes, radishes, turnips, jicama, and fennel, which are all super cleansing and break down our intestinal mucosa.  You can supplement and intensify this effect with dandelion root tea, which also has a detoxifying effect, particularly on the liver.  Make sure to up your water intake during this period, and cut down (if not completely eliminate) heavy foods rich in mucous like dairy, oily or fried foods, processed sugars or artificial sweeteners, and anything overly salty.  In addition to gently cleaning out your intestines and detoxifying your organs, you will also be eliminating excess water weight from winter.

Once you’ve begun to clean out your intestines, the next step is to fertilize your gut with healthy bacteria.  Having the proper balance of intestinal flora is vital for proper digestion (and elimination), which is what keeps old, stagnating food from getting stuck in your system and causing bloating, weight gain, and a whole mess of other unpleasant digestive issues.  Luckily, mid-spring provides us with a bounty of delicious and astringent leafy greens and sprouts that refertilize your gut and also make up a perfect light, low-fat seasonal diet.  As you move into April/early May, try to comprise as much of your diet as possible of watercress, baby spinach, dandelion greens, chicory and endive, as well as bean and alfalfa sprouts which are all super high in nutrients and full of healthy flora.  These light, fresh and springy foods are the perfect antidote to slow, heavy and cold winter foods, and will do remarkable things to your body and your energy levels.

The last step to a super effective, spring detox is to flush out the lymphatic system.  Lymphatic stagnation is something that effects most of us year round, but can have the most profoundly negative effects as we come out of the winter months.  Chronic colds, weak immunity, sore joints, weight gain, headaches, depression, and low energy are all symptoms many experience during the winter months, and a lot of them are due to our impaired ability to flush out toxins and fat through our lymphatic system.  Late spring provides us with the perfect harvest of berries to get our lymphatic system moving again, and flush out all the toxins we have dislodged from our intestines and internal organs.  Once the weather begins to warm and the berry season starts, we can start eating tons of seasonal cherries, raspberries, blueberries and strawberries to flush out our newly balanced intestines destagnate our lymphatic system.  As this flushing occurs, energy levels soar, immunity is boosted, and we can say goodbye to sniffles, sore joints, aches and pains.

The seasons provide us with ways to cleanse our system, maintain healthy weight, and be in our best health possible.. all it takes is some intuition to eat what is seasonally available at the time when it is offered by nature.  By taking the time to reset our digestion and metabolism in the spring months, we are able to recharge our ability to burn fat and detoxify our organs naturally, without having to take extreme measures or go on difficult deprivation diets.  Spring’s harvest features the year’s most potent toolkit of foods to get our bodies on track for maximum health.  It is the most vital time for cleansing and gives us the easiest set of directions to follow to lose weight, gain energy, and clean out our bodies.. Just by eating what the season gives us!

For a convenient chart of spring’s seasonal foods, see Dr. John Douillard’s Spring Grocery List


How to Detox or Cleanse the RIGHT Way

What Is Detoxing?

Regardless of how well we eat and how much we minimize our exposure to harmful toxins, our bodies can derive a whole lot of good from a detox or cleanse that is approached responsibly.  Toxins can build up in our livers, kidneys, and digestive tracts, leading to a whole slew of uncomfortable phenomena:  fatigue, constipation, skin breakouts, low libido, premature aging, and weight gain… not to mention far worse, long-term effects like lowered immunity, liver toxicity, and, yes, the big C.

The practice of detoxifying the body is an ancient one, from the ancient Greek and Roman concepts of “autointoxication,” to the ritual fasts that are a part of nearly every single documented religion (used for both spiritual and health benefits).  Today, we know more about the effects of these practices, and have honed in on methods that are less extreme, but equally beneficial, and can fit into our busy, everyday lives.  Cleanses can vary in intensity from juice fasts, to raw food diets, to taking special supplements to detoxify various organs.  Here are the easiest and healthiest ways to detoxify and cleanse your system, from least to most intensive.

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