
Ayurvedic Guide to Constipation


n Ayurvedic medicine, as well as all other functional and holistic healing modalities, the state of the gut is seen as the root of all disease and imbalance.

A happy gut leads to happy metabolic function, happy hormones, happy skin, and happy mood.

It’s literally the most important aspect of your health to address.

AND YET, most people, women especially, experience signs of an unhealthy gut that they either ignore, or are assured by their doctors are normal.

In conventional western medicine, it is considered “normal” to poop just twice a week.

But in Ayurveda, we know better.  We have very clear standards of what is normal and healthy in terms of elimination.

Here are the signs of healthy elimination:

  1. At least one good, solid BM every single day (preferably in the morning)
  2. Consistency is like a ripe banana — a smooth log that passes easily
  3. There is no strain or difficulty in passing the stool
  4. Use of laxatives and stimulants (like coffee) are not needed in order to have a BM

These are the signs of constipation:

  1. BM less frequent than once per day
  2. BM’s that are hard, pebbly, or thin
  3. BM’s that are difficult to pass
  4. Needing a laxative or cup of coffee in order to poop

Thankfully, because of the huge focus placed on healthy elimination in Ayurvedic medicine, we have so many tools to choose from to encourage a healthy gut and healthy poops!

It’s important to note that all bodies are different, and causes of constipation are many and varied — from improper diet and unhealed stress and trauma, to gut dysbiosis, IBS, and SIBO.  So you’ll want to experiment with the different natural remedies for constipation below to find the best combination for your unique gut state.

And as always, I recommend consulting with a functional/holistic practitioner to help you get to the root of your own gut imbalances and customize your healing protocol.  Click here to schedule an initial consultation with me!

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2023 Wellness Mama Holiday Gift Guide

It’s that time of year again! When we shop for our loved ones and (oops!) end up buying ourselves all the things we really wanted.

I’m guilty of the same thing, so in case you’re looking to up level your wellness game this holiday season (and of course, send some love to the other ladies in your life), here are my favorite holistic wellness and beauty tools, which I use daily!

  1. Boncharge Infrared Sauna Blanket (now 25% off!): Perfect for detox, skin health, lymphatic drainage, soothing muscles, fat burn, improved sleep and lowered stress.  I use it all winter long!
  2. The Solawave 4-in-1 Red Light Therapy Wand ($40 off!): quite possibly my favorite skincare and anti-aging tool, combining the benefits of Red Light Therapy, Galvanic Current, Facial Massage, and Therapeutic Warmth for glowing, youthful skin in a matter of weeks!
  3. Kris Carr’s Results Journal: One day I’ll publish one of these myself, but in the meantime, this one is pretty perfect, with prompts to track your progress as well as daily trackers for water, veggies, sleep, play, and more!
  4. Canopy Humidifier Bundle (on sale here): perfect for combatting winter skin, congestion, coughs, and more, this beauty is mold-proof, comes with a built in essential oil diffuser and monthly filter subscription.
  5. NoonBrew & MoonBrew Gift Bundle: This is (one of) my biggest secret for calmer, more regulated afternoons and peaceful slumber.  I love the herbal and mushroom blends in these concoctions, and the gift bundle is absolutely adorable, with a double walled glass and a frother (which I also use for my morning matcha)
  6. Surya Wellness Discovery Set: From my favorite Ayurvedic spa comes this perfect little bundle of clean and super effective skincare products designed to nourish skin and restore glow and suppleness.  But the best part is the Kansa wand, which is dipped in a thermally and electrically conductive ancient bronze alloy which smoothes, de-puffs, and invigorates the skin!

Why Nothing Is Working (How to Unlock the Key To YOUR Radiant Wellness)

You eat right.  You exercise.  You’re generally pretty healthy.  So why is it that you’re still gaining weight?  Why are you still so exhausted all the time?

You’re probably feeling frustrated and disheartened by the never-ending cycle of diets, quick fixes, and wellness trends that just don’t seem to work for you. I hear you, and I want you to know that you are not alone on this journey.

I get it.  It can be so frustrating to feel like you’re doing everything right and still not seeing the results you’re seeking.  Especially if you’re over 35 and have gone through the beautiful transition into motherhood at any point over the last several years, there are some really specific reasons why nothing is working.  As an empowered, strong, amazing woman (and mama), you deserve to feel vibrant, energized and confident in your body.  AND you deserve to unlock the key to making your beautiful body work for you.

So, let’s dive deep into the reasons why those cookie-cutter approaches aren’t cutting it and uncover the transformative solutions that will light up your life!

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Moms, Let’s Reclaim Some Holiday Magic for Ourselves

Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

Every year, I look forward to the holiday season (as most of us do), and yet, for many years, I found myself stressed to the point of tears in the middle of it.

Creating MAGIC for our whole families takes a LOT. But who is creating magic for us? Between the decorating and the planning and the cooking and the cleaning, the shopping, wrapping, elf shelving, and more cooking, we barely have time to stay consistent with our bare minimum self-care needs, let alone actually experiencing the magic for ourselves.⁠

I say F that. We deserve to experience the magic of the season just as much as our kids (maybe even more??). We deserve the REST; the gifts that we actually WANT (no👏more👏robes!👏… seriously tho, did that SNL skit hit a little close to home for anyone?); curling up on the couch with a hot bevvie and a favorite holiday movie (and NOT just as a reward for getting all the wrapping done); time to ourselves; or whatever it is that brings US joy over the holidays.⁠

But that’s not going to miraculously happen out of nowhere. Many of us (🙋‍♀️) grew up with a mother who endlessly self-sacrificed in service of her family; who slaved away cooking and cleaning and shopping and literally doing EVERYTHING for EVERYONE all the time (but especially this time of year). Many of us have partners who grew up with that same model of what a mother/wife should do as well. ⁠

To undo this outdated and demoralizing paradigm, we first have to recognize the expectations we have of ourselves, and the expectations our families have of us. And then we have to SPEAK UP.⁠

This year, what if you tried delegating, asking for what you need (AND for what you want!), letting go of the need for perfection, taking some shortcuts, focusing on EASE and JOY and MAGIC for yourself as well as for everyone else. Divide the labor and responsibilities of the season equitably. ⁠

In our house, we divide and conquer. I shop for gifts and my husband wraps them.  We have our kids pick out gifts for each other (and us!) and create an atmosphere of giving. I do most of the cooking and he does most of the cleaning (and when we’re over it, we order in).  We take the trips and go to the events that will bring us the most JOY and we say no to the rest.

So what can YOU do differently this year? How can you reclaim some holiday magic for yourself and stand up for what you want and need? Share your plan in the comments!

Healthier Holiday Eating Strategies to Help You Enjoy the Season (without undoing all your hard work)

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

As a holistic nutritionist, the topic of healthier holiday eating is coming up in literally ALL of my 1-on-1 and group program calls this month! So I thought I would share some of my top strategies for holiday eating that help you enjoy the festive season without putting your body through the ringer.

But first, an important PSA: The holidays are NOT a time to start a diet, go on any crazy restrictions, or generally adopt a deprivation mindset. I’m not a fan of these tactics at any time of the year, but now is literally the worst time to put yourself through that. On the flipside, the holidays are also not a time to undo all the important work you’re (hopefully) doing throughout the rest of the year to maintain your health and feel your best. It’s not the time to abandon your healthy eating practices, movement routines and stress management tools. The key here, as with everything, is a middle ground. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Follow the 80/20 rule (which may look more like 70/30 this time of year). This is my favorite approach to moderation with all things wellness. Stay on your healthy eating game 80% of the time, which gives you way more flexibility with the remaining 20%. On days when you’re not partying, fill up on brightly colored veggies, lean proteins and whole grains. Before you head out for a night on the town, make sure you’ve fed your body healthy, satisfying foods, so you’re less likely to overindulge while you’re out. The same rule applies to movement and all your other healthy habits — stay on track 80% of the time, and give yourself some more leniency the rest of the time.
  2. Make healthier versions of your holiday favorites. If there’s a delicacy you LOVE this time of year, but you know you tend to overdo it (or it just makes you feel like crap), make a healthier version that won’t cause your body so much trouble! This could be keto or paleo versions of holiday treats, dairy-free nog, etc. Check out some of my favorite recipes below:
  3. Be mindful of the alcohol. Alcoholic beverages add tons of added unnecessary calories and can contribute to holiday fatigue, depression, and digestive upset. Instead of sugary cocktails, opt for simple but festive concoctions with lower sugar alcohols (vodka, whiskey, tequila) mixed with soda water and a citrus or splash of a festive fresh juice. Low sugar canned cocktails are my personal party favorite as well.
  4. Manage your stress. Your stress levels are directly related to your eating habits and cravings, so make sure you’re taking care of yourself this month (check out my post from earlier this week for tips). Get enough sleep, move your body, schedule in some downtime, and BREATHE. Adding a high quality adaptogen and probiotic this time of year is also really helpful for mitigating the effects of seasonal stress on your body.
  5. Don’t stress about a few extra holiday lbs. It’s totally normal to put on a couple of pounds over the holidays, and ultimately it’s NOT A BIG DEAL. Put away the scale (forever, but especially now), and just focus on what makes your body feel it’s best. Everything will go back to normal once you return to your healthy routine in January. (That said, the holidays are not a time to go haywire and throw all your hard work under the bus. Moderation is key!)

Don’t have a healthy routine yet? Schedule a free initial consultation with me to outline the ideal routines for your body that will help you look and feel your best!

Yummy Cold Busting Salad

Yummy Cold-Busting Salad

I finally broke down and got my first cold of the season last week, and though it thankfully only lasted two days, my poor hubby caught it and has been suffering for a good 4+ days. In an attempt to make him something comforting and immunity boosting, while making use of the relatively meager contents of our fridge, I concocted the following super healthy dinner salad for him. Low and behold, today he’s on the mend!  This recipe is a perfect example of how we can use food as medicine.  There are more essential vitamins, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients in this salad than you could ever dream of getting from a supplement, and being in whole food form, the delivery system to the parts of your body that need it are much more efficient.

This delicious salad features:

  • Kale, which is full of SUPER high in vitamins C, A, and K, as well as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory flavanoids which boost immunity and the body’s natural detoxification.
  • Fennel, which is loaded with vitamin C, and immunity-boosting phytonutrients, including anethol, which has major anti-inflammatory qualities.  Plus fennel has antimicrobial qualities, which are perfect for beating colds!!
  • Orange or grapefruit, whose unique citrus flavanones combine with the super high levels of vitamin C which produce extraordinary antioxidant and immune-supportive results.  Plus, the zest ensures that you get the amazing benefits of herperidin, an incredibly anti-inflammatory flavanone that is only found in the peel and white pith of the citrus fruit.
  • Garlic, which is an anti-inflammatory, ant-bacterial, and anti-viral superstar, and is one of the best foods to eat when you’re sick. It’s also very high in selenium, B vitamins, and helps your body to metabolize iron!
  • Flaxseed oil, which is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which are very anti-inflammatory, and is also high in thiamin and manganese.
  • Raw apple cider vinegar, a true wonder tonic that helps your body beat just about anything.  It’s loaded with potassium, which helps cure sinusitis and runny nose symptoms; and it has massive antibacterial and anti fungal properties, which are obviously hugely beneficial for beating a cold!
  • Raw honey is phenomenal for when you’re feeling sick, thinning mucous, soothing sore throats, and boasting anti-viral and anti-bacterial effects!
  • Himalayan salt, which supports respiratory health and clears up congestion, is a strong natural antihistamine, eliminates persistent dry coughs, and provides your body with all the necessary trace minerals it needs to heal and be healthy!

Is The Green Mediterranean Diet the healthiest diet in the world?

The Healthiest Diet in The World | The Organic Beauty Blog
Photo by Kate Hauschka

Ahhhh, it’s that special time of year again… when the weather starts to warm and we take stock of the effects the winter and the last year in general had on our bodies and start to panic scroll Google for quick fix diets and detoxes to start the new season fresh and finally reach all those pesky health and weight loss goals we’ve been striving for since… well… since forever. It’s all a bit exhausting, isn’t it? I know, I’ve been there too.

This time of year, my client load in my holistic nutrition practice literally doubles as people feel that desperate need to start the diet to end all diets once and for all. And I get it! Before I got into this line of work, I used to go through this same cycle myself. But it’s a cycle for a reason. Fad diets just don’t work in the long term. You may get great success from doing keto or eating raw or doing the Cabbage Soup Diet or Grapefruit Diet or Air Diet or whatever for a month or two… but then, inevitably you either stagnate or backslide. Because these are not sustainable, long-term approaches to eating, however effective they may be in the short term. Sure, there’s the odd Keto Bro out there who will tell you he’s been doing the diet for years and feels great, and maybe for some people that may be the case! But having done a modified version keto myself for about 3 months to tackle some stubborn insulin resistance and hormonal imbalance I was dealing with, I’ll be the first to admit that it is not a diet designed for the long-term health (physical or mental). It’s super restrictive, it promotes metabolic inflexibility, it requires eating much more animal protein than is healthy for our bodies (and our planet!), and… well… it just kind of sucks.

So what, then, is the diet to end all diets?

It is so much simpler than we’ve been led to believe. Human history, epigenetics, and extensive scientific research have proven again and again that the Mediterranean diet is the most sustainable, healthiest diet in the world, bar none. And it’s EASY. And enjoyable. And intuitive. And you feel like a normal person, who can eat normal food.

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Feeling Irritable and Angry? Ayurveda Can Help.

I don’t know about you, but this past year and a half of COVID parenting has turned me into mean mommy. Gone are my endless stores of patience for the tantrums and messes and snark. Gone is my happy-go-lucky, go-with-the-flow, find-humor-in-the-chaos mentality (insofar as I ever had one). No, sadly, I have not yet recovered from being stuck at home for 18 months with a toddler and kindergartener, from the Zoom school, and lack of help and 12 straight hours a day of momming. Things may be better now — one kid is back to full-time in-person school and the other has a little toddler class a few days a week; we had a part-time nanny; I have a semblance of my old life back — but my mood has not improved.

What gives?

The truth is, many of us (particularly those of us with children, or who worked amidst the front-line terrors of this pandemic, or both) went through a level of stress and adrenal fatigue that we may never have experienced before. Our nerves were shot, our cortisol levels sky-rocketed, and that’s not just something you can always bounce back from the second things get better.

For many of us, we are still dealing with the after-effects of that treacherous time, which can feel extra frustrating and confusing since in many ways, life is back to a semblance of normalcy.

So what are we to do?

I, for one, am fed up with feeling this way. I’m fed up with snapping at my kids and husband, and I’m sick of having a hair trigger that probably doesn’t make me the most fun person to be around. My kids will only be 6 and 2 once, and I don’t want to look back and feel like I missed these sweet, chaotic years by existing in a perpetual haze of annoyance.

In Ayurveda, the energy that is behind all things heated — inflammation, irritability, anger — is the Pitta dosha. Some of us have Pitta as one of the primary elements in our constitution, others may just be experiencing a Pitta imbalance due to all the insanity that we have recently gone through.

Take this quiz to find out your dosha!

Regardless, there is so much Ayurvedic teaching can offer us in terms of strategies to cool this Pitta fire, reclaim our calm, and become kind, patient people yet again. As always, the strategy requires looking at the the main pillars of wellness: diet, lifestyle, and supplementation.

The Pitta-Reducing Diet to Soothe Irritability

As with all things health-related, diet is probably the most important and central element to our balance. Unbeknownst to us, we put things in our bodies every day that make us feel worse, both physically and emotionally. Generally, when we’re looking to decrease pitta with our diets, we want to focus on the opposite energy. Pitta is heating, so we want to increase cooling foods and decrease heating foods.

Here are the 5 foods that irritate pitta the most:

  1. Heating spices: People with high pitta in their constitution tend to LOVE spicy foods (I submit as evidence my husband, who puts sriracha or hot sauce on literally everything), but that spice is going to make you more irritable, angry and inflamed. Avoid spicy foods, chili peppers, jalapeños, and cayenne.
  2. Sour foods: The same applies for the sour taste (I submit as further evidence my husband, who also puts vinegar on everything, along with hot sauce, and lives for pickles). Avoid too much sour citrus (limes are best for pitta), lots of vinegar and anything else too sour.
  3. Coffee: Stimulants, and specifically coffee, are super aggravating to fiery pitta. If you’re super dependent on caffeine for your daily survival (no judgement here), try green tea or matcha instead, which has cooling properties that will keep your pitta in check and actually serve to soothe that irritability!
  4. Red meat: Red meat is really heating in the body, which is of course no good for pitta, increasing anger and inflammatory conditions. If you eat meat, opt for chicken or fish, which are much lighter, or better yet, rock some beans instead!
  5. Alcohol: I know, I know, you hate me. But believe it or not, that nightly drink is actually doing more to increase your stress, tension and crankiness in the long run. Shoot for keeping drinking to just a few nights a week, and stick to white wine like a dry chardonnay, which is less heating.

Ok now that you officially want to kill me, here are the foods you can increase to keep pitta at bay!

  1. Naturally sweet foods like root veggies, bell peppers, fruit, oats, alliums, and rice. Sweet is a flavor that literally sweetens that pitta fire, helping you feel calmer and happier. Obviously processed sugar isn’t going to help anything, but foods that have a naturally sweet flavor are just the thing!
  2. Naturally cooling foods like greens, cucumber, and fruit. Salads are amazing for pittas any time of year, but if you have any Vata in your constitution, opt for cooked greens in the colder months.
  3. Cooling herbs like coriander, fennel, cardamom and cilantro are awesome for pitta, cooling your jets from the inside out. Try cooking with them or making a yummy digestive tea by mixing equal parts cumin, coriander and fennel seeds.
  4. Green or white tea: Unlike coffee, green and white teas are light, cooling and contain EGCG and l-theanine, which have calming, stress-relieving qualities.
  5. Ghee: clarified butter (from grass-fed cows) is a form of dairy that is actually wonderful for pitta. It’s cooling and soothing to the nervous system and the gut (the seat of so much pitta instability) which translates into a calmer mood (and happier tummy) all day long. Try starting your day with a Bulletproof Matcha by blending a tablespoon of ghee into matcha, and adding a cooling milk like coconut or oat. Sweeten with a non-stimulating sweetener like stevia or monk fruit.

Pitta-Reducing Supplements To Relieve Stress and Anger

  • Gotu Kola: This cooling adaptogen is amazing for relieving stress, promoting mental clarity and calm, and improving sleep quality. It’s one of my favorite Ayurvedic remedies for irritability. Sometimes I take an extra dose in the afternoon if I need a bit more calming balance!
  • Tulsi: Dubbed “the incomparable one” in Sanskrit, this adaptogen is a brilliant multi-tasker, promoting stress relief, calm, happy mood, immunity and digestion.
  • Shatavari: This hormone balancer is particularly good for women, and soothes the hormonal aspect of that pitta irritability. It promotes a calm mind and feelings of love and devotion, as well as immunity and digestion. It also relieves symptoms of PMS, helps regulate your menstrual cycle, and can soothe symptoms of perimenopause.
  • Fish oil: Omega-3’s are amazing for relieving stress and irritability, and unless you eat fatty fish (like salmon or sardines) several times a week, you are likely deficient. Pop one of these twice a day.
  • Vitamin D: Here’s another nutrient that most of us are deficient in (especially if you live in cooler climates), which causes all kinds of physically and emotional issues ranging from compromised immunity to depression to irritability. 2000 IU per day is enough for most people (check out this fish oil + D combo), but if you’re in the midst of winter and don’t get any sunlight on your skin, I would rock 4000 IU during the colder months.
  • Mint: Teas made from peppermint or spearmint are cooling to pitta all-around, soothing the gut and the mind. Try this combo Tulsi Peppermint Tea for bonus stress-busting magic.
  • Rose: Rose has a particularly soothing quality to fiery pitta, promoting calm, pleasant feelings that are the ultimate antidote to all that irritability. I’m a big fan of Tulsi Sweet Rose Tea, which combines several calming herbs making for a perfect evening soother.

Pitta-Reducing Lifestyle Changes to Cool Your Jets

Soothing irritability and frustration requires more than just cooling food and herbs. In fact, making some crucial changes to your lifestyle habits is where the true changes will take hold.

Here are some of my favorite lifestyle Ayurvedic remedies for irritability:

  • Increase your downtime. Pitta energy is what makes you go-go-go — it’s ambition, perfectionism, control. But when that energy is allowed to fully take hold, the mind has nowhere else to go, and it’s only a matter of time before the imbalance spreads to the rest of your body, causing issues ranging from digestive disorders (ulcers, IBS, loose stools) to migraines and inflammatory skin conditions to heart disease. Make sure to take ample time at the end of the day to relax and unwind, and force yourself to slow down on weekends to ensure time for some R&R.
  • Focus on YOU. For some of us, especially moms, this irritability comes from feeling stretched thin, overwhelmed and unappreciated for all that we do (which is, in all seriousness, everything). So to loosen up some of that energy, make sure you do something for yourself every day.
  • Increase time in nature. Natural beauty has a way of soothing pitta irritability and anger, so make it a point to hit up a park, go hiking, get to the beach, or even take a walk outside every day to calm those fiery feelings. Bonus points if there’s water involved, which is particularly soothing to pitta.
  • Incorporate some yoga into your workout routine. Pittas can get really intense with their workouts, which can sometimes actually serve to increase those angry pitta feelings. Balance out your higher intensity workouts with vinyasa yoga (NOT hot yoga) that focuses on the breath and calming, fluid movements. But even if you’re not a pitta dosha, yoga will be just the thing to get you out of that irritable, frustrated head space. It moves energy through the body, helps balance hormones, and calms the the mind. Start with once a week and increase if it feels good! Try this 18 minute yoga for anger sequence.
  • Meditate. Meditation does wonders to calm the mind and lower those stress hormones that have us snapping at everything little thing. Ideally, start your day with a 15-20 minute (or more) meditation practice, but if that’s not doable, a few 3-5 minute mini-meditations throughout the day will help a lot as well. I love the Breathe App on my Apple Watch for this. Try this 10 minute meditation for inner peace.
  • Avoid overheating. This is more for those with pitta already in their constitution, but even if you don’t, letting your body overheat is going to exacerbate those hot feelings of irritability and anger that you’ve got going on. Make sure to dress in layers, so you can easily shed one if you feel yourself getting hot, and avoid doing strenuous exercise in hot weather or in a hot room. Basically, you need to keep your body cool to keep your mind cool.
  • Get enough sleep. This one should be obvious, but honestly, there’s nothing like a crappy night’s sleep to make you a crabby monster for the day ahead. Make that several nights of crappy sleep, and you’re looking at a chronic condition of crabbiness. Eight hours a day can feel like a long-shot for many of us, but even a consistent seven can do the trick. Use a sleep mask and a noise machine to maximize your deep, REM sleep, and for god’s sake, go to bed earlier! No one needs that 3rd episode of The Bachelor. If you have trouble falling asleep, try some Tulsi Sleep Tea or pop 1-3mg of melatonin 30 minutes prior to bedtime to get yourself primed for sleep.

There are so many factors that contribute to our feelings of irritability, and some are sneakier and more difficult to detect than others. If you’ve tried the strategies above and are still feeling out of sorts, it’s time to get some more detailed answers. Schedule a full hormonal panel and metabolic panel with your doctor to get a sense of how your body is working. You can get your cortisol levels tested as well.

Personally, even just writing this was a good reminder for me on what practices I’ve been sliding on. This week, I’ve been swapping my cacao chai lattes for matcha lattes and have been sneaking in 3 minute meditations throughout the day. That, plus adding in an extra dose of gotu kola in the afternoon (before school pickup) has really been helping me get my irritability in check. Now I’m going to add in a few more strategies in the evening to help me not become scary mommy during all the pre-bedtime drama. Here’s to keeping our cool and being the people/parents/humans that we want to be!

Need some more support with your diet, supplementation or lifestyle habits?

Book a consultation with me to get started!

The Safest, Most Effective Cleaning Product I’ve Found

What with the world descending into madness over the last year and a half, my search for the ultimate in safe cleaning and disinfecting reached an unprecedented fervor. Back in the spring of 2020, when we were disinfecting our groceries and the bottoms of our shoes, finding a natural cleaning product that was effective at killing everything while still being safe enough to use around our precious babies was of the utmost importance. And that’s when I discovered Force of Nature, which, I kid you not, is pure MAGIC.

It’s super safe.

This brilliant work of chemical wizardry uses little pods filled with a concentrated mixture of salt and vinegar that you drop into a bottle of water, press a button, and abracadabra, the whole thing gets electrolyzed to form an entirely new substance, sodium hydroxide and hypochlorous acid, which clean and disinfect like an all-natural bleach, while being 100% safe for babies, kids, pets, asthmatics, and people with sensory or skin sensitivities (aka: our entire household).

It’s super effective.

We use Force of Nature on everything — to clean the kitchen and bathrooms (it’s amazing on grime, grease, and soap scum), all surfaces, glass and windows, the baby’s high chair, the kids’ toys, our fabric couch, rugs, and curtains, and even the floors! Since the only ingredients are salt, vinegar, and water, there are no additives or fragrances, and the electrolyzing process just leaves behind the faintest hint of swimming pool chlorine, which doesn’t linger, but reassures you that you are, indeed, cleaning.

But the best part is that Force of Nature is now on the EPA list of approved disinfectants for killing COVID-19, which, in a house with two (as of yet) unvaccinated children, is HUGE. Check out all the research here.

It’s economical and environmentally friendly.

Ok, and the other best part? Using Force of Nature is so much for environmentally friendly and economical than buying traditional cleaners. First of all, you can replace literally ALL the other cleaners in your home with this one bottle. It seriously does it all. Second of all, because you’re using refillable bottles that last about 2 weeks, you are using less plastic (all you have are teeny tiny recyclable plastic capsules with the salt and vinegar mixture) and creating less waste. And thirdly (as if that weren’t enough), you save SO much money. The Starter Kit comes with 5 capsules, which will last you about 10 weeks, after which you just buy the activator capsules (a 50-count order will last you for 100 weeks!).

It’s truly natural!

Yes, there are other “natural” cleaners out there, but what does “natural” really mean? The cleaners may be free from allergens and surfactants (which is great, don’t get me wrong), but would you put it on your kid’s teething ring? Or clean their high chair tray with it? I know I wouldn’t — at least not without a thorough rinse afterwards. And there’s always the issue of natural products often just not being as effective as their hyper chemical counterparts, due to the lack of those very additives we want to avoid. It’s something that us natural living enthusiasts just kind of learn to live with. But with Force of Nature, you don’t need to make that compromise. It is as effective as bleach for deep cleaning and disinfecting, but is safe enough to use on things your little ones will have in their mouths; safe enough to use without gloves; safe enough to use literally anywhere!

Here are my fave uses for this magical cleaner:

  • Countertop/stove/cabinet cleaning, disinfecting and degreasing
  • Bathroom disinfecting and cleaning (great on the bathtub, toilets, sinks, and the kids’ bath toys!)
  • Diaper pail disinfecting and odor eliminating
  • Disinfecting all the kids’ toys and stuffies
  • Stain removal for tough laundry stains
  • Floor cleaning (I literally fill my spray mop with this stuff!)
  • Upholstery cleaning and freshening (I regularly spray our couch, curtains, and rugs!)

Get your Force of Nature Starter Kit ($69)

Why Some Women Lose Weight While Breastfeeding and Others Don’t

Lose Weight While Breastfeeding

After having my first baby, I was so proud of my body for bouncing back pretty quickly. I never quite got my pre-baby abs back, but my body shed about 20 pounds within a few weeks of giving birth, and lost most of the rest within about 6 months (honestly, I don’t know exactly because I don’t own a scale!). I nursed my daughter for a little over two years, and was one of those happy breastfeeding cases — I just breastfed myself back to my former body! (Read about my journey the first time around)

Five years later, the second time has been quite different. Though I’m doing everything the same as round one — extended breastfeeding, eating super healthy (give or take a bit of extra pandemic vegan ice cream), and working out way more than usual (hello, home all day!) — my body is stubbornly holding on to more extra weight than I’d care to admit… a full YEAR after giving birth.

Why is this happening??!?! Does breastfeeding actually help you lose weight? What can I do to lose some of this stubborn weight without compromising my milk supply?

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