Little 2 month old M loving the bounceRoo!
Ok you guys, here it is.. our last big giveaway to celebrate 2016! This has been such a banner year, both personally and professionally — with the birth of little M, a huge growth in readership on the blog, and features in all kinds of publications. Super exciting stuff, and so much of it is due in no small part to you beautiful organic beauties reading the blog and showing your support. (The birth of M we accomplished all by ourselves thankyouverymuch ; ) It’s also been really fun seeing so many mamas and mamas-to-be coming out of the woodwork, and it’s been awesome to be able to support this subsection of our readership with our exclusive guides to natural, holistic parenting tips and tools.
To celebrate this awesome year and you awesome readers (particularly the ones with bebes) we are giving away a 4Moms bounceRoo bouncer! For you new mamas, having a great bouncer is so super crucial to maintaining your sanity — being able to shower, make a cup of tea, and put your little one down once in a while… not to mention naps!! We’ve been lucky enough to test a bunch of bouncers throughout little M’s infancy, and the 4Moms ones have definitely topped out our list!
The beautiful bounceRoo has three unique vibrations and three intensity settings (we loved the heartbeat best) to soothe and calm your little one, and allows them to create a great bounce with their own movement. Baby’s love these puppies, they are modern and beautiful, eschewing garish plastics and colors for a streamlined neutral motif that would great in any decor, but I’ll be honest, the #1 reason I love these things is super selfish.
It is so easy to completely let yourself go as a mother when you have a new baby — new moms talk about how hard it is to take a shower, make a cup of tea, eat a meal, or do ANYTHING for themselves. This was an aspect of motherhood I was admittedly dreading. If you read this blog, you know what a staunch advocate of self-care I am. It is crucial to our health, happiness, sanity, and even our waistlines as women. I knew that it would be a challenge to maintain some element of self-care as a new mom, but I was determined to try.
A great bouncer was my savior. I put little M in her bouncer and was able to actually take care of myself. I kept a different bouncer in every main area of our house, each of them serving a different purpose. Now don’t get me wrong, I am a huge proponent of attachment parenting and wore and held my baby a ton. But when mama needed to take care of herself, I knew there was a safe, soothing, place I could set down my little one that would allow me to rest, relax and recharge. Guys, this is the secret to being a healthy, happy new mama vs. a strung-out, exhausted new mom.
And I want to share the love with you! Mama’s, please do whatever you need to do to keep prioritizing your health and sanity, even if, especially if you have a new babe.
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