
13 Reasons To Smile

By: Stephanie Heino
13 Reasons To Smile | The Organic Beauty Blog
Did you know it only takes 17 muscles to smile, and 42 muscles to frown? Why don’t we smile more often? Everyone can fake a smile, but a fake smile use fewer muscles than genuine smiles, which also involve muscles around the eyes. If you have to fake a smile, try to make it as real as possible, think of happy memories or visualize your favorite people and places because it really makes a difference in what others see and in how you feel. I promise it will actually transform into a genuine in smile if you practice. Every year, we spend billions of dollars trying to boost our health with different supplements, fitness routines, gyms, and health care. What we don’t’ know is that there are so many free things you can do to boost your health, and save all these money. One of the easiest free ways to boost your mood, your longevity, health and pretty much your whole lift is to smile. Often, and as much as you can. Smiles do a lot more than simply showing the world that you are happy. Check out the following reasons to smile:

1. Lower Heart Rate. Smiling slows the heart and relaxes the body, which leads to that our heart work without overworking. People who smile and laugh often have lower blood pressure and are less likely to develop heart disease.

2. Reduce Stress. Stress is a common problem in the modern world, and is a large cause of many existing health problems today. Stress relief may be as simple as smiling a little more throughout the day. Smiling releases endorphins that counteract and diminish the stress hormones (good for lowering cortisol levels, meaning good for weight loss!)

3. Better Mood. The endorphins do more than make us stress less because they actually lift our mood too. If you are feeling down anytime of the day, put a smile on your face, even if it isn’t entirely genuine at first, and turn your entire day around with easy and free. No pills included!

4. Get More Productive. Smiling has been shown to increase productivity while performing tasks. This also explains why silly Internet pictures of cute animals can actually get people motivated and working harder after a few moments of smiling or laughter. I read this somewhere, and if you try it yourself, that is the best proof of that it is true.

5. Encourage Trust. Studies show that we are more trustful of people who smile genuinely and often. Trust is an important part of social health when dealing with people, both with family, friends but also with acquaintances. So in short we can say that relationships are built on smiles.

6. Smile As Painkiller. Smiling and laughter both have been shown to lessen pain, because when we smile endorphins are released which lift our moods, and are proved to act as natural painkillers too.

7. Increase Attention. When we stress we limit our attention so we can only focus on one thing since the body kicks into fight or flight mode. Smiling counteracts this whole scenario and widens our attention again, making us being able to multitask and open up our insights to our subconscious mind.

13 Reasons To Smile 2 | The Organic Beauty Blog
8. Smiling Is Contagious. If you smile, 50% of people the people that see you tend to smile back. This spreads the health benefits throughout those around you and it comes back to you several times as well.

9. Build Attraction. Smiling makes people more attractive, and this is especially true for women. Men are more likely to find a woman who smiles attractive rather than one who simply makes eye contact, while us women aren’t necessarily drawn in by a man’s smile.

10. Be Successful. Those who smile are more likely to earn more money through tips and raises in their professions since a smile can make you seem confident, self-assured, and on top of your work.. They are also more often approached with business ideas and offered advancements.

11. Look Younger. Smiles naturally lift the face so instead of having a facelift make sure to smile a lot to look younger, around 3 years younger on average according to studies.

12. Longevity. The effects of a good smile can do more than just make you look pretty and make you look younger. People who smile more often live longer too, around 7 years longer than most. It releases stress, helps the heart, and much more to keep you healthy longer – Amazing!

13. Smiling Boosts Immune System. Smiles help the body relax and this lets the immune system react more quickly and effectively against invaders. So if you want to prevent all kinds of sicknesses and diseases make sure to put that smile on today!

Make sure to smile today!