
The Pill: Liberation or Damnation?

New York Magazine recently featured a really interesting cover article entitled  Waking Up From the Pill… although it wasn’t the balls out expose on the very serious risks involved in the choice to take oral contraceptives, it did bring another issue to light, one that is even less prevalent in the public consciousness.

Many women in America have similar experiences with birth control.  You hit a certain age, 17 or 18 in many cases, you want to start being sexually active, you talk to your mom (if you have that kind of relationship), or doctor, or secretly go to Planned Parenthood with your best friend… one way or another, you get yourself on birth control.  And odds are, you stay on it for a good 5, 7, 10 years.  You go about your life and don’t really need to even think about pesky issues like pregnancy or fertility until that fateful day when all your ducks are in a row and you’re ready to start a family.

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