
Quick & Yummy Macro Brown Rice Porridge

Alicia Silverstone is not only one of my absolute favorite silver screen starts (I miss you!! Come back!!), but she is also one of my favorite diet gurus. Her book, The Kind Diet, was a big reason behind my decision to become (mostly) vegan, and her recipes have had a lasting influence on my cooking. The following recipe is inspired by her soft rice porridge recipe.  It’s super fast, healthy, and is a great way to get some whole grains in at breakfast!

Macrobiotic Brown Rice Porridge

1 cup cooked brown rice (or 1/2 cup brown rice flakes)
1/2 cup water if using cooked rice, or 2/3 cup water if using brown rice flakes
5-6 dried unsulphured apricots, chopped
1/2 tbsp tamari
1/4 cup raw pumpkin seeds
Raw, organic agave to taste–1 tsp is typically enough
1 tsp umeboshi plum paste (optional)

Boil bring water and apricots to a boil. Add rice and cook until it reaches a porridge consistency (typically about 3 minutes). In the meantime, toast pumpkin seeds in a small pan over medium heat, until they start to pop and lightly brown. When they’re browned, transfer to a small bowl and add tamari. When rice is almost done, stir in agave and umeboshi paste, if using. Serve rice topped with tamari pumpkin seeds.

I’ll upload a photo when I make it again next week!