
Ayurvedic Guide to Constipation


n Ayurvedic medicine, as well as all other functional and holistic healing modalities, the state of the gut is seen as the root of all disease and imbalance.

A happy gut leads to happy metabolic function, happy hormones, happy skin, and happy mood.

It’s literally the most important aspect of your health to address.

AND YET, most people, women especially, experience signs of an unhealthy gut that they either ignore, or are assured by their doctors are normal.

In conventional western medicine, it is considered “normal” to poop just twice a week.

But in Ayurveda, we know better.  We have very clear standards of what is normal and healthy in terms of elimination.

Here are the signs of healthy elimination:

  1. At least one good, solid BM every single day (preferably in the morning)
  2. Consistency is like a ripe banana — a smooth log that passes easily
  3. There is no strain or difficulty in passing the stool
  4. Use of laxatives and stimulants (like coffee) are not needed in order to have a BM

These are the signs of constipation:

  1. BM less frequent than once per day
  2. BM’s that are hard, pebbly, or thin
  3. BM’s that are difficult to pass
  4. Needing a laxative or cup of coffee in order to poop

Thankfully, because of the huge focus placed on healthy elimination in Ayurvedic medicine, we have so many tools to choose from to encourage a healthy gut and healthy poops!

It’s important to note that all bodies are different, and causes of constipation are many and varied — from improper diet and unhealed stress and trauma, to gut dysbiosis, IBS, and SIBO.  So you’ll want to experiment with the different natural remedies for constipation below to find the best combination for your unique gut state.

And as always, I recommend consulting with a functional/holistic practitioner to help you get to the root of your own gut imbalances and customize your healing protocol.  Click here to schedule an initial consultation with me!

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How to Restore Your Gut After Antibiotics

How to Restore Your Gut After Antibiotics | The Organic Beauty BlogMy early 20’s were characterized by a few things: opera, boys, NYC, and digestive issues.  Though the origins of my digestive disorder were a medical mystery at the time, in retrospect, I can pretty confidently point the finger at the overuse of antibiotics (due to recurrent UTI’s thanks to.. boys) that completely wiped out my intestinal flora.  My symptoms ranged from stomach aches, sudden extreme weight gain, and food cravings to depressed mood, fatigue, and headaches.  I was miserable, and my doctor’s could do nothing to help me.


Candida overgrowth can cause so much bodily and mental drama, including:
  • gas, bloating and distention
  • food sensitivities
  • sugar and carb cravings
  • alcohol cravings
  • diarrhea and/or constipation
  • indigestion
  • brain fog
  • chronic fatigue
  • anxiety and panic attacks
  • depression
  • irritability
  • migraines or headaches
  • impaired focus and concentration
  • attention deficit and/or hyperactivity
  • mood swings
  • oral thrush
  • bad breath
  • recurrent UTI’s
  • persistent cough
  • frequent ear infections
  • recurring sinusitis
  • frequent colds
  • sore throat
  • chronic pain
  • joint pain
  • muscle weakness
  • vaginitis
  • anal itching
  • PMS
  • low libido
  • skin rashes
  • acne
  • toe or fingernail fungus
  • eczema
  • hypersensitivity to fragrances and/or other chemicals

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3 Gut-Healing Recipes to Make Your Stomach Happy

SPONSORED POST: I’ve partnered with Milk & Eggs, an amazing farm direct grocery delivery service, to bring you guys some delicious, super seasonal, and always healthy recipes a few times a month.  I’m so excited to share some of my favorite dishes with you!

One of the most common health concerns I hear about from my clients is stomach troubles.. I’m not just talking about the serious, diagnosed kind, but rather just a feeling like something is off.  From bloating and gassiness, to occasional stomach pain or just feeling crappy after a big meal or a wild night, digestive issues are so commonplace that we almost kind of take them for granted.

Our digestive system is a barometer for the state of our whole body.  An out-of-balance digestive system can lead to emotional and psychological issues (heightened stress, anxiety, depression), nutrient malabsorption, headaches, skin problems, fatigue, and so, so, so much more.  It’s the first place I look when a client comes to me with a myriad of mysterious and seemingly unrelated issues.

Healing the gut leads to healing throughout our whole body, so getting our gut to a happy place should be our number one health priority!

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