
Fermented Foods: The Amazing Health Food You’re Not Eating Enough Of

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

Fermented Foods The Amazing Health Food You’re Not Eating Enough Of  | The Organic Beauty BlogSome of the most exciting research in health and nutrition these days is around the vital role our gut flora (read: healthy bugs and microbes in our stomach) plays in our overall health, beyond just digestion.   Having enough beneficial bacteria in your gut is linked to healthy weight loss, better moods, less anxiety, stress, and depression, increased immunity, clearer skin, and better bladder and reproductive health.  Of course, fermented foods also make you more regular, eliminate gas and bloating, and relieve stomach aches!

Taking an effective, broad-spectrum probiotic, like NOW Dairy-Free Probiotic-10 25 Billion, is one great way of making sure you’ve got enough healthy bugs in your system.  But as with all nutrients, food-based sources are even better!  Fermented foods are naturally high in beneficial bacteria and they are the best way of getting more probiotics in your system.  Eating fermented foods every day has amazing, immediately noticeable health benefits, and unfortunately, none of us are getting enough of these powerful health foods!  Check out our favorite fermented foods below, and keep in mind that quality matters.  Typical supermarket brands of these foods are pasteurized and heated, which kills the beneficial bacteria.

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Natural Hangover Cures

Natural Hangover Cures | The Organic Beauty BlogUnfortunately, one of the most common after effects of New Year’s eve (often times overshadowing that optimistic, post-resolution glow) is a hangover of epic proportions. No matter how religiously we adhere to the water to alcohol ratio at the start of the night, by drink 4, it’s all out the window, and we inevitably wake up on the 1st with a pounding headache and a craving for just about anything fried. But fear not, my beautiful revelers! There are several tried and true methods to avoid this wretched fate, and start the new year bright eyed and bushy tailed. Read on!

  • Kombucha: Drink a bottle before going to bed (and another if you’re still feeling a little queasy in the morning). Both the fermentation and all the amazing probiotics cure any stomach upset, and perhaps due to the minuscule amount of alcohol in kombucha, there is a also a great hair-of-the-dog effect!
  • Pickle juice: Chasing drinks with something pickled is an eastern European tradition that is not only yummy, but also super effective at preventing hangovers (just ask anyone in my Russian family!). The fermentation, high electrolyte content and salt act together to rehydrate you.  If you can, down a few big gulps of liquid from any good quality pickle after you’ve had your last drink.
  • Coconut water: This is a great trick for both the night of alcohol-drenched revelry and the morning after. The electrolytes and potassium in coconut water replenish what the alcohol leached from your system wayyyy better than plain water, and without the harmful additives and chemicals found in drinks like Gatorade.
  • Banana Hangover Smoothie: I know it’s tempting to coat your tender hangover tummy with cheesy bacon fries, but considering the beating your body went through from all that alcohol, going the traditional hangover food route is like adding insult to injury. Instead, make yourself a smoothie from a banana, a handful of blueberries, a few leaves of kale, about a cup of almond milk, and some agave to taste. This concoction replenishes lost electrolytes, potassium, vitamins, sugars, and digestive enzymes, and definitely does more for your body than a fried egg and cheese sandwich!
  • Omega-3’s: A super potent anti-inflammatory, omega-3’s combat some hangover symptoms that appear externally as well as internally.  Red, dry, blotchy skin, puffy eyes… all those “what did you do last night” signs that you’re better off avoiding.  Take some before bed as well as in the morning!
Lastly, water, water, water.  Drink it while you’re out, drink a ton when you get home, and drink a ton when you wake up.  It is the single best way to prevent and treat a hangover.  For an even more potent effect, drink water with lemon!  And honestly, all this aside, take it easy on the drinking, for pete’s sake!  Getting wasted is one of the worst things you can do for your immune system, digestive track, skin, and obviously your liver.  So drink in moderation, and have an amazing, beautiful New Year’s Eve!!