
This potent superfood has endless health and beauty benefits

Spirulina Smoothies on The Organic Beauty Blog

It’s no secret that I am all about superfoods here at The Organic Beauty.  People may taut them as trends or fads, but I’ll tell you this: any food that gives you more nutrients and benefits ounce for ounce than your run of the mill, non-super foods, gets a thumbs up from me. Though there seem to be new superfoods that sprout up all the time, I’m all about the most tested and tried of the bunch, and there’s one that I keep coming back to year after year: spirulina.

This nutrient powerhouse became all the rage a good decade ago, and unlike many of it’s trendy superfood brethren, it hasn’t gone anywhere.  Why? Because spirulina is frickin’ awesome.  Nutritionally, it is loaded with B vitamins (and has the highest level of B12 of any food out there), calcium, vitamin E, iron, and gamma linoleic acid.  All of that means that by consuming even just a scant teaspoon of this miraculous algae, you are going to experience a plethora of health benefits, including, but not limited to:

  • Increased energy
  • Alkalizing your body (which in turn lowers risk of disease)
  • Healthier digestion
  • Shinier hair
  • Glowing skin
  • Stronger immunity
  • Purified blood and organs
  • and much much more

I’ll be the first to admit, after using spirulina in my smoothies and taking it in tablet form on and off for years, I’d been remiss for a while.  I had forgotten how much I love it, and how phenomenal it makes me feel.  So when I discovered Spiral Springs Spirulina, I jumped at the chance to reintroduce this trusted old friend into my daily routine.  I was feeling a little silly for having neglected spirulina for some time, especially since it’s crazy benefits would be particularly useful to me as a tired new mama!Spiral Springs Spirulina | The Organic Beauty Blog

The day I received my Spirulina Maxima and Choco Spring powders, I mixed up a mega superfood smoothie for myself and added a heaping scoop of this green gold. Literally that same day, I felt more energy, clearer thinking, and a happier tummy.  Spiral Springs spirulina is certified organic and free of contaminants – an important factor when picking a brand of spirulina.

Their Spirulina Maxima is pure spirulina, chock full of all the highest quality and most potent nutrients.  I use a teaspoon of this in my breakfast smoothies most days.  But I also love their Choco Spring Spirulina, which blends the spirulina with organic cacao and oats, increasing the fiber content and boosting the antioxidant and energizing benefits.  I save this blend for days when I need a little extra pick-me-up, or for when I want to boost my milk production a bit (oats are awesome for that).

Seriously, on the days I rock this amazing spirulina smoothie, I am a whole new woman. I have more energy than I know what to do with (which means I pump out these awesome blog posts and do all kinds of other work while my little naps), I feel great, and I know I’m feeding my body the highest quality, most potent nutrients I can.  Now that’s what I call multi-tasking!


1 Comment
  • Javier
    May 23, 2016

    I think that we allways wish a miracle food, a miracle products but it doesn´t exist. The best is doing exercise, mediterranean food and no stress http://www.aceitecsb.es

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