SPONSORED POST: I’ve partnered with Milk & Eggs, an amazing farm direct grocery delivery service, to bring you guys some delicious, super seasonal, and always healthy recipes a few times a month. I’m so excited to share some of my favorite dishes with you!
One of the most common health concerns I hear about from my clients is stomach troubles.. I’m not just talking about the serious, diagnosed kind, but rather just a feeling like something is off. From bloating and gassiness, to occasional stomach pain or just feeling crappy after a big meal or a wild night, digestive issues are so commonplace that we almost kind of take them for granted.
Our digestive system is a barometer for the state of our whole body. An out-of-balance digestive system can lead to emotional and psychological issues (heightened stress, anxiety, depression), nutrient malabsorption, headaches, skin problems, fatigue, and so, so, so much more. It’s the first place I look when a client comes to me with a myriad of mysterious and seemingly unrelated issues.
Healing the gut leads to healing throughout our whole body, so getting our gut to a happy place should be our number one health priority!
There are some basic rules to follow for gut health — most of which are just common sense general health rules: eat whole, high quality, organic foods; minimize heavy, greasy, or processed foods; go easy on the dairy and sugar; eat your biggest meals when your digestion is at it’s strongest (i.e.: midday). If you’ve been reading this blog or following me for a while, these are all old news.
But there are a couple more tricks I have up my sleeve to help you keep your stomach happy! Eating lots of great, fermented foods, favoring cooked greens over raw, and enjoying healing soups for dinner are all awesome, next-level strategies for getting (and keeping) your gut in a balanced, healthy place.
The recipes below, all made with delicious, seasonal, local, organic produce, most of which is from Milk & Eggs put these tricks into action, and will leave you feeling oh so good. For an awesome healing punch, eat all three in one day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) — perfect if you’re under the weather, hungover, or your stomach feels off! Or just include one of these recipes in your regular day of eating, to still get lots of great benefits.
In addition to my usual Milk & Eggs Organic Farm Sampler Box, which provides all the fresh, yummy produce I use in my recipes every week, I ordered Straus Family Creamery Organic Greek Yogurt, Farmhouse Culture Organic Saurkraut, and some Wild-Caught Fresh Halibut.
Gut-Healing Breakfast

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Gut Healing Green Smoothie
This gut-healing green smoothie is loaded with probiotics, sprouted seeds, and healthy fats to keep things moving, soothe the digestive tract, and eliminate cravings. It's one of my go-to's!
Combine the ingredients together in a high speed blender, and blend until smooth. Enjoy!
Gut-Healing Lunch

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Wild Halibut with Sauerkraut and Sauteed Greens
This yummy lunch (or dinner) features a simple but delicious oven-baked halibut, gut-healing sauerkraut, and sautéed greens (which are easier on the digestion than raw).
Preheat oven to 425º. Place halibut filets in a baking pan and drizzle with about a tablespoon of olive oil. Top with lemon zest and a sprinkle of red pepper flakes. Bake for 12 minutes, or until flaky.
While halibut is cooking, place a skillet over medium heat. Add remaining tablespoon of olive oil. Add mushrooms and sauté for 4-5 minutes. Add spinach and some extra olive oil, if needed. Season with sea salt and sauté until the spinach is wilted, but not mushy, about another 3-4 minutes.
When halibut is cooked, drizzle with the lemon juice, and divide among two plates. Serve with greens and a healthy scoop of sauerkraut!
Gut-Healing Dinner

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10-Minute Miso Soup with Tofu and Kale
This healing dinner soup is wonderful for digestion and immunity!
In a medium-sized pot, bring water to a boil. Add a ladle of the boiling water to the miso paste in a small bowl, and mix to combine (this prevents clumping). Add to the pot. Taste, and add more miso using the same method, if necessary (depending on the miso you use, some are more flavorful than others).
Add strips of nori, lower heat, and simmer for about 5 minutes.
Add tofu and greens, and simmer for another 5 minutes, or so.
Serve, topped with green onions and a sprinkling of Gomasio.
Recipe Notes
- I use Miso Master Sweet White Miso (though they have tons of different varieties, all of which are great!) -- you can get it at Whole Foods or your local health food store.
- I use Eden Organics Seaweed Gomasio, which is a mixture of seaweed, sesame seeds, and sea salt. It's so yummy and great substitute for salt.
- For an added probiotic, gut and immunity boosting punch, serve alongside a bowl of kimchi! Different parts of Asia, I know, but no one will know ; )
L.A. Residents: Want to try Milk & Eggs for your self?
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