
Tips For Maintaining Your Inner Holiday This Season

By: Nkechi Njaka, Msc

Tips For Maintaining Your Inner Holiday This Season | The Organic Beauty BlogWe’re officially in mid-December, which means the holidays are basically here. Maybe you‘re traveling for the holidays to spend time with your family. Perhaps, you’re forgoing travel to your home and visiting the family of your significant other. Or, you‘re hosting family or friends this year and need to accommodate more people than you are accustomed to. Regardless of your specific plans, there are many schedules and people to coordinate, arrangements to be made, houses to decorate, meals to cook, not to mention–GIFTS TO BUY! We all want to find the best deals and give thoughtfully while not over-spending…or losing our minds. We want the holidays to be a time of harmony and joy but with so many things to organize, it becomes challenging. So, then, ‘tis the season to be a Deliriously Stressed Mess?!
Something about that just doesn’t sound very appealing, and yet research shows that more Americans report feeling depressed and stressed around the holidays than any other time of year. So let me ask you this:
What does the word ‘holiday’ mean to you?
Pay attention to your body when you ask yourself this. Notice if you have stopped breathing or tensed any of your muscles as you finalize your thoughts. Done? If the word ‘holiday’ left you feeling tense or stressed, then perhaps it’s time to stop and find your inner holiday.
Clearly, we all have different feelings associated with the word ‘holiday,’ but I think that it’s important to consider what the word really means. Quite literally, the word ‘holiday’ means ‘holy day.’ Be it as it may, the word ‘holy’ is rooted in the word ‘whole’, as is the word ‘holistic’. Perhaps, now is as good a time as any to start seeing our holidays as holistic days…or days of wholeness.
If we were to think of what makes us stressed out during the holidays, it would probably boil down to how much we are doing and being able to get everything done. It might be helpful to think about things differently this year. Remember that the holidays are about giving and receiving, rather than accomplishments or perfectionism.
To speak to the above sentiments, think about how giving and receiving contributes to wholeness. Traditionally, we see this in gifts—we give presents (by giving presence) and we receive presents (by receiving the presence of others). By doing this, we find ourselves coming together in the company of others. Being mindful of this rather than how much we have or have not accomplished will be the first step in making this holiday season about wholeness.
So, if this is theory, what is practice? How can we be whole and present in the chaos of the season? The answer is balance. And I have 7 ways to inspire balance during the holiday season:
  1. Breath: When you find that you are feeling anxious, always go back and find your breath. If it’s a challenge to even focus on one breath, count to 5 on both inhales and exhales.
  2. Sleep: Going to bed early may feel unrealistic with so much going on but it will do wonders. Honestly, leave the dishes in the sink until the morning—your energy will be elevated, and your mind and body will thank you.
  3. Simplify. Whether it’s shopping online, delegating to-do lists or simply not sending out holiday cards, prioritize what really is important to you and try to do those things efficiently.
  4. Exercise. This one seems obvious, but often the gym falls low on the priority list when there is disruption to your regular routine. On the contrary, that is the most important time to free yourself from the craziness, release stress and tension while staying active.
  5. Pamper. Go get a massage, a mani-pedi or just have a good laugh watching your favorite DVD.
  6. Mindful Eating. Make your consumption of holiday treats be about savoring, rather than eating for the sake of eating. If you are going to indulge in seasonal desserts or candies—part of the festivities– then you really deserve to enjoy it sans guilt.
  7. Have FUN. It’s the season to be jolly, after all! Laugh, sing, catch up and spend quality time with loved ones. Being grateful for all those who have touched your life is an integral part of being healthy, happy and whole.
And here is a tip to help you find your calm in those seemingly unmanageable moments. If you find yourself feeling anxious, overwhelmed, low on energy or irritable, find a place that is comfortable and practice the following seasonally appropriate posture:
There are several simple and effective yogic postures that you can do, but I like this one because you can do it while standing (or even sitting). Begin by inhaling in through your nose and out through your mouth. Make sure to pause in between your inhalations and exhalations and repeat 3-5 times, or whatever feels comfortable. Stand (or sit) with your feet parallel about 3 inches apart with your arms hanging loosely at your sides. While inhaling, sweep your arms sideways and up overhead until your arms are parallel again over your head, palms facing each other. When you exhale, reverse the movement, sweeping your arms sideways and back down, allowing your arms to dangle loosely by your sides in the original position. Think snow angel (see? seasonally appropriate!). Repeat this 3-5 times, or whatever feels comfortable to you. This great posture helps relieve compression in the lower back whilst releasing the ribcage, which ultimately promotes freer breath. It also increases mobility in the shoulders as well as stimulating circulation and reducing stress.
 Breathing in, breathing out, giving, receiving and being present; may your holidays be days of wholeness!
{Photo: Pinterest}

5 Ways to Sneak in Exercise over Thanksgiving!

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC 
5 Ways to Sneak in Exercise over Thanksgiving! | The Organic Beauty Blog
If you’re anything like me, going home for the holidays can mean a complete derailing of all health-related activities.. Wouldn’t it be great to find ways to sneak in some exercise over Thanksgiving with the whole family by doing everyday activities that burn off those holiday calories, get your heart pumping, and get everyone moving!

1. Rake the leaves!

This fall chore is actually a great workout! Get the family outside and start raking… You’ll work up a sweat, get some cardio, and have a great time!  Try to lunge forward with every pull of the rake, and make sure to alternate your dominant hand.  This will work your arms, abs, and legs and will burn about 250 calories in an hour!

2. Shovel some snow!

If you’re in the midwest, chances are there is more snow to deal with than leaves…  Shoveling snow is an amazing resistance workout, and can turn into a really fun family activity!  The motions of pushing, pulling and lifting the shovel work the back, abs, arms, and legs!

3. Clean house!

Transforming into Cinderella before and after the big Thanksgiving get together can feel like a tedious chore, but if you think about it in terms of exercise, mopping, sweeping, dusting, and vacuuming can burn some major calories!  Throw in some lunges while you mop the floor, calf raises while you clean the counter, and squats as you move furniture or pick things up and you’re burning over 200 calories an hour.

4. Play some football!

This venerable American turkey day tradition is probably one of the best things you can do for your body before or after the big meal.  Get outside, run around, break a sweat and offset those Thanksgiving calories.  Not a football family?  A game of tag, capture the flag, or even just catch will do the trick!

5. Go for a walk (and bring your pooch)!

After dinner, grab the whole fam and the dog and go for a walk.  Walking after a big meal is a great way to stimulate digestion and get things moving.  If you keep a brisk, steady pace, you’ll burn up to 250 calories in an hour!  And the fresh air is a welcome break after having been inside for a few hours.  Mom (or whoever cooked) will appreciate the change of scenery!

Less Stress & More Energy Through Breath!

Less Stress & More Energy Through Breath! 2 | The Organic Beauty BlogDoesn’t it seem like navigating through the world of healthcare and self-care always seems to come at a cost?  Supplements, nourishing organic produce, fitness classes, self-care appointments, it seems like very little of the great things you can do for your body and your health are free.  But there is something that is always there for you and doesn’t cost a penny… your breath!  We all know how important it is to breath right while exercising, but we often times lose sight of the fact that the way we breathe the rest of the time is just as important.  Here are some simple tips and exercises for maximizing your breath to manage stress, calm nerves, energize your body, and experience amazing health benefits!
  • Breath through your nose as much as possible.  Breathing through the nose is much more energizing and oxygenating than breathing through the mouth.  When you’re walking around, doing your thing, make an effort to breathe through your nose as much as possible, focusing on taking long, slow breaths.   Inhaling and exhaling nasally takes much longer tan orally, which gives the oxygen more time to get into the bloodstream.  This slower, deeper breath also has a remarkable effect on brain waves, which reduces stress and anxiety, lowers blood pressure, and can even help with hunger and food cravings!  
  • For relaxation, try the 4-7-8 breathing exercise.  This exercise is an amazing tranquilizer for the nervous system, and is a great tool for lowering stress levels, blood pressure, as well as improving sleep!
    • First, place the tip of the tongue on the ridge just behind your your front teeth.  
    • Secondly, exhale completely through your mouth, totally emptying your lungs of air.   Then, close your mouth and inhale through your nose for a count of 4.  
    • Keeping your mouth closed, hold the air in your lungs for a count of 7. 
    • Next, exhale slowly, for a count of 8, making a whooshing sound (as though you’re saying “shh”).  Make sure you exhale out completely, so your lungs are completely empty of air, and your abdominal muscles are engaged.  This is one cycle of 4-7-8 breath.  Repeat this cycle 3 times for a total of 4 breaths, and you’re done!  Try to complete this exercise twice a day for maximum results.  Use it whenever you feel stressed, overworked, nervous, or when you’re dealing with insomnia.
  • For an energizing boost, try Bellows Breath.  This yogic breathing exercise is wonderful for when you’re tired, low on energy, feel your alertness slipping, or when you just need a late afternoon pick-me-up.  It can be just as effective as a cup of coffee!
    • Inhale and exhale very rapidly through your nose, with each breath being as quick as possible…like a bellows!  
    • Aim for about 3 in and out breath cycles per second, with inhalations and exhalations being equal in length.
    • For the first few tries, complete the exercise for no more than 15 seconds.  But feel free to increase the duration every time you do it, up to a minute in length maximum.
  • Lastly, forget huffing and puffing while exercising.. Instead, try ujjayi breath!  Heavy breathing during exercise puts the body into a highly stressed state of emergency, which is actually counter-productive to the benefits of physical activity.  Maintaining a steady, deep breath takes the strain off the body, allowing us to do more without as much strain.  Ujjayi breath is an ancient yogic breathing technique that was created to cleanse the mind and body, focus thinking, and cause a deep sense of calm and relaxation.
    • Less Stress & More Energy Through Breath!  | The Organic Beauty BlogTo learn ujjayi breath, inhale deeply through the mouth.  On the exhale, start to close the back of your throat to slightly constrict the passage of air, as if you are fogging up a pair of glasses.  This should sound like an ocean wave.  
    • Once you are comfortable with this exhale, work on employing that same throat constriction on your inhalation.  Focus on an even, slow inhalation and exhalation in this manner… kind of like Darth Vader.  
    • When you’re ready, close your month, and continue this style of breath exclusively through the nose..  That’s it!  You are employing ujjayi breath.  Try breathing this way when you are stretching, doing yoga, or other forms of light exercise.  Eventually, try to breathe this while doing all forms of exercise.  It definitely takes some getting used to, but focusing on this deep, slow, nasal breathe while the body is being physically stressed makes for a more effective workout that has much less negative impact on the body.  For more information on the benefits of this style of breathe and its benefit for physical activity, check out John Douillard’s amazing book, Body, Mind, and Sport.
Breath is the most vital sources of our life, energy, and health, but, as it is an automatic function, it’s very easy to neglect in terms of conscious use.  When we bring our attention to our breath, we gain access to an incredibly powerful and effective wellness tool that can aid us in so many different aspects of our health.  Best of all, it’s a tool that is free, easy to use, and that we have access to 24 hours a day, regardless of where we are!  Try some of the above techniques consistently for a few weeks, and you will notice dramatic results.. without spending a penny!

Stay Healthy and Beautiful While Traveling


Stay Healthy and Beautiful While Traveling | The Organic Beauty BlogMost of us do a lot of traveling during the summer months, and whether it’s for work or those long-awaited vacations, travel can wreak utter havoc on our health.  Air travel is dehydrating, and can leave us exhausted for days.  Unfamiliar surroundings can make finding a healthy, organic meal difficult.  Sitting for hours on our chosen form of transportation can cause soreness and swelling.  All this stress on the body can increase the chances of getting sick, but can also cause fluid retention, breakouts, stomach problems, and other unfavorable effects.  But there are some simple steps we can all follow that will help us leave the downside of traveling behind so we can enjoy our well-deserved vacations, and be super productive on our business trips.. With no regrettable after-effects!

Tips for healthy air travel:

  • Make sure to drink lots of water before, during, and after air travel to combat fatigue, swelling, skin dryness, and jet leg.  Aim for a large glass of water for every hour you are in the air.
  • Don’t eat the food!!  Plane food is utter garbage, and is laden with salt, which worsens dehydration, bloating, and fatigue that many people experience while flying.  Instead, make sure to eat a healthy meal before you leave the house, or if you must, grab a salad at the airport.  But avoid anything heavy, greasy, or salty before getting on that plane.  And bring a healthy snack like raw, unsalted nuts, some fruit, or veggie sticks with you on the flight in case you get hungry!
  • With their recycled air, planes are breeding grounds for germs.  Make sure to strengthen your immune system by taking 1000 mg of vitamin C the morning of your flight and when you land.  And make sure you eat lots of nutrient-rich, immune-boosting fruits and veggies before your flight!
  • I know it can be fun, but stay away from alcohol before and during your flight.  If your goal is to arrive looking fresh and great, alcohol will definitely not help, and it adds to the body’s dehydration.  Getting off the plane hoarse, dry, and with circles under your eyes is anything but fabulous.  If you’re a nervous flier, and need a little something to help you relax, take some valerian root to calm your nerves, or some natural melatonin to help you sleep.  Benedryl, or any prescription sleep aids will just result in arriving groggy and out of it.
  • Flying is no fun for your skin either.  Make sure to wear a good, oil-free facial moisturizer with SPF to protect your skin from the super strong UV rays up there, and pack a revitalizing facial spray to perk up your face after the flight (I like L’Occitane Olive Tree Organic Toning Face Mist).  Ladies, avoid caking on the makeup before your flight.  If you must wear something, just a little mineral powder, some mascara, and a moisturizing lip balm should do the trick to get you there in style.  Wearing more than runs you the risk of getting post-flight pimples, clogged pores, oily skin, and looking all melted when you land.  I like to bring a little face wash with me to wash up after the flight, and if necessary, putting on a little more makeup at the airport when I land.

Stay Healthy and Beautiful While Traveling 2| The Organic Beauty BlogTips for when you arrive:

  • Try to do some stretching (or even hit the gym at your hotel if you feel up to it!) shortly after you arrive.  This will do a lot to combat post-flight stiffness, swelling, not to mention fatigue.
  • Do some research before you leave about some healthy food options near where you’ll be staying, and locate them when you get in.  We often arrive at our destinations famished, and it’s really easy to make terrible food choices in the interest of convenience when we’re stressed and tired.  But that’s exactly the time when a healthy, nutritious meal is most important!
  • Once you’re all settled, purchase some healthy snacks, bottled water, and maybe some breakfast items to keep in your hotel room (that little fridge isn’t just for overpriced candy bars!).  This will help keep you away from those hotel buffets and continental breakfasts that are responsible for so much of travel-related weight gain.  Fruit, some whole grain crackers and hummus, nuts, and Larabars are all great options to have around.  If you’re going to be in a location where purchasing specific items you like will be difficult, just bring them from home!
  • If your hotel room has a kitchen, try to incorporate some home (or hotel-) cooked meals into your travel schedule, especially if there aren’t a lot of healthy restaurant options around you.  And even when eating out at the most dubious of restaurants, you can still make healthier choices!  A soup or salad is always a good idea, and almost all restaurants will have at least one or two vegetarian options available, which are definitely preferable to the sketchy, high-fat meat dishes you’ll find at that greasy spoon or chain restaurant.
  • Lastly, try to keep up some semblance of your normal routine while you’re traveling.  Go to bed around the same time (accounting for time differences, of course), eat around the same time you are used to, and definitely maintain your exercise routine!  This will keep you from getting sick, putting on travel weight, and throwing your body out of balance.  Indulging in treats you wouldn’t normally eat, and getting a little lax with working out can be a fun part of de-stressing and letting go while on vacation, bit it’s important not to overdo it.  Spending the three weeks after you get back undoing all damage you did to your body while traveling isn’t really worth that one week of blissful abandon, is it?
 Photo via Pinterest