
The Media: What They Want Vs. What You Want

By Callie McBride

The Media What They Want Vs. What You Want | The Organic Beauty BlogI had the most enlightening encounter the other day at the check-out counter of Whole Foods that I want to share. I approached the one of many counters at the Union Square location and set my Suja green juice, Avocado Kale Slaw, and my Women’s Health Magazine down to pay for. The man working behind the counter couldn’t have been over 25. He had a bright personality, which I could tell right away when he picked up the magazine, read the cover, and started to laugh. He looked up at me with a smile and said,

“Man, these magazines are funny.”

I smiled back as he continued, “You know, Men’s Health magazine don’t have none of these headlines on them. They are straight to the point. ‘Get Strong Abs’; ‘Eat To Stay Fit’. None of this stuff.”

He was referring to the July/August issue of Women’s Health, bearing in thick letters, “GREAT SEX-EVERY TIME!’ and “A FLAT TUMMY NOW!”

I sheepishly laughed with him and explained that it was simply a guilty pleasure. He replied with an interesting thought: “I guess it gives me an idea of what is really going on in a woman’s head.”

Woah. I smiled and nodded to the man, thanked him, and was on my way; internally, however, I was contemplating his last statement. I asked myself whether I agreed if the countless magazine headlines are what consume the female mind all day long. Great sex? A tighter bod? Cute summer dresses under $50? It seems a bit shallow, and is definitely a generalization…but is there any truth to it? I continued to think this over by asking myself why I purchase these fitness or style magazines. A list formed in my head: clothing ideas, recipes, exercise tips, the occasional horoscope. When I see a bright red headline promising me that I can lose up to 5 inches in a week, it’s not the real reason I pick it up off the rack. Then it dawned on me-am I sure? Do I pretend to appreciate such magazines for their helpful information or celebrity on the cover, but actually just browse through them to seek out the outrageous body claims? It’s hard to tell. But, it does conjure up deeper contemplation, that is, what the media wants for us versus what we want for ourselves.

It seems that these days the media wants women to “crave washboard abs” and to “fit into your skinny jeans by friday!” That is, they want us to focus all of our time, money, and attention on our outward appearance by flashing highly edited photos of sweaty, tan women and listing gyms to belong to or DVDs to buy. That’s not to say that certain online and print resources aren’t helpful in steering women toward fun and accessible methods of health and fitness. I own plenty of at-home workout DVDS! The point I’m making is that the media seems to utilize a brainwashing technique of some sort to convince consumers that they want the same things that the magazines promise.

I beg to differ. On any given morning commute on the subway, I find myself planning out the rest of my week, which turns into planning the month, the next sixth months, and the next year. Naturally this leads me to consider my “master plan”-what I hope to be ultimately accomplishing in the future. You can trust me when I say that washboard abs and amazing sex aren’t my first thoughts. My career, my family, and my overall happiness fill those spots. I think that there are millions of women around the world who envision themselves in the same manner. They may enjoy learning the latest moves for a perkier butt and which superfoods are fore-fronting the health craze at the moment, but they have much deeper, emotional desires and dreams, and they certainly don’t need to be shouted at in thick letters on a magazine cover to go attain them.

So, what do we want for ourselves?

Part of what makes each woman entirely unique is the learning process through which she comes to know herself, what she wants, and how she plans to get it. There is something off-putting about magazines, television shows, commercial products, etc. that bombard consumers with a hidden message, “Do this quick! The faster the better! Spend your money in this way to be happy! We know what you want!” Obviously the people behind such brands aren’t red-eyed, fire-breathing monsters out to corrupt the female population. But their message can still come across as overbearing or cruelly persuasive, simply to make money or get something to “trend”. A woman who truly comes to know her goals in life has taken the time to discover what it is she is passionate about, and how her achievements will change the world in some grand or minuscule way. She has cried, screamed, pondered, and doubted her way to where she is today, all for the sake of her ultimate goal. No silly or empty-promise headline revealed a truth to her. She knows that these things take time, and dedication, and patience.

The Media What They Want Vs. What You Want 3 | The Organic Beauty BlogYou may be thinking, so then why did you buy the magazine!? Like I explained to the Whole Foods employee, it’s a guilty pleasure. I do, in fact, love reading about which celebrity does what exercise program, and what the month of July will bring for the Cancer. It’s entertaining for me, and a way to keep up with the health and fitness world, which is a passion of mine. However, I am fully confident that “Be Crazy Sexy Cool This Summer” isn’t triggering me to drop everything and conform to what a couple of editors are convincing me of I want to be. There is a fine line between consuming media, and being consumed by it. I say this because it is my hope that all women read such magazines with caution, keep their true goals in mind, and don’t become a slave to a society that expects all female bodies to resemble that of Gisele.

So, friendly check-out man at Whole Foods, let me kindly correct you: women don’t think about flat abs and awesome sex all the time, though those topics certainly find their ways onto our minds. What we do think about is how to better ourselves and improve our way of living; for some, a strong core is what will satisfy that goal. For others, a deserved promotion or a family of 4 hits the bullseye. Whatever it may be, women of my generation are conscious of their actions and strive to turn them into success and fulfillment. A little article on the prime time to workout never hurt anyone, though.

Healthy Summer Reads

By Callie McBride

Whether a new book sits on your bedside table each week, or summer is the one time of the year when you’ve even got extra time to read, a great genre of books that both entertains and educates is “health and wellness”. You can find light reads and much more in-depth books alike, that inform you of important health topics and also stir up inspiration for your own personal lifestyle. Soaking in a bubble bath or lounging on the beach are two prime spots to sink into a book and escape the world for a little while.

Here are my top healthy reads for this summer:

1. Vegan Before 6, by Mark Bittman

vb6Mark Bittman offers an interesting and completely doable concept to his readers by taking the pressure off of becoming a full-fledged vegan, and instead eating a diet free of any animal products until 6pm each day. This means that no foods are “forbidden” and no sense of deprivation is felt throughout the plan. Filled with recipes, helpful tips, and a 28-day eating plan that shows why a vegan diet is the way to go most of the time, this easy read could have even the meatiest of eaters have a change of heart.

2. Crazy Sexy Diet, by Kris Carr

The strong, beautiful, and hilarious Kris Carr brings her spunky energy and full-of-life attitude to her fourth book which walks readers through a 21-day cleanse as well as all the needed information to adopt a plant-based diet. Her writing is smart, witty, and filled with life experiences that add that personal touch necessary for readers to relate to. She covers all of the bases, including skin, hair and nails; body; spiritual energy; mental health; physical strength and energy; and happiness, all of which she promises will improve and skyrocket when switching to veganism. Especially touching is her recounting of her battle with cancer, and how incredibly brave she was to successfully turn to food as her ultimate source of medicine.

3. Yoga Cures, by Tara Stiles

This quick and fun read by Tara Stiles reveals in tiny chapters every single awesome benefit that yoga offers. From joint pain relief to weight loss to less anxiety and better sex, Stiles’ voice is relaxed and to the point in her book, which also demonstrates tons of yogi moves and includes tips and tricks to perfecting one’s flow.

4. Unbearable Lightness, by Portia De Rossi

This intense but beautifully crafted novel by actress and vegan Portia de Rossi delves into the dark world of eating disorders, as well as the touching journey to recovery. de Rossi grew up modeling and acting in Australia and, once thrown onto television in America, lost sight of what was important in surrender to her highly disordered thoughts. Her story is closely detailed and so personal that readers feel as if they experience everything alongside her. A heartwarming ending places this book on my favorites list, as it is a huge reminder of how precious life is.

5. The Kind Diet, by Alicia Silverstone

It’s all in the title: “The Kind Diet: A Simple Guide to Feeling Great, Losing Weight, and Saving the Planet”. Actress and resident vegan Alicia Silverstone approaches veganism in an extremely approachable and easy way in her book, which features tons of recipes that I can personally say are life-changing (I’m referring to the vegan seven-layer dip and the homemade peanut butter cups). Without going too much into detail about nutrition and health benefits, Silverstone’s cookbook serves as a reminder of all the other amazing things that going vegan can do: literally save the planet! Her aim is to cause the most cautious of readers to consider the lifestyle, and her method seems to work. Her online forum is extremely popular, as is her incredible food.


6. YOU: The Owner’s Manual, by Dr. Mehmet Oz

For a more scientific, biology-lesson type read, pick up this heavy-duty manual by Dr. Oz. It’s got an interactive element to it with mini quizzes at the beginning of each chapter to test you knowledge on health and the body, before delving into the nitty-gritty of the body’s entire makeup. Don’t fear, this isn’t a bore. It’s chock full of information that can help turn your  entire household into a much more health-conscious one. Dr. Oz places all of the focus on YOU in this book, so with each page you will learn more ways to improve your lifestyle and maintain the best health state you possibly can.

Pick up one of these books today for your next day at the beach, and soon enough they’ll be dog-eared and torn from love. If you’ve already gone through them, enter the titles into Amazon and click  “similar to” for more healthy reads that won’t dull your mind this summer. Happy reading!


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Cartoon Inspiration Brings Health Motivation

By Callie McBride

I find that some of my favorite motivation to stay healthy and happy comes from the Internet. Whether on Facebook or Twitter, Tumblr or Instagram, the constant progression of technology brings with it endless resources for support for, education toward, interaction with all things health and wellness.

Think about it: there are forums to join when you want to become vegan (thekindlife.com); there are Facebook pages to “like” to receive updates about health and wellness events (wellandgoodnyc.com); and there are plenty of Twitter accounts to follow and browse through feed for the latest trends and tips in holistic living (@NU_Health).

For me, cartoon images are what get the job done. They make me think, laugh, and become inspired to take my health to entirely new levels with unique recipes and challenging workouts. C’mon? How does that hilarious little broccoli man not make you smile?

What’s so fantastic about online resources is that so many people are attracted to them, so you will constantly find new content: foods and recipes, workouts and exercise classes, new information about health benefits, and even people to connect with. Events such as vegan meet-ups, central park running groups, and free cooking classes exist for a reason: they allow like-minded folks like us to experience the joys of healthy living as one big unit full of support and understanding.

Here are a few resources to peruse on your lunch break or lazy weekend:








@HealthyLiving (Huffington Post)


tully-lou.tumblr.com (an Australian yoga clothing brand’s cute inspiration page)

The Chalkboard Mag (Pressed Juicery’s online vision board of health and wellness)

John Douillard’s LifeSpa (an awesomely nerdy and incredibly informative resource for ayurvedic health)

Okay, I think I’ve made my point. The real business here is the adorable and pleasant cartoon inspiration I found throughout the week that made me laugh and consider my relationship with food. Enjoy, and this weekend, spend some time finding your own motivation! Comment and share yourfavorite sources of inspiration.


{All images via fitnessporn}

Best Vegetarian Protein Sources

By: Natasha Uspensky

The first thing everyone asks me about when transitioning into a plant-based diet is, “Where will I get my protein?”  Great news, people! There a tons of delicious vegetarian protein sources that are naturally lower in saturated, unhealthy fats and cholesterol (not to mention toxins, antibiotics, hormones, and other additives) than their plant-based counterparts.  A well-rounded plant-based diet with plenty of delicious vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds is naturally high in protein.  Getting your protein from plant-based sources decreases your risk of cancer and heart disease, increases life expectancy, helps you maintain a healthy weight, and a million other benefits! Check out these amazing sources of vegan protein in the chart below!

Best Vegetarian Protein Sources | The Organic Beauty Blog

Other great vegetarian sources of protein are:

  • Organic eggs
  • Organic greek yogurt
  • Hemp seeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Amaranth
  • Buckwheat
  • Whole grain bread

What are you favorite vegetarian protein sources?  Share in the comments below!

5 Skincare Ingredients to Avoid

By: Sabrina Taylor

5 Skincare Ingredients to Avoid | The Organic Beauty Blog

When was the last time you checked out the ingredient list of your favorite skin care and beauty products? If you’re anything like me, the overly large, unpronounceable, chemical sounding ingredients can be a little bit daunting. If you can barely read the ingredients, how can you be expected to know what you are putting on your skin?

Did you know that 60 percent of what we rub on our skin is absorbed into our bodies? That means all those chemicals are sneaking into your body and harming you. Toxic ingredients can cause skin allergies, cancer, infertility, birth defects, reproductive problems and even learning disabilities.

The possibilities of harming yourself are bountiful, so in order to avoid bodily damage it’s time you know what exactly you’re rubbing on your skin. Here are the top 5 skin care and beauty ingredients you should be watching out for and avoiding.

Benzoyl Peroxide

One of the most common ingredients in acne products, benzoyl peroxide has several harmful side effects. Some of its potential damaging properties include being a possible tumor promoter. It has also been found to act as a mutagen, causing DNA damage to both human and animal cells.

Cellular damage is pretty drastic, but some of the less outrageous side effects include eye, skin or respiratory irritation. Try to avoid sniffing products containing benzoyl peroxide because it can be toxic by inhalation as well.


This is a sneaky one. Dioxin won’t be listed on any labels, but is often found in antibacterial ingredients like triclosan, emulsifiers, polyethylene glycol and ethoxylated cleansers. The potential harms of using products with dioxin are quite damaging. Prolonged use of dioxins can lead to cancer, cause reduced immune functioning and preempt nervous system disorders.

Pregnant women beware. Dioxins can cause birth defects and in some cases, miscarriage. This is definitely one to watch out for.


It’s no secret that parabens are unsafe. A common product preservative, they are not always labeled. Be sure to do extra research when picking out a deodorant and other skin care products because that is where they are often found.

Parabens have been found in breast cancer tumors and can imbalance hormones in females. As for males, sterility is possible.


Yet another one that is hard to find on a label, phthalates can cause liver and kidney damage. Though they are being weaned out of many products in North America and the EU, they can still cause early breast development in both males and females, birth defects and decreased sperm counts.

Sunscreen Chemicals

There are a few commonly used chemicals in sunscreens that are known to generate free radicals. Free radicals can damage DNA and even lead to cancer. When choosing a sunscreen, be sure to watch out for avobenzone, benzophenone, ethoxycinnamate and PABA.

Navigating the world of cosmetic and skin care products can be difficult, but hopefully this list helps you avoid some of the more dangerous ingredients.

Author Bio: Sabrina is an allergy-ridden, gluten-free living, lover of green DIY’s. Why buy something when you can make it better yourself; like this homemade anti-aging cream.

Follow her on Facebook and Twitter!

Eat G-BOMBS to Decrease Risk of Breast Cancer

Eat G-BOMBS to Decrease Risk of Breast Cancer Angelina Jolie | The Organic Beauty Blog

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

With Angelina Jolie’s recent publicity for her decision to get a preventative double mastectomy after finding out she was positive for the BRCA1 gene mutation, everyone is all abuzz about whether or not they should get tested, and whether preventative mastectomies are viable measures to take for peace of mind. The truth is, genetic testing is not financially feasible for a lot of people, and even for those women who do test positive, parting with their beautiful boobies (and the subsequent reconstructive surgery) just doesn’t sound like their cup of tea.  So what’s a girl to do?

As a holistic nutritionist, I am always going on and on about the cancer preventing power of food.  Making changes to your diet to increase breast cancer-fighting foods decreases risk even if you are a carrier of the BRCA1 gene mutation, or have another genetic predisposition towards breast cancer.  Truth is, eating healthy, potently anti-carcinogenic foods is something every woman has access to, and it should be the first line of defense to decrease risk or breast and other cancers, regardless of whether or not you are at risk.

One of my absolute favorite nutrition teachers, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, coined the acronym “G-BOMBS” in his book Super Immunity, and it’s a wonderful way to remember what foods to increase every single day to decrease your breast cancer risk (as well as your risk of all other cancers).

G-BOMBS: Top 6 Breast Cancer Prevention Foods

1. G – GREENS:

Eat G-BOMBS to Decrease Risk of Breast Cancer | The Organic Beauty Blog

Greens are the number one most potent cancer preventing and fighting foods.  The phytonutrients in dark leafies pack a potent cancer preventing punch with lots of folate, calcium and carotenoids.  Cruciferous greens (like kale, broccoli, bok choy) are high in glucosinolates, which are a key ingredient in cancer prevention.  Plus, they also scrub your system of the excess estrogens that can lead to breast cancer and all kinds of reproductive system issues, which makes them the absolute best food for breast cancer prevention.  Extra bonus?  Greens lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and can slow the signs of aging.  Plus, they’re amazing for weight loss!  Make sure to eat greens at least twice a day!

2.  B – BEANS:

A study in the International Journal of Cancer showed that women who eat beans and lentils frequently have a significantly lower risk of developing breast cancer than women who don’t.  Beans stabilize blood sugar and hormone levels, are loaded with fiber, and are an amazing source of calcium, iron, and protein, making them the ideal choice for replacing some animal protein in your diet (which is linked to an increased risk of breast cancer).  Beans are also amazing for weight loss and reducing cravings!  Make sure to eat beans several times a week!

3. O – ONIONS:

Onions, along with their cousins in the allum family, garlic, leeks, scallions, and shallots, are super high in organosulfur compounds, which prevents growth of cancer cells, detoxifies carcinogens, and have anti-inflammatory effects that lower cancer risk substantially.  Not only that, but these powerhouses have immune-boosting and anti-diabetic effects on the body as well.  These puppies are also great for digestive health, general detox, and cold-prevention.  Make sure to cook with onions and garlic everyday!


In a recent Chinese study, women who consumed fresh, cooked mushrooms daily had a 64% decrease in risk of breast cancer!  The study also found that women who consumed mushrooms daily and drank green tea daily had an 89% decrease in risk! 89%!!!  That’s huge.  Now imagine what these two potent cancer preventers could do if they were a part of a diet high in all the other G-BOMBS??  Even genetics couldn’t stand a chance!  In addition to preventing all kinds of cancer, mushrooms also have an anti-inflammtory effect on the body, slow signs of aging, block the production of excess estrogen.  Amazing!  Make sure to eat cooked mushrooms at least 4 times a week, or daily if you have a hereditary predisposition toward breast cancer.

5.  B – BERRIES:

Eat G-BOMBS to Decrease Risk of Breast Cancer 2 | The Organic Beauty Blog

You’ve been hearing me talk forever about all the health benefits of berries.  Blueberries, blackberries and strawberries are nature’s perfect superfoods, loaded with vitamins and antioxidants, which are vital in decreasing your risk of breast cancer.  These beauties slow the growth of tumors, cognitive decline, and aging, and protect your heart as well!  Instead of eating candy and sweets, the sugar in which increases risk of cancer and inflammation, reach for nature’s candy, berries!  Eat a handful of berries every day.

6.  S – SEEDS:

Nuts and seeds truly are two of nature’s perfect foods.  Loaded with healthy fats, protein, minerals (like cancer protective selenium), and vitamins, these little guys are potent cancer-fighters.  Flaxseeds, hemp seeds, walnuts and chia seeds are amazing sources of omega-3’s, which have been shown to be super effective at blocking the growth of breast cancer cells.  Nuts and seeds are filling, making them an amazing weight loss food, and they also prevent against heart disease and diabetes! Make sure to eat a handful of nuts every day, and use flaxseed oil in your smoothies and on your salads!

Yes to Tomatoes Clear Skin Collection Giveaway!


This month we’re giving away a trio of fabulous products from Yes to Tomatoes!

This line is perfect combination or oily skin that is prone to breakouts, and features natural ingredients that clear up pimples, reduce severity of blemishes, and control oil.

With these products you can cleanse and moisturize your way to clearer skin with acne-fighting ingredients like organic aloe, tomato, African red bush tea, salicylic acid, watermelon and red pepper.  Nourishing oils like almond, jojoba and olive help nourish skin while clearing clogged pores and balancing blotchiness.

Click here to read my review of the Yes To.. product line, one of our absolute favorite drugstore natural beauty finds.

To enter:

Step 1. Make sure you’re following us on Facebook!

Step 2.  Make sure you’re following us on Twitter!  If you already follow us on both, you can follow us on Pinterest!

Step 3.  Leave a comment on this post sharing your favorite skin-clearing remedy.. Bonus points if it’s a natural remedy!

That’s it!

We’ll announce the winner on Friday, May 17th, so make sure to enter before 6pm EST that day!


Thank you everyone for entering, and for sharing your skin clearing tips!

Best Workouts for Every Personality.. Which Type Are You?

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

Trying to force yourself into a workout that just doesn’t fit who you are can make sticking to an exercise routine so much harder than it has to be.  Newsflash guys: working out should be FUN!!  And if it isn’t, you’re doing something wrong.  I myself always felt totally crappy after any kind of high intensity workouts.  Boot camp?  Forget about it.  I kept trying to fit myself into the mold of what I was told was good for me, until eventually, I said, “Screw it!  I love pilates, yoga, and barre workouts, and that’s what I’m going to do!”  Guess what, I am in better shape doing just those workouts than I ever was when I was trying to do more high energy, jump around cardio routines.  And best of all, I actually look forward to my workouts, which ensures that I’ll actually stick to them.  So stop trying to fit yourself into a workout personality that just isn’t you, and use the guide below to find a workout you’ll actually love!

The Pretty Pretty Princess

Best Workouts for Every Personality.. Which Type Are You? 1 | The Organic Beauty BlogYou always dreamed of being a ballerina as a kid. You’re not the biggest fan of getting sweaty or dirty or gross.  You want long, lean lines and are freaked out about bulking up.  You prefer to workout in spandex and off-shoulder tees, rather than your standard athletic apparel.  You are… The Pretty Pretty Princess.  Your best workouts might be:

  • Ballet Barre workouts like Ballet Beautiful, Barre 3 or Pure Barre feature elegant, dancer-like workouts that give you a beautiful, dancer-like body.  You’ll break a little sweat (we prefer to call it “glistening”), but the workout isn’t going to mess up your perfect ballerina bun.  Don’t let the elegance fool you, this is an amazing workout.
  • Pilates Mat or Bar workouts are awesome for getting some massive core work done, while leaning and lengthening arms, legs, glutes and improving posture without bulking.  Plus pointed toes make you feel like a pretty ballerina.

The Warrior Diva

Best Workouts for Every Personality.. Which Type Are You? 2 | The Organic Beauty BlogYou’re a total badass.  You like to sweat, punch, and kick your way through your workouts.  You’re not afraid of muscle and you want to show it off.  You dream of doing a Spartan Race.  Yoga bores the hell out of you.  You are… The Warrior Goddess.  Your best workouts might be:

  • High-intensity circuit workouts that incorporate boxing, jumprope, and light weights to give high impact results.  Aerospace, bootcamp workouts, and interval training will all give you the high-energy, sweat-inducing, blood-pumping exercise you crave!
  • P90X or Insanity are great at-home ass-kicking workouts that will give you the variety you need to stay interested, while totally kicking your butt!

The Dancing Queen

Best Workouts for Every Personality.. Which Type Are You? 3 | The Organic Beauty BlogYou love to tear up the dance floor and shake those hips.  You love So You Think You Can Dance, and pretty much every dance movie makes you well up.  Gyms and machines totally turn you off, and you’re totally bored by all that monochromatic workout gear.  High energy music gets you going.  You are… The Dancing Queen.  Your best workouts might be:

  • High-energy dance workouts like Zumba will give you the music, variety, and moves you love, while still burning tons of calories and creating beautiful muscle definition.
  • Technical dance workouts like Tracy Anderson Dance Cardio will also give you a killer workout while fulfilling your dancer alter-ego dreams.
  • Get all multi-culti with fun Bollywood or tribal African inspired workouts as well.  Those belly-dancing routines really do give you killer abs!

The Spiritual Goddess

Best Workouts for Every Personality.. Which Type Are You? 4 | The Organic Beauty BlogWorking out is all fine and good, but you want something that moves you, connects you to your higher self, and gives you a killer bod.  You get stressed out pretty easily, and can get a little spacey if you’re not grounded.  You like workouts that get you out of your head, relax you, and give you long lean lines.  You’re not afraid of pushing yourself, and love to be amazed at the cool things your body can do.  You look for inspiration everywhere, and are always striving to be a better, healthier, and kinder person.  You are… The Spiritual Goddess.  Your best workouts might be:

  • Yoga routines that bookend some intensive physical boundary-pushing with grounding meditation and om‘s.  Mix up your routine with some different types of classes… Power Vinyasa and Ashtanga Yoga are awesome higher intensity workouts; Bikram will seriously get you sweating; while Hatha or Restorative yoga is great for a breath-focused, more grounding and healing workout.
  • SoulCycle is an amazing cardio workout that blends spinning with inspirational and spiritual coaching.  Classes are held in candlelit rooms and are often intensely spiritual experiences.  And of course, you burn killer calories and get an insane bod!

Which workout personality are you??

{Images: Pinterest, Victoria’s Secret, Zumba, H&M}

7 Myths About Candida Yeast Infections

By: Dr. Erik Bakker, ND

Candida-MythHave You Fallen Prey to These Common Yeast Infection Myths?

Just the mention of a yeast infection leaves most women cringing. What many don’t realize, however, is that the Candida albicans organism, a yeast organism that lives naturally within the body, exists in men, women, and children. It’s usually quite tame, kept in balance by the good bacteria in your body, but when things become unbalanced, infections occur – and women aren’t the only ones who suffer.

Myth #1: Only Women Get Yeast Infections

It’s surprising how many medical doctors actually still believe this one, because some people believe that the only “true” yeast infections are in fact vaginal yeast infections. Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s true that the female vaginal yeast infection is very common, but there are other types of yeast infections that occur regularly as well. Oral thrush, athlete’s foot, ringworm, jock itch, and other fungal skin irritations are all caused by a Candida overgrowth. Just about anyone can develop a yeast infection of some form at some point in his life.

Myth #2: My Doctor Will Diagnose My Candida Yeast Infection.

This isn’t actually true. While many doctors are familiar with the acute conditions I just mentioned, they don’t really understand how chronic Candida can impact the body. If you have frequent exposure to antibiotics, take hormonal birth control or hormone replacement therapy, eat a high carbohydrate diet, drink alcohol regularly, or have a lot of stress in your life and a compromised adrenal function, you may be fueling the yeast organism in your body. When this happens, you may experience recurring infections (like those above), or you may end up with other symptoms as your body succumbs to the overgrowth.

If your doctor recognizes your acute symptoms, you’ll likely receive a short-term treatment and your infection will probably come back – likely stronger than before. If your doctor misdiagnoses you, you’ll likely receive an antibiotic or other medication that does nothing but make your condition only worse.

What conditions are you likely to be misdiagnosed with? The list is comprehensive but includes irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, urinary tract infections, many different kinds of skin infections (much more common than you think), psoriasis (which I believe is mainly driven by yeast infection and bad bacteria), heart palpitations, and a laundry list of other symptoms. As you can see, many of these conditions will potentially be treated with antibiotics by your doctor, if they’re actually caused by a bacterial infection, that is. Others may be treated with antidepressants or a host of other drugs. Yet the underlying yeast infection remains, and continues unabated.

Myth #3: Antibiotics Cure Infections

Antibiotics cure bacterial infections. That’s it, a sad but unfortunately true myth. One of the biggest problems with medicine today is the misconception that antibiotics are a cure-all for any condition. Doctors know this, but they’re also unfortunately faced with many patients who believe that antibiotics will “cure” them of any ailment, whether it’s the common cold or some other type of virus, or even a fungal infection. The truth, in the case of yeast, is that antibiotics can actually cause yeast infections. Antibiotics, when attacking the bad bacteria in your body, can’t discriminate between the healthy and beneficial bacteria and the damaging bacteria. This means they attack all of the bacteria, leaving you with very little good digestive flora to stop the overgrowth of Candida. This is why many women get vaginal yeast infections right after taking antibiotics. And it also means that those who take these kinds of drugs regularly need to rely on them increasingly, as their resistance becomes gradually weaker. Yeasts are clever little organisms, and just like bacteria, they become increasingly resistant to the effects of antifungal and antibiotic drugs over time, making them increasingly stronger. Those who take antibiotics frequently never fully recover from Candida and, as time passes, the overgrowth of Candida eventually spreads throughout the body. The digestive system becomes increasingly weaker as the beneficial bacteria become increasingly scarce, and fungi and unfriendly bacteria begin to proliferate in increasing numbers causing gas, bloating and general digestive unwellness.

This mechanism also allows the small intestine to become increasingly permeable, a condition I have written about extensively called “leaky gut syndrome”. This condition will set you up for developing food allergies, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, and potentially a host of other conditions which some may even pass off as “gluten intolerance”, a term heard all too often these days. And it all began with the indiscriminate taking of antibiotics. My advice is for you to think twice before taking recurring antibiotics; I would not like you to potentially contemplate years of “undiagnosable” bowel dysfunction, because in most instances antibiotics are not necessary for self-limiting infections.

Myth #4: Candida Infections Don’t Count as STDs

Theoretically, a Candida yeast infection is not a true STD. It’s not categorized that way by mainstream medicine, anyway. The problem is that yeast can be transmitted from partner to partner during intimate contact, oral or otherwise. If one partner has a yeast infection, both should be treated to avoid passing it back and forth. You will also want to observe good hygiene and use precautions when necessary.

Myth #5: Douching Will Wash The Yeast Away

No, it will not! Douching is almost never recommended for any condition, and in the case of a vaginal yeast infection, douching in some instances can actually make things worse. Some women believe that a vinegar douche will kill yeast, but the truth is that Candida can grow in both acidic and alkaline environments. All you’ll do is successfully upset the natural balance of flora in your vaginal area. You may even make your condition worse by washing bacteria into your genital areas and into our urinary tact if you douche the wrong way. I recommend a three-stage approach for acute vaginal yeast infections, and a combination of a three-stage approach and a two-step approach for chronic vaginal yeast infections. Douching can be beneficial, but needs to be carefully considered as part of a treatment program which comprises local as well as systemic treatment.

Myth #6: Antifungal Medications Will Cure My Yeast Infection

This is partially true. If you have an acute vaginal infection, athlete’s foot, or some other variety, then an over the counter medication may likely clear things up within a few days. But will it really “clear things up” or just suppress the symptoms? My concerns with continual symptom suppression is that you may ending up driving the symptoms further into the body, and there is certainly sufficient evidence linking vaginal yeast infections with endometriosis (1).

If you have a chronic infection impacting your entire body (or recurring infections), you may need more than antifungals. Most Candida diet plans recommend a clean diet free of any type of food that will feed the yeast organism in your body. This means cutting out processed foods, carbohydrates, and a list of other items. You’ll eat healthy foods while taking antifungals, probiotics, and some supplements to boost your immune system and restore digestive function. You’ll be interested in specialized foods to help balance the digestive system, foods like garlic and oregano. Curing chronic or systemic Candida takes quite a bit of time, up to three to six months or even longer in some chronic cases, and is something you’ll need to take very seriously. The good news is that once you’re finished, you’ll probably never want to go back to an unhealthy eating lifestyle again. You can read more about proper candida diet here.

Myth #7: Yeast Infections Are Not Life Threatening

Let’s get serious for a moment. At their core, yeast infections like the ones we’ve talked about here are not life threatening. Those acute vaginal infections and cases of athlete’s foot are downright irritating. Chronic Candida, or candidiasis, can make you feel awful. When caught and treated, your life is not threatened. The most dangerous form of Candida is Candidemia, which occurs when the fungal yeast organism enters your bloodstream. This is incredibly rare and most often occurs in those with severely compromised immune systems – like people who have undergone chemotherapy for cancer, those who have HIV/AIDS, or those who have medical ports and serious medical conditions. These cases are few and far between.

The Candida yeast organism can live quietly in your body without notice. Just make sure you take quick action if it rears its ugly head. The faster a yeast infection – of any kind – is diagnosed, the easier it will be to treat.

1. Lamb K, Nichols TR (1986). Endometriosis: A comparison of associated disease histories. Am. J. Prev. Med. 2:324-329


About the Author: Dr. Eric Bakker, ND has spent the past 20+ years of his career studying the Candida yeast organism. Please visit him at yeastinfection.org to learn more about how yeast can impact your health and what to do about it.