
The Busy Mom’s Playbook: 5 Tips to Making Time for Health & Wellness

By: Heather Bergstein

Heather Micah 3Before I met Natasha, I used to say I was powered by M&M’s, caffeine and red wine – and I wasn’t joking! It was how I kept up with my crazy life. I’m a single mom with a gorgeous and precocious 5-year-old, a demanding career, a full social calendar, and a couple of side projects which include my own blog and an upstate cottage. All of that translates into someplace to be, someone to see, or something to do at every moment of every day – and excuses about why I couldn’t take proper care of myself.

But about 8 months ago, my lifestyle started to catch up with me. I was sluggish, gaining weight and just felt exhausted. As a birthday present to myself, I went to see Natasha Uspensky, and my journey to health and happiness began. We evaluated my diet and eating habits, and when we had tweaked my approach to food, we moved on to the root of the issue – my lifestyle. That’s where the real work started; I had to stop complaining and making excuses, and I learned that if I didn’t create time to take care of myself, I’d never have it. And worse, I’d be on a path to burnout.

If you’re reading this and can relate to feelings like ‘I don’t have time’, ‘I’m too busy’, and ‘Work is crazy’, I totally get it. But with Natasha’s help I realized I could do it, if I prioritized myself. Whether you are a Mom or not, if you find yourself falling into the ‘I can’t’ trap again, read my 5 tips for making time and space for YOU in your own life!

1. Accept That You’re Busy, and Move On

You know your to-do list is endless, and that probably won’t change. But you can change your approach. Don’t try to do it all, all the time. Instead, be reasonable and do what has to get done, and put yourself on the list as a non-negotiable.

2.  Stop Making Excuses

I made every excuse I could – I played the working mom card, the crazy workweek card, you name it, I said it. But guess what? These are just excuses. If you really want to do something, you will do it, and if you prioritize yourself, you can do it. Stop the excuses, own your life, and just do it already!

3.  Take Baby Steps, and Use Shortcuts

Start with small changes that lead to better habits – not sweeping changes that will lead to burnout. Maybe that means cooking one meal each day at home, or fitting in exercise by walking somewhere instead of cabbing it. And there is no shame is using shortcuts to get there, especially if they save you time. So go ahead – order Fresh Direct – and start creating a little more time for you to do what you need to do.

4.  Don’t Make Everything into a ‘Thing’

This is a Natasha original! If you look at everything you have to get done as a ‘thing’, each day feels like a mountain you have to climb. Accept that you have things to do, and have fun while doing them. And refer to Tip #1 when your to-do list takes over your life.

5. Happy Mommy = Happy Family

As a mom, I always put my son first. But that approach doesn’t really leave time for you as a person, doesn’t provide a lot of balance, and sometimes leads to a martyr attitude! Do the things that make you happy too. If you want to make time for exercise in your weekend, get a sitter and do it. You’ll be happier, and if you’re happier, so is your family!

It won’t be easy to make changes, but it can be done, so buckle down, take a closer look at what’s standing between you and your health, and use these tips to stop the ‘I can’t’s!

Heather Bergstein is a digital marketing and media professional with beauty and fashion expertise. A New Yorker at heart, she and her son Micah (and born-and-bred, legit NYer) live in NYC, and spend weekends bouncing around downtown or relaxing upstate. Heather is the creator and author of City Meets Country, her blog (aka passion project) about their adventures, both city and country.

10 Health Benefits of Sleep

By: Stephanie Heino

10 Health Benefits of Sleep | The Organic Beauty Blog

We are often reminded that we need to sleep at least 8 hours in order to function properly. Rest is a great rejuvenator, so we should all  invest in our health by giving our body what it needs. Here are 10 health benefits of getting your beauty sleep every night:

Sleep helps the body repair. Nothing can revitalize the nervous system like regular and nightly deep sleep.  If we don’t give ourselves that time, our nervous system won’t recharge and will thus be unable to send the correct impulses to our organs for optimum functioning. It is during the time of decreased activity that the body can do the deeper job in terms of detoxification and repair.

Sleep restores the body. When we sleep deeply, the body produces human growth hormone, which encourages the restoration, maintenance of muscles and bones, and slows the aging process! This happens much faster and more efficiently than during waking hours so it is very important to get enough sleep in order for the body to recover.

Sleep reduces inflammation. We are more resistant to infection when we get proper sleep, while those who are sleep deprived see a reduced level of white blood cells which plays an essential role of the body’s defense system.  Not getting enough sleep can lead to digestive problems, fibromyalgia, decreased immunity, and other negative effects.

Sleep regulates your hormones. When we get regular sleep, our body’s circadian rhythm makes sure that our hormones are properly regulated. Adrenaline drops as well as cortisol, and we therefore feel more relaxed and balanced (and lose weight!).  Testosterone and fertility hormones are secreted, helping us to feel strong and vital, as well as sexual.  And sleep balances our production of ghrelin and leptin, the hormones that regulates hunger and fullness, which prevents overeating!

Sleep helps you lose weight. Our metabolic rate increases during deep sleep, so even as we are resting, we work towards getting a healthier and slimmer body. Amazing!  And of course, sleep regulates hunger hormones, which reduces cravings and helps you eat healthy!

10 Health Benefits of Sleep 2 | The Organic Beauty Blog

Sleep keeps you heart healthy. Heart attacks and strokes are more common during the early morning hours. This fact may be explained by the way sleep interacts with the blood vessels. Lack of sleep has been associated with high blood pressure and cholesterol, which are all risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Your heart will be healthier if you get between 8 and 9 hours of sleep each night.

10 Health Benefits of Sleep 3 | The Organic Beauty Blog

Sleep reduces stress. When your body doesn’t get enough sleep, it goes into a state of stress, which gives us an increase in blood pressure and produces higher levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. Higher blood pressure increases your risk for heart attacks and strokes, and these stress hormones also make it harder for you to sleep.

Sleep may reduce the risk for depression. Sleep impacts many of the chemicals in your body, including serotonin. People with a deficiency in serotonin are more likely to suffer from depression. You can prevent depression by making sure you are getting the right amount of sleep, approximately 8-9 hours each night.  More than 9 hours, however, can actually increase the odds of depression!

Eat the Rainbow: Powerful Health Benefits of Colorful Foods!

By: Stephanie Heino

Eat the Rainbow | The Organic Beauty

Did you know that the color of fruits and vegetables can actually give you specific information about the benefits of a specific fruit or vegetables. Take a look at how each color is associated with certain health benefits, and learn how to eat the rainbow!

The Yellow Power. Yellow foods such as pineapple, citrus, corn, yellow tomatoes, yellow grapefruit, papaya and yellow peppers all contain important nutrients to keep the body functioning properly. For example, pineapple contains bromelain which is an enzyme that contributes proper functioning of the digestive system. Did you know that citruses can inhibit the formation of cancerous cells, and therefore protecting against breast cancer, skin cancer, etc. In addition, it’s no secret that vitamin C and folic acid found in citrus fruits have an amazing effect on the immune system by strengthening it, while also reducing the negative effect of free radicals. You may not think of corn as a miracle vegetable but it actually is a significant source of lutein and zeaxanthin which are two remarkable substances that reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration caused by aging. On top of this yellow foods are also rich in flavonoids and fitonutrients which plays a detoxifying role.
The Red Power. In fruits and vegetables like peppers, radishes, cherries, watermelon, red grapefruit, strawberries, red grapes, pomegranate, and red apples we find an important substance called lycopene which can significantly reduce the risk of prostate cancer up to 35%. This substance also has a significant role in preventing heart diseases, ovarian cancer and also for the recycling of glutathione, also called the protein of life. This is one of the most powerful antioxidants produced in our bodies and it plays an amazing role in eliminating toxins from our body. Red fruit and vegetables have so many benefits to your health, and what I found most amazing is that by eating only a half of cup of tomatoes you can reduce ovarian cancer up to 60%! Wow, I am having a salad full of tomatoes tonight, so many nutrients, super low in calories and  prevention of ovarian cancer. Score!
The Orange Power. This truly spectacular color is found in foods such as carrots, mangoes, peaches, nectarines, pumpkin, sweet potato, oranges, squash and melon, and gets its color from  beta-carotene, a terpenoid that is converted by the body into vitamin A. Vitamin A plays an important role in our body from helping to smooth the function of white blood cells to acting as an important beneficial antioxidant. This vitamin, along with two other types of carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, is essential to strengthen the immune system and to give us good vision. Beta-carotene also has a huge effect on preventing the development of cancer cells in the stomach, as well as in preventing heart diseases by decreasing cholesterol levels.
The Green Power. Green is known to be the color of life, and I think many people associate the vibrant color with health and vibrancy. We have been told to eat our greens for as long as we can remember, and once and for all, we will tell you why your parents didn’t let you leave dinner before you had eaten your leafy greens. The green pigment is found in green apples, grapes, kiwi, avocado, pistachio nuts, broccoli, spinach, zucchini, lettuce, asparagus, celery, peas, cucumber and  so many more. In green plants we find chlorophyl,l which helps in lowering the risk of liver cancer. In addition to this substance we find nutrients like potassium, fiber, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, iron, carotenoids and omega 3 fatty acids. As if this wasn’t enough of a reason to go make a green juice right now, we also find tryptophan in the green plants, which is a substance that helps strengthen bones and teeth, and gives us a good vision while defending our body against cancer! So go eat your greens!

5 Ways To Achieve Happiness And Simplify Life

By: Stephanie Heino

5 Ways To Achieve Happiness And Simplify Life | The Organic Beauty BlogDid you know that approximately 121 million people across the globe have some form of depression? It doesn’t necessarily have to be a long-term, clinical ailment…We’ve all experienced some form of depression, and it’s never any fun. When asking people what they want to achieve in life, the most common answer is happiness. We all want to be genuinely happy. We all want to have that feeling of happiness that is  independent of loss or gain. What stands in the way is our negative beliefs, thought patterns and our way of believing in and acting on the negative.

Here are some ideas to help you achieve genuine happiness and strengthen you inner faith:

1. Live in the present moment

Don’t waste time worrying about things you can’t control. You can’t control the past, and there are only some aspects of the future that you have any influence over. Make an effort to focus instead on the present moment, and what you can control! We all go through ups and downs in our lives, and by being adaptable and more present right now you will also feel more comfortable. Worrying is almost like praying for what you don’t want, since you focus so much on the bad things. And according to the law of attraction, you will attract all kinds of negativity by focusing on it!

5 Ways To Achieve Happiness And Simplify Life | The Organic Beauty Blog2. Don’t overthink, follow your heart

When you overthink things you begin to listen to your fear and believing it is real which will keep you from reaching your full potential in life. We are all experts on listening to what other people thing instead of asking ourselves how we feel about a certain situation in life. When I feel with my heart rather than with my brain, then I truly act on my intuition, which helps me tap into this amazing unlimited source of happiness that I know I can feel.

3. Stop numbing yourself.

I have written before about the danger of numbing your true feelings with different addictions. It is an endless, destructive cycle wherein we use  food, shopping, drugs, alcohol and over-analyzing to keep ourselves from feeling anything negative.  Often times the act is triggered by a negative emotion we want to suppress (loneliness, boredom, anger, stress, etc.). In order for us to be truly happy, we need to learn how to deal with our emotions, and not just cover them up.

4. Delete other people’s opinions

We all have different opinions about pretty much everything and that is what makes us all unique. But, what we have to remember is not to take what other people say as our truth because this can harm our confidence, self-esteem, and lead to all kinds of unhappiness. What has helped me a lot is to understand that what other people say is a reflection of them, and not you.

5 Ways To Achieve Happiness And Simplify Life | The Organic Beauty Blog5. Take care of your health.

How you treat your body will make a huge difference on your happiness and well-being. If we do not  take care of ourselves and our bodies, nothing else will matter either, so it is very important to make changes in order to eat better, exercise regularly and make your body the best version it can be.

While you’re at it, take a look at these tips too:

  • Recognize your unique self.
  • Let go of what no longer serves you.
  • Love yourself and get comfortable in your own skin.
  • Be open-minded.
  • Feel your feelings.
  • Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want.
  • Release attachments.
  • Practice forgiveness.
  • Follow your heart.
  • Stop engaging in drama.

11 Natural Anti-Allergy Remedies

By: Stephanie Heino

11 Natural Anti-Allergy Remedies | The Organic Beauty Blog

I don’t know about you, but I have certainly noticed that it is allergy season. My nose is running, and my throat is itching and I am consuming allergy pills like there’s no tomorrow. Hay fever is the most common allergic condition, where ragweed pollen accounts for about 75% of all hay fever cases in the United States. Other significant pollens that induce hay fever include various grass and tree pollens. I don’t know which one I am allergic to since I suffer in both spring and summer, but I guess it is tree pollen which develops in the spring, whereas grass and weed pollens develop in the summer. However, if hay fever symptoms persist year-round, this is known as perennial allergic rhinitis, and this form of hay fever may or may not be due to pollens. So make sure to see a doctor if you have problems year-round to get the right cure for you. Around 50 million Americans have allergies, and most Americans reach for prescription and over-the-counter antihistamines to treat their condition, as soon as they feel it coming. But hold on; natural medicines can offer significant advantages even in this case. Keep in mind that antihistamine drugs offer only symptomatic relief, and don’t solve the actual problem. The drug companies love these drugs because they only suppress symptoms, but don’t really effect a cure. Instead they create dependence, and of course, most beneficial to drug companies, the drugs are expensive, so they gain huge profits.

Before taking the easy way and reaching for OTC medications, try these 11 natural treatments:

1. Track the pollen count. With today’s technology you can actually track the pollen count in your area.  You can use this info to know when to stay indoors when pollen counts are highest. Here is a great site you can use as an allergy tracker: http://www.weather.com/health/allergy/main

2. Showers. If you are prone to seasonal allergies and spend a lot of time outdoors make sure to shower when coming inside or before bed to remove pollen, especially from your face and hair where it’s more likely to get stuck.

3. Try nasal irrigation. Get a neti pot online or at your local pharmacy and wash your nasal passages with a saline solution once or twice a day to clear it out.  If you find that your nose dries out after using a neti pot, follow irrigation with a drop of sesame oil in each nostril to lubricate the delicate lining of your nose.

4. Filter your air. Go to your nearest Home Depot and equip your home with HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters, which can be attached to central heating and air conditioner systems. The work wonders for allergies!

11 Natural Anti-Allergy Remedies 3 | The Organic Beauty Blog

5. Clean your home & pets. Just like with our own hair, our pets also carry around pollen. So try to keep them out of your bedroom if you can and bathe them often. Pollen can also collect on furniture and in rugs, so make sure to vacuum everything frequently. You may want to use bedding made with Ventflex, a special hypoallergenic synthetic material. What I also recommend is to install an air purifier in the rooms you spend the most time in.

6. Immunotherapy. A popular treatment for seasonal allergies is immunotherapy, in which the patient receives a series of injections of the allergy-causing agent in minute amounts until the body builds up an immune response. At the end of three years about a third of patients will be cured. If shots aren’t your thing, the treatment can be performed with a liquid placed under the tongue, so no pain needed! It is not very fast, but you can usually see permanent results within weeks or months.

7. Quercetin. Quercetin consistently demonstrated the greatest anti-allergy effects among all flavonoids, according to a recent study. A highly bioavailable, enzymatically modified form of isoquercitrin (EMIQ) has been developed, which has shown significant effects in improving some of the symptoms of hay fever. The recommended dose of EMIQ is 100 mg twice per day.

8. Take polyphenols. A recent study showed that apple polyphenols reduced hay fever symptoms and had significant improvement in sneezing attacks and a runny nose. Take 100–250 mg of apple polyphenol extract  twice per day. You can get similar results with extracts such as grape seed, pine bark, or green tree extract.

9. Use fish oils. Fish oil is great for pretty much everything, but usually known as an immune booster as well as reducing inflammation, therefore also inflammation associated with allergies, great! The best dosage is 2,000 mg of combined EPA and DHA per day.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar. As we’ve written about before, this is a magic cure-all, and healing the symptoms of seasonal allergies is just one of its many benefits. When you feel allergies start to come on, instantly pour yourself a glass of water with a tablespoon of organic, raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar, and shortly after I promise you will be totally fine. And the effects really last for the entire day!  You can also start to drinking apple cider vinegar 2-3 times a day before allergy season hits.

11 Natural Anti-Allergy Remedies 2 | The Organic Beauty Blog11. Local honey. Regularly consuming local honey (and chewing on the honey combs too) helps to desensitize your immune system to the pollen in your area, effectively rendering it harmless to your body! Eat 1-2 tablespoons of local honey (raw and organic, whenever possible) every day starting two months before allergy season, and you’ll notice a big difference!

This Natural, Organic Concealer Will Cover Up Anything!

The Hickey Stick

The Hickey Stick ($24.95)

We are absolutely loving the new, amazing concealer from organic nail polish mavens G2 Organics.  It is really hard to find an effective, natural concealer that actually covers bright red blemishes, scars, bruises, and yes, even the occasional hickey, without clogging pores and causing breakouts.  So you can imagine how pumped we were to discover The Hickey Stick!  The two-step, unisex concealer primes skin, conceals practically anything, is loaded with vitamin E, and as an amazing added bonus, is charged with healing reiki energy (the ladies behind the brand are both Reiki certified)!

The Hickey Stick provides serious spot coverage, and comes in Light and Dark shades, so you can custom blend it to fit your skin tone. Completely non-toxic, and of course, paraben, pthalate, petrolatum and lanolin-free, it totally gets the Organic Beauty stamp of approval!

Be sure to check out G2 Organics whole line of non-toxic, natural and organic nail polishes, polish removers, and candles!


10 Rules of Longevity and Agelessness

Dr. Deepak Chopra, one of our favorite healthy living gurus, prescribes 10 simple rules for aging gracefully and beautifully in his book Ageless Body, Timeless Mind – A Quantum alternative to growing old. We absolutely love the simplicity of these rules… So spot-on, so intuitive, and so vital for staying young, healthy, beautiful and happy.

1. Intake fresh food, eat frugally, drink wholesome liquids, abstain from stimulants and sedatives, and have a bowel movement at least once a day.

2. Maintain a high level of personal hygiene, get plenty of fresh air, sunlight and rest, have enjoyable leisure time, and satisfying hobbies.

3. Exercise, meditate, practice balanced refined breathing (pranayam) and yoga, listen to the body’s signals of comfort and discomfort.

4. Work for a happy marriage, long-term relationships, cultivate the ability to laugh easily, to make friends and keep close friends.

5. Choose a congenial occupation, go on vacation every year, be optimistic about the future, feel financially secure and live within your means.

6. Develop an easygoing personality, cultivate nonviolent behavior, and have reverence for life.

7. Live in temperate climate, enjoy a reasonable sex life, and get proper medical attention in case of illness.

8. Live in the present – accept what comes your way, appreciate it, learn from it and let go. Resisting the natural flow of things causes negative emotions.

9. Relinquish external approval, avoid being judgmental, replace fear-motivated behaviors with love-motivated ones, nurture positive emotions and express them freely.

10. Always know the world outside is a reflection of your deeper intelligence – the real “you” is within.

Photo: DeepakChopra.com

8 Holistic PMS Remedies To Reduce Symptoms!

By: Stephanie Heino

8 Holistic PMS Remedies To Reduce Symptoms! | The Organic Beauty Blog
Ladies, you can feel in your whole body when it’s that time of the month. You are like a bomb ready to explode if anything doesn’t go your way. Even the smallest insignificant thing, such as waking up and getting ready for work finding nothing to wear, can make you just break down in tears and yell at your poor man (how do they deal with it every month?). The premenstrual syndrome monster makes a visit once a month and turns most of us into wrecks. Those physical and emotional symptoms that some women experience in the week or two before their period can be very severe in some cases, where as some women are more lucky. A holistic treatment approach for PMS addresses symptoms of the mind and body. Frequently occurring symptoms of PMS include irritability, mood swings, sadness, stomach cramps, bloating, headaches and muscle tension. These recurrent symptoms cause women a great deal of physical discomfort as well as emotional upset. In order to treat symptoms of PMS effectively, a combination of holistic treatments is recommended.

8 holistic PMS remedies to feel like yourself again:

  • Calcium. It has been shown that calcium levels are much lower in women with PMS and that calcium supplementation may help reduce the severity of symptoms. Women with the greatest intake of calcium from food sources had the least PMS symptoms so make sure you stock up on collard greens and kale. It has also been shown through a study that 300 mg of calcium carbonate four times a day significantly reduced bloating, depression, pain, mood swings, and food cravings. (It’s best to take calcium with magnesium and zinc. You can get a combo single dose capsule like this one from Solaray or get higher dose capsules separately.  I like Essential Blend Calcium from Jigsaw Health. You also want to make sure you have adequate vitamin D for calcium to do it’s magic, and since it’s not possible to get enough in combined capsule, we recommend this high dose, sublingual vitamin D, Bio-D-Mulsion Forte)
  • Chaste Tree Berry Extract. Chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus) berry is one of the most popular herbs for premenstrual syndrome. Studies found that chaste tree berry effectively reduced PMS symptoms over three menstrual cycles. Women taking chaste tree had significant improvements in irritability, depression, headaches, and breast tenderness (awesome!). The most common side effects of chaste tree berry are nausea, headache, digestive disturbances, menstrual disorders, acne, itching, and skin rashes– but these are all pretty rare. Chaste tree berry should not be taken by pregnant or nursing women, and it may interact with hormones or drugs in your body. You can find this is in your nearest health food store or in our online store!  (Nature’s Way Vitex). NOTE: Vitex is not generally approved for breastfeeding moms, but the rest of these supplements are!
  • Magnesium. The mineral magnesium, found naturally in food and available in supplements, has showing good preliminary results for PMS. Several studies have been done where it shows that the mineral significantly improves PMS mood changes. It was also found that magnesium significantly reduces weight gain, swelling of the hands and legs, breast tenderness, and abdominal bloating.  Take it with your calcium! I recommend the slow release Magnesium from Jigsaw.
  • Acupuncture. In traditional Chinese medicine, the liver is the organ most affected by stress, anger, and frustration. Liver problem caused by emotions, alcohol, and spicy and fatty foods can lead to PMS symptoms such as breast tenderness and abdominal bloating and cramping. Acupuncture, exercise, expressing emotions, and breathing exercises are recommended by practitioners to relieve liver stagnation.
  • Evening Primrose Oil. Evening Primrose oil is a plant oil that contains gamma-linolenic acid, which is an omega-6 essential fatty acid. Gamma-linolenic acid is involved in the metabolism of hormone-like substances called prostaglandins that regulate pain and inflammation in the body. You can find this is in your nearest health food store or in our online store! (Solgar Evening Primrose)
  • Dietary Suggestions. PMS symptoms are decreased by consuming foods that are high in essential vitamins and minerals, including fish, green vegetables, whole grains and assorted nuts. Certain foods such as celery and asparagus help decrease bloating caused by water retention in the body. Whole grains are great for stabilizing mood. It is also crucial to avoid unhealthy foods, especially those that exacerbate PMS symptoms. Stay away from caffeine, alcohol, refined sugars, excessive salt and fatty fried foods. If nothing else, try to eliminate caffeine as much as possible, which can aggravate anxiety, depression, and breast tenderness, as well as alcohol.
  • Exercise. Regular aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling may help relieve PMS symptoms, as do stretching and twisting practices like yoga. Try to focus more on the frequency than the intensity of the exercise, which is what matters when trying to decrease PMS symptoms.
  • Relaxation. Breathing exercises, meditation, aromatherapy, and yoga are some natural ways to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Many women feel more assertive and attuned to their needs in the weeks before their period. This can be used constructively by allowing for personal time to relax, reflect, and give priority to your needs and what nourishes you. Take a hot bath tonight, light some candles and practice your breathing exercises!

Slim Down for Summer: Your 10 Week Plan

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

Slim Down for Summer Your 10 Week Plan | The Organic Beauty BlogSpring is officially creeping in, with it’s gusts of 50 degree breezes and stir-crazy excitement in the air. That means bikini season in just a few months away!  So before you jump on yet another, crazy crash diet, or start doing juice cleanses every other week, let me help! Below you’ll find a 10 week plan to slim down for summer, revamp your diet, and revitalize your workout routine. If you make the commitment to yourself, your body, and your sweet, sexy summer self, this plan will take you there. Stay in touch in the comments or on our Facebook page to support each other throughout these 10 weeks, ask and answer questions, and keep yourself accountable!

The Organic Beauty 10 Week Slim Down for Summer Plan

Weeks 1 and 2:

These first two weeks are about starting and sticking to a few super healthy habits, before we move on to eliminating a some nasty ones.  First and foremost, spend these two weeks going gaga for greens.  I mean it!  Commit to having a full serving (at least 1 cup) of greens at two meals a day. For an added bonus, rock greens at all three meals!  And when I say greens, I don’t mean pale, flimsy lettuce.  I mean rich, darkly colored, super nutrient kale, spinach, chard, broccoli rabe, dandelion greens, and collards.  Eat ’em raw, eat ’em cooked (just a quick sauté with olive oil or coconut oil, garlic, and a pinch of sea salt and fresh pepper does the trick), throw ’em in your smoothies, your eggs, and your grains.  Greens are a super potent, detoxifying slim down food that is essentially “free” in terms of calories.  So eating those 2-3 cups of delicious greens every single day for the next 10 weeks means less room for other bloating, crappy foods.

Next, work on making lunch the biggest meal of your day.  Having a lighter dinner is one of the fastest ways to promote weight loss and detoxification, while helping you feel more energized and balanced throughout the day!  So make lunch dinner-sized, and dinner lunch-sized (think soup and/or salad), and watch the pounds start falling off.

Lastly, commit to working out, in any way that you enjoy, for 30 minutes to an hour, at least 3 days a week for these two weeks.  This could be yoga, pilates, running, Zumba, swimming.. whatever you love!  Don’t worry so much about the what for these two weeks, just focus on making those three days a week a non-negotiable part of your routine.  Set the days, put them in your calendar, and stick to them.  It works best to have a set three days a week that you work out, so you’re not figuring out where to fit it in every day.  Our bodies and minds thrive on routine, and this is the only way to build sustainable, healthy habits!

Weeks 1 and 2 at a Glance:

  1. Greens at least twice a day
  2. Big lunch/light dinner
  3. Exercise 30 min-1 hour 3 days a week

Weeks 3 and 4:

Now that you’re eating tons of greens every day and working out a solid three days a week, we can start to eliminate some habits that are getting in the way of your smokin’ summer bod.  It’s time to cut out processed sugar.  Completely.  As in, sayonara to Snickers, Skittles, and soda.  Does this mean you don’t get to eat anything sweet until summer?  Of course not!  Stock up on delicious fruit (especially potently antioxidant berries that are coming back into season), and sweet seasonal veggies like tomatoes, beets, bell peppers, corn, fennel, and sweet peas.  The more you incorporate these naturally sweet foods into your diet, the less you’ll be craving crappy sweets that relegate you to tankinis all summer long.  Treat yourself to a couple squares of dark chocolate (like, actually 70% dark chocolate) when you want a little something extra, and sip naturally sweetened tea throughout the day to help curb cravings.  Hibiscus, ginger, and dandelion root teas are all deeply detoxifying for spring, and with a touch of stevia to sweeten, they are a lovely drink to sip on all day long to promote slimming and steer clear of sugar!

Next, let’s amp up your workouts.  Wherever you’re at, take it up a notch.  If you’ve been doing yoga three days a week, add a fourth day of cardio or strength training.  If you’ve been running or using the elliptical machine three days a week, add a day of weights or a boot camp class.  If you’ve been a slow starter and have just been walking those three days a week, commit to taking a class of your choice for two of those days.  Wherever you’re at, amp it up!

Weeks 3 and 4 at a Glance:

  1. Cut out all processed sugar
  2. Eat fruit (especially berries) and sweet veggies.
  3. Use natural sweeteners in tea and coffee.
  4. Amp up workouts to 4 days a week.

Weeks 5 and 6:

So now you’re been eating big piles of greens at least twice a day, you’ve cut out processed sugar, and you’ve taken your workouts up a notch.  Let’s keep it going!  These two weeks are all about healthy grains.  First things first, we have to cut out the bikini bod’s mortal enemy, refined and processed grains.  This means cutting out the white bread, pasta, the processed cereals (basically any cereal other than granola), and if you haven’t already done so the last two week, all pastries!  Now I’m not saying you can’t have a slice of pizza for the next six weeks, but keep it to just once or twice a month.  Before you get all panicked at the thought of giving up bread, take a breath and chill.  You don’t need to give up grains!  These next two weeks, we are going to amp up your whole grains, which are awesome for weight loss, digestion, balancing blood sugar, and minimizing cravings.  So make sure to have a serving (about 1/2-1 cup) of whole grains at lunch and/or breakfast every day.  Brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, oats and millet are all your best friends!  Have some oatmeal or quinoa porridge for breakfast, or a slice of sprouted whole grain Ezekiel toast with nut butter with your smoothie or eggs.   For lunch, have some brown rice or quinoa with your stir-fry or in your burrito bowl, have some sushi, or just rock some grains alongside a delicious piece of salmon and a bunch of greens for a perfect, balanced meal!

How are the workouts going??  Hopefully by now you are working out a solid four days a week, even if it’s just for 30-45 minutes! If you’re not, hang that bikini up somewhere you’ll see it every day, and repeat to yourself that YOU NEED TO WORK OUT TO LOOK GOOD IN A BIKINI!!!!  There is no way around this.  Even if you are a lucky, naturally slim person, working out 3-4 days a week, every week is going to tighten everything up in all the right places and take your body from meh to WHOA.  So quit messing around and make it happen!  If it isn’t already a part of your weekly routine, I recommend adding a pilates workout to your regimen.  Pilates is amazing for toning abs, legs, and arms, and creating the long, lean lines that we all want for summer.

Lastly, WATER!!  Make these two weeks ALL about water.  Drink half your ideal body weight in ounces, every single day.  If you need to spruce up your water, add a squeeze of fresh lemon or some lemon slices, or get creative and add fun flavor boosters like sliced ginger, berries, and mint!  Drinking tons of water is crucial to slimming down, detoxifying, and getting that hot summer bod.  So make it happen!

Weeks 5 and 6 at a Glance:

  1. Cut out processed and refined carbs
  2. Increase whole grains at breakfast and lunch
  3. Work out 4 days a week
  4. Add Pilates
  5. Drink half your ideal body weight in ounces of water every day.

Weeks 7 and 8:

Alright guys, we’re almost there!  You are now working out 4 days a week, doing pilates, eating lots of greens and whole grains, and you’ve cut out all processed sugar and carbs.  Amazing!!!  By now your body is looking leaner, slimmer, and you probably have a whole lot more energy too!  Take a minute to write down all the awesome benefits you’ve noticed over the last 6 weeks.  This will help you stay motivated for this final month!

For these next two weeks, we’re going to clean up your proteins to make them leaner, healthier, and more conducive to a hot, slim, summer bod.  If you’re a meat-eater, over the next two weeks, work on keeping your animal proteins to lean, organic, free-range chicken, eggs, and low-mercury fish.  Also, start the practice of have two meatless days per week.  Regardless of whether or not you eat meat, focus on healthy plant proteins for these two weeks.  Beans in all their many varieties, nuts, and whole grains are all wonderful sources of protein.  Even greens have protein!  So don’t feel like you need to center your meals around a Protein, with a capital P.  Eating mostly plant proteins, fish, and eggs will give your body all the protein it needs, and will promote a healthy, lean physique year-round, not just in summer!

If you aren’t doing so already, make sure one of your weekly workouts uses light weights to boost metabolism and tone muscles.  For most women, I don’t recommend using dumbbells over 5 lbs., unless you’re going for a super muscled look.  To keep muscles long, lean, and slim, use 3 lb. weights in your workouts at least once a week.  If you’re a dude, you’re free to lift more, but focus on lower weight and higher reps to get a sexy, sculpted look.

Weeks 7 and 8 at a Glance:

  1. Write down all the amazing changes you’ve noticed so far.
  2. Keep animal proteins to organic, free-range chicken, eggs, and low-mercury fish.
  3. Increase and focus on plant proteins
  4. Have at least two meatless days a week.
  5. Add light weights to your workouts at least once a week.

Weeks 9 and 10:

Here it is, guys, the final stretch!  Your body is just a month away from being totally prepped for summer, and for some of you, you may already be there!

Keep up all the amazing changes you’ve incorporated over the last 8 weeks.  You’re doing such great things for your body!  These next two weeks, we’re going to make just a couple final adjustments that will get you where you want to be in no time at all.  First, we have to cut out bloating foods.  Retaining water and a gassy belly are major buzzkills when it comes to feeling sexy in slim on the beach, so we’re going to cut those puppies out to give your amazing abs a chance to shine!  Salt, dairy, and gluten are the three biggest bloaters around, so let’s be mindful of reducing or eliminating these foods for two weeks to really get some crazy results.  If you’re cooking your own food, you’re in control of how much salt is in everything, which is great.  Keep it to a pinch of sea salt when cooking, and you’re good to go.  If you’re eating out a lot, you don’t have as much control, so use these next two weeks as motivation for getting your cook on!

If you do ok with a little Greek yogurt, I won’t take it away from you, but cheese and milk are a slim-down (and general health) no-no.  Switch to a nut milk in your coffee and granola, and ditch the cheese altogether.  It’s salty, it’s fatty, it’s bloaty, it’s bad!

If you didn’t already do so in week 5 and 6, experiment with cutting out gluten for a couple weeks to see how it effects your digestion, especially if you experience bloat, gassiness, or feel like your belly just isn’t where you want it to be.  Check out this great resource on gluten-free grains!

Your workouts are settling into a nice routine by now, with a good balance of light weights, slimming pilates, and whatever else floats your boat.  These next two weeks, let’s make sure your boat is floated by some cardio.  If cardio isn’t a part of your 4 days of exercise by now, make it one!  Better yet, do it outside!  Biking, running, swimming, or a great boot camp or crossfit-style class are all awesome cardio workouts which will make sure you’re burning off fat and keeping things lean.  If you really want to amp up these last two weeks, add a fifth day of exercise to shred, slim and ensure that awesome bikini bod.  Even if it’s just a yoga class, working out 5 days a week is an unbelievable gift to your body, your mind, and your health.

Weeks 9 and 10 at a Glance:

  1. Reduce salt (cook more at home).
  2. Eliminate milk and cheese.
  3. Experiment with cutting out gluten.
  4. Add cardio (outside if possible)
  5. Add a fifth day of exercise (optional)


Share your experience as you go and definitely at the end of your 10 weeks here or on Facebook, and feel super proud of the amazing things you’ve done for your body.  Make a note of what worked and felt great, and keep those habits up, past summer, year-round.

As always, if you feel like you need some more support getting to where you want to be, please check out my whole body transformation programs and get in touch!

15 Ways To Find Happiness, Health and Abundance

By: Stephanie Heino

15 Ways To Find Happiness, Health and Abundance | The Organic Beauty Blog

Are you facing difficulty with knowing what to do in order to embrace and love yourself? It’s a hard one, we know. Many people feel like they don’t know where to start when feeling the need to love themselves first, prior to developing any meaningful relationships with others. We all spend so much time looking for the best romantic partner, so we should all be experts, right? What we soon realize is that our external search was meant to fill the void or emptiness we have inside, that often is created during childhood when there is a lack of love, or traumatic experiences. Finding a good relationship with ourselves can seem like an even harder task! But if not done properly, we will all finding ourselves failing miserably in relationships because of insufficient or little self-love. Do you recognize yourself in this? Self-esteem and self-love are issues that are often related, so if you suffer from low self-esteem, it is possible that the root cause is a case of insufficient self-love.

Sometimes, loving yourself feels unnatural because your mind has been trained to have sabotaging thoughts about yourself for the longest time. However, nothing is going to change if you do not make a conscious decision. When you don’t love yourself, you are basically telling the universe (and those around you) that you are unworthy or undeserving of love and positive outcomes in life. Learning to love yourself starts with making a very basic conscious decision: an intention to be happy and lead a fulfilled life. You can do it! When you make a decision to love yourself, you are really saying that you want to live your life to its fullest. You can accept that you are responsible for the all the outcomes in your life and can work towards letting yourself shine, living a fulfilling and loving life.

“Love yourself first and everything falls into line.”-Lucille Ball

So if you’ve decided on loving yourself but are confused on how to love yourself here are 15 ways which can be helpful:

1. Fall in love with yourself. Think about what makes you You, be happy and proud of it, and nurture yourself in every way. Love yourself for all the good things that you see, accept your flaws and the fact that you are imperfect and unique. This does not mean that you do not learn to change from your shortcomings, but instead, you are being gentle and kind to yourself despite all your “flaws”. Look in the mirror and fall in love with the reflection that is You.

“To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.” -Oscar Wilde

2. Eliminate Self Criticism. Do you often beat yourself up over the tiniest thing? Is there a little voice inside your head that often tells you that you are no good because you are stupid or make mistakes? If you find that you often judge yourself, make an effort to stop the self criticism by going inside! Going to see a therapist or counselor might be very effective too!

3. Be Kind And Positive. When you start to think kindly and positively about yourself, the love you have for yourself just grows and keeps reflecting on the outside world. Make it a habit to praise yourself everyday, while in the front of the mirror. You will naturally undertake more empowering actions that support your development.

4. Acknowledge Your Effort. It is not always about winning or coming in first in everything that you do. Many times, it is the effort that counts! Acknowledge that you have done your best, even if you have failed to produce tangible results.

5. Let Go Of Worry. Loving yourself requires you to let go of your worry. It is horrible to live a life filled with constant worrying. I can attest to that! Worry does not help in any way. It cannot, on its own, make things happen. Only wise actions can! So instead of worrying, spend time thinking about what you can do to help in the situation. If the situation is beyond your control, then make a clear mental request or set an intention about what you want. Next, surrender your outcome.

“There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.” — Epictetus

6. Trust Yourself. Have confidence in your abilities. Know that you have the ability to make important changes for yourself, as long as you put your heart to it. You can also support yourself by clearly visualizing desired outcomes.

7. Forgive Yourself. If you have made mistakes in the past that caused you to feel less worthy, then you need to forgive yourself. All of us make mistakes; so there really is no need to beat yourself up over them. Also, if you have been carrying around some emotional baggage because of a childhood trauma or a specific occurrence in your life, learn to forgive yourself.

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.”  Lewis B. Smedes

8. Be Truthful To Yourself. Loving yourself requires you to be truthful about your own feelings. If you are happy, acknowledge the joy. If you are sad, acknowledge the sorrow. When you are truthful about your feelings, you do not try to lie to yourself or seek to bury your negative emotions. Instead, acknowledging what you feel provides a good guide to what your thoughts are. And as we all know, thoughts can be changed, so healing and growth can take place.

9. Make Positive Affirmations Everyday. Retrain your mind to think differently with positive affirmations. One good affirmation that I repeat every morning is “I love and accept myself completely and unconditionally.” Keep reading your affirmations out loud several times a day. It will help you, I promise!

10. Express Gratitude. Express gratitude for the person that you are. For instance, cultivate an appreciation for your strengths and gifts. Also, feel a sense of gratitude that you are alive and well, and fully capable of making a difference in your life.

11. Boost Your Self Confidence. Make a deliberate attempt to look for opportunities that can help improve your confidence. For instance, if you are particularly good at doing something, set aside more time to indulge and improve your skills on it. Knowing that you have particular gifts can boost your self-esteem.

12. Relax. Give yourself space to take breaks every now and then. If you spend all your time working, without paying attention to your health, you’re showing yourself that you do not love You enough to take care of your own body. Fill your time with silence, soothing music and visions of beauty to soothe your soul and you will become more peaceful, connected, kind, loving and compassionate as a result of this.

13. Enjoy Life. Life is meant to be an enjoyable, so have fun people! Don’t take life or yourself too seriously. If you can think of life in that way you will automatically relax and quit worrying over things that do not matter.

14. Take Care Of Your Body. It is important that you strengthen yourself with proper nutrition and regular exercise. Your body is a temple and you should treat it with respect, love and care. It has been found that lack of self-love is often the root causes of conditions like eating disorders, obesity or even some terminal diseases.

15. Learn To See Beauty Around You. When you learn to see beauty in everything, you will also see beauty in yourself. So take some time to stop and smell the flowers. Try to notice things you haven’t noticed before, and feel it. How about the amazing yellow color on that flower in your garden, or the whisper of the gentle wind, or the endless hues of an evening sky. Watch the sunset tonight and pay attention to the beauty of it!

Choose to be happy, and make it happen!