
Sarah Villafranco of Osmia Organics

On my quest for the ultimate in so-natural-you-could-eat-it skincare that actually works, I was super stoked to discover Osmia Organics, and the super knowledgable skincare expert behind it, Sarah Villafranco.  I’ve been using Osmia skincare products for the last few weeks, and am just as impressed with the amazing quality of the organic ingredients as I am the awesome effects it’s had on my skin!

I love the calming Gentle Foaming Cleanser, which leaves my skin super soft, clear and clean.  Ingredients like organic aloe juice and organic chamomile extract help with redness and breakouts, while organic green tea and marshmallow extract have anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating effects on the skin.  Another favorite is the Facial Calibration Serum, which I was a bit nervous about using on my oily skin, but was thrilled that, as promised, it actually soaked into my skin and made it less oily throughout the day, while keeping it super soft and supple.  Organic grapeseed oil and black seed oil have awesome anti-aging effects as an added bonus!  But the product I’m totally addicted to is the is the luscious Body Oil, which comes in a million different delicious scents to match your mood and personality.  I love slathering on the woodsy, herbal smelling Forest scent after every shower to smooth my skin and totally invigorate my senses.

I talked to Sarah about what led her to create Osmia Organics (after nine years as an emergency physician!), and also learned about her amazing remedy for perioral dermatitis (an annoying and mysterious skin affliction I sometime fall prey to in the winter months):

1. Tell us about the philosophy behind Osmia Organics?

Really, it comes down to two concepts.  The first is caring about and wanting to KNOW what you are putting on your body.

Sarah Villafranco of Osmia Organics

There are no secrets with Osmia.  All of our ingredients are listed on the labels, and on the website.  We really, truly don’t have any icky chemicals or fillers to hide.  The second concept is rooted in THIS moment, THIS now.  We hope you will take a few seconds to sense each Osmia product you are using.  We are all insanely busy – this is a fact of life for most of us.  But being able to weave moments of scent or texture into your day is an honor for Osmia.  And we hope it carries forth into the rest of your life.  Because all of life’s precious, tiny moments can either go noticed or unnoticed – we hope to help you notice them.

2. What were you doing before you started Osmia, and what brought on the career change?

I spent nine years as an emergency physician, and I don’t regret a single one of them.  I was privileged to see people in their most trying moments – when they needed to know someone genuinely cared about them and their loved ones.  I never lost sight of the fact that it was a rare opportunity to know people in their least edited form, and I hope I was able to touch some lives meaningfully.  But, I started to get a bit frustrated with the healthcare system in general, and, at times, with Western medicine in particular.  I have always believed that the least invasive treatment is the starting point in medicine.  But our culture no longer embraces that idea, and has become accustomed to narcotics and antibiotics as a way of life.  This, in combination with a timely soap-making class, opened the door to this next phase of my life.  I love what I do now so much that I can’t really call it work, even though the hours I log more than match those I worked in the ER!

3. What sets Osmia apart from other organic beauty products on the market?

Osmia brings together natural ingredients and luxury skin care in a very conscious way.  We want each product you purchase to feel really special to you, as if you had stumbled upon it in a tiny shop while strolling down a secret side street.  The ingredients have been chosen and combined with great intention, resulting in the fewest, least processed, highest quality ingredients we can use for the desired effect of each product.  We are a small company, and maintain complete control of our formulation, manufacturing, and packaging.   And, my scientific background allows me to screen ingredients and the claims made by their suppliers with a fairly critical eye, allowing the discerning consumer to put that burden on me, for once.

4. What is your favorite Osmia product, and why?

That’s a bit like asking which one of my daughters I prefer – impossible to answer.  Juniper Fire holds a special place in my heart as my first perfume, and one that appeals to a great number of customers.  Honey-Myrrh Lip Repair is a favorite – I love the way it is still on your lips in the morning, and I find it to be an extremely effective product.  And the body oils may be my favorite in terms of the sensory experience – the smells are divine, and the feeling of your skin after using the oils is pure velvet – even in Colorado.  How’s that for dodging the question?

5. Many Organic Beauties have sensitive skin. Does Osmia have any products that are recommended for skin with eczema, acne, dry spots or Rosacea?

Certainly.  The Purely Simple Face Cream was developed for a friend with ridiculously sensitive skin and lots of allergies.  She used all natural products on her children, and was still using Cetaphil (the recommendation of most dermatologists) on her own skin, despite the fact that it is a petroleum-based product.  She said everything else made her face react.  That was a perfect challenge for me!  She has been using Purely Simple for over a year now, and loves it.

I, myself, have a condition called perioral dermatitis, which initially fueled a lot of my research and product development.  (There is an article on my site about the condition. In fact, many people suffer from it, and have been misdiagnosed with eczema or acne.)  For true eczematous and psoriatic conditions, I usually steer people to the Organic Tea Bath or the Milk Bath, the Oh So Soap, and the Unscented Body Oil.  For oily or acne-prone skin, I recommend the Gentle Foaming Cleanser or the Black Clay Facial Soap, while dry skin prefers the Rose Clay Facial Soap (don’t be afraid of soap on your face – it won’t dry you out!).   And for pesky blemishes, the Spot Treatment is quite powerful, without leaving the blemish crusty and red while it heals.

6. What is your skincare routine?

I use the Black Clay Facial Soap twice a day.  I follow with the Active Gel Nutrient Serum (perioral dermatitis likes water-based products) and the Purely Simple Face Cream.  I take a less-is-more approach, due to my perioral dermatitis, and I gently exfoliate no more than once a week.  Just as importantly, I exercise daily, eat a crazy healthy diet, drink lots of spring water, and use sunscreen religiously.  And I laugh – A LOT.



Natasha Uspensky, chhc

10 Reasons to Eat Your Veggies

10 Reasons to Eat Your Veggies | The Organic Beauty BlogMy absolute favorite guru of nutrition and holistic health, John Douillard, posted last week on the importance of drastically increasing our intake of vegetables. Though I stress their importance every day in my work (just ask my clients!), I think his list is a beautiful encapsulation of what all my veggie-pushing is about:

“You know you should be eating your vegetables, but do you know why?

Did you know, for instance, that eating more vegetables can help you reduce stress, increase attentiveness, reduce cravings, and lose weight?

The truth is, while most of us know we should be eating plenty of vegetables, few of us actually eat enough. The US Food Guide Pyramid recommends that we eat 3-5 servings of veggies a day, yet studies show that only 22% of Americans do.

Here are 10 reasons you may not have known for piling on those greens. Once you read these top ten unsung reasons for eating veggies, I hope you will have all the motivation you need.

Number One: A Reason to Chew
Have you ever eaten a bowl of fresh, either lightly steamed or raw veggies? If you have, you may have noticed one simple fact – it takes time to chew.

Unlike a sandwich, which you can eat quickly, eating veggies demands more dedication to chewing.

…Here is a list of amazing benefits to be reaped from chewing:

  • Chewing stimulates the production of salivary digestive enzymes like amylase in saliva, which lubricate the esophagus and the chewed food in the digestive tract.
  • Chewing relaxes the end of the stomach – called the pylorus – allowing food to be released into the small intestine more easily.
  • Chewing stimulates taste receptors in the mouth, which in turn triggers the release of hydrochloric acid, or HCL, in the stomach. HCL is responsible for processing hard-to-digest proteins, like casein in dairy and gluten in wheat.
  • Inadequate chewing has been linked to digestive issues such as gas, bloating, and other forms of indigestion.
  • Chewing also forces us to relax and take time to eat, rather than race through every meal.

In other words: The more you chew, the better you digest. So sit down to a meal of veggies and chew your way to better digestion.

Number Two: Take it From the Gorillas

Gorillas, whose digestive system most resembles that of humans, eat more than half their body weight in ounces of vegetables a day. They literally spend all day munching on veggies. While it may be unrealistic to match their consumption, experts agree we should be eating up to one, or even two, pounds of veggies each day.

Gorillas also eat fruits, grains (in their natural unprocessed form), and a small amount of meat.

Number Three: Release those Toxins
Vegetables are loaded with fibrous cellulose, which scrubs the intestinal villi, provides bulk for the stool, and binds toxins for escort out of the body. Without enough cellulose in the digestive tract, bowel movements – and the consequent elimination of toxins – are dramatically compromised.

Cholesterol, along with other toxins, is attached to bile in the liver. Vegetable cellulose attaches to the bile and escorts it, with toxins in tow, out of the body through the stool. Without enough vegetable cellulose in the diet, up to 94% of the bile (with cholesterol and toxins attached) is re-absorbed by the liver and the blood, which raises cholesterol and increases risk of cardiovascular disease.

Number Four: Your Armor Against Heart Disease
Most Americans gets their cholesterol tested regularly to screen for heart disease, the number one killer of Americans. The cholesterol that is connected with heart disease is called low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, and is often referred to simply as, “the bad cholesterol”.

Cholesterol becomes “bad” through the process of oxidation.

Vegetables are the number one source of antioxidants in the diet, neutralizing the process of oxidation. When vegetable intake is low, antioxidant levels crash, allowing the fats in the blood to oxidize. Low vegetable consumption is directly linked to the oxidation of LDL and, ultimately, high cholesterol and heart disease.

Major protective phytonutrients found in vegetables, including flavonoids and carotenoids, have been shown to reduce heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and some cancers.

Number Five: The Ultimate Low-Calorie, Blood-Sugar Stabilizing Food Group
Vegetables are extremely low in calories. A cup of vegetables averages about 50 calories. By contrast, nuts and seeds can have as many as 750 calories per cup. Moreover, the body uses almost the same amount of energy to chew and digest vegetables as it receives from them, thus, they are called a “free food,” or a food with a very small caloric load.

Breaking down the cellulose fibers in vegetables takes time, which allows the carbohydrates to be released slowly. This helps keep the blood sugar stable. You can see why vegetables are the ultimate low calorie, blood-sugar stabilizing food group.

Vegetables are also low in fat and have zero cholesterol. In fact, 95% of all vegetables have less than one gram of fat per serving. Eating plenty of vegetables stimulates the breakdown of fat already stored in the body, and helps the body burn this fat for energy.

Number Six: Alkalize!
Most experts agree that the diet for optimal health should be 1/3 acidic and 2/3 alkaline. In nature, the winter harvest is a mostly acidic one, high in grains and meats. In the spring and summertime, nature’s bounty of alkalizing fruits and vegetables helps the body naturally detoxify the heavy stores of winter.

Alkalizing the body helps keep the blood healthy and the lymphatic system moving, maintaining a constant natural detox.

Challenge yourself this spring to make two-thirds of your diet alkaline – it is more challenging than you might think!

Number Seven: Balance the Six Tastes
Vegetables provide the body with the oft-overlooked tastes of bitter, astringent, and pungent. In a society largely addicted to the sweet, sour, and salty tastes, large amounts of vegetables have been replaced with a diet rich in grains and bread, meats, dairy, and eggs.

According to Ayurveda, the six tastes are to be included with each meal. This balances not only the body, but the mind and emotions as well. In Ayurveda, the word for “taste” – rasa – is the same as the word for “emotion,” echoing that food is fuel for the body, mind, and spirit.

A diet high in the sweet and salty tastes can overly-satisfy the senses and, in time, create a dependency on those sweet and salty foods. Studies show that these foods activate dopamine receptors in the brain.

Dopamine is the “I’ve gotta have it hormone,” and it plays a part in any addiction. It is a “diminishing” hormone, meaning that the more you stimulate it, the more of a substance it takes to stimulate it to the same degree. Soon, the natural sweet taste of vegetables (think of them as complex sugars wrapped in fiber) gets replaced with the more potent, quick-acting sweet taste found in breads, dairy, and sweeteners.

To balance this major cultural addiction to the sweet and salty tastes, we must significantly reduce those tastes and add generous, nearly gorilla, amounts of veggies back into the diet!

Number Eight: Spring Cleaning
In the spring, when the snow begins to melt and the ground softens, deer dig up rhizomes to eat. Rhizomes, or surface roots, are loaded with astringent and bitter constituents that scrub the intestinal villi of old and hardened mucus congestion. It is like a spring cleaning of the gut. These early spring roots also stimulate liver function and blood purification. So don’t forget the root vegetables like beets, burdock, carrots, ginger, radish, onions, garlic, dandelion, turmeric and most spices.

Number Nine: Nature’s Pro-Biotics
Green vegetables, especially the spring greens, are loaded with chlorophyll. Chlorophyll fertilizes the intestinal villi and aids in the proliferation of the good intestinal bacteria, which are essential for digestion, assimilation, detoxification, and intestinal waste removal. This is a natural way to get the pro-biotic result, without a supplement. In contrast, most pro-biotic supplements do not encourage the growth of your own flora. They work well only while you take them, but the benefits stop when you discontinue taking them.

The production of intestinal flora may be one of the most important factors linked to optimal health. When we take nature’s cue and load our diet with alkalizing veggies in the spring, we naturally restore healthy intestinal flora.

Number Ten: Vitamins and Minerals (That Your Body Doesn’t Make)

Vegetables deliver vitamins that the body does not make, including the water-soluble B-complex vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, biotin, and choline, as well as Vitamin C. The water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body, so they must be ingested daily. Without adequate amounts of veggies in the diet, many of these vitamins may become deficient.

Vegetables are also a rich source of the fat-soluble vitamins A and K, and some Vitamin E.

Vegetables are also the primary source of minerals in the diet. For instance, the main source of calcium for humans should not be dairy, but green leafy veggies. As far back as 1936, in a well-publicized report entitled, “Document 264 from the Department of Agriculture”, the 74th Congress stated that, “99% of the American people are deficient in minerals, and a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease.”

That same report from 1936 stated that, “virtually all soils in the United States are mineral deficient.” In 2001, The Journal of Complimentary Medicine pointed out that US and UK Government statistics showed a decline in trace minerals of up to 76% in fruit and vegetables from 1940 to 1991.

Perhaps this makes a case for mineral supplementation, but first and foremost, we must focus on getting as many veggies in our diet as we can!

* Always eat organic when possible.

Top Tip for Getting More Veggies:

Try veggies for breakfast! Start the day off right by adding steamed greens to your am fare. It might seem unusual at first, but you’ll quickly get used to how good you feel.”

Check out some delicious veggie recipes on our Healthy Recipes page!

Natasha Uspensky, chhc, aadp
NU Health & Wellness

Best Organic Beauty Products of 2011

2011 was a huge year for organic and natural beauty products.  Not only did a whole slew of incredible new products hit the shelves, but many conventional beauty companies came out with their own organic lines that really do meet our stringent standards for quality. Organic Beauty Talk released it’s super comprehensive list of all the best green and natural beauty and grooming products of 2011, and we have to say, we couldn’t even begin to review this many products throughout this crazy year!!  After having reviewed the whole list, we are way on board, and super excited to provide this reference to YOU, our fabulous readers.


  • Best Natural Facial Line for All Skin Types (including sensitive and blemish-prone skin) – OSKIA ($52-$83) & Zum Face ($9.50-$18)
  • Best Natural Facial Line for Normal & Dry Skin – Grateful Body ($18-$30)
  • Best Natural Facial Line for Sensitive Skin (can also be used on all sky types) – Pai ($35-$50)
  • Best Natural Line for Acne/Blemish-Prone Skin (can also be used on all sky types including sensitive) – Dr. Alkaitis ($40-$80)
  • Best Natural Facial Cleanser for Acne/Blemish-Prone/Sensitive Skin – Orjene Organics CoQ10 OliveVitale Foaming Face Wash ($6.47)
  • Best Natural Facial Line for Aging Skin – Trilogy ($24-$55)
  • Best Natural Spa at Home Line for All Skin Types (including sensitive and blemish-prone skin) – Spiezia ($37.50-$85)
  • Best Natural Facial Scrub for All Skin Types – OSKIA Micro Exfoliating Balm ($74) & Zum Lemongrass Sugar Facial Scrub ($12)
  • Best Natural Facial Exfoliator for All Skin Types – Living Nature Vitalising Exfoliant ($35)
  • Best Natural Facial Mask for All Skin Types – Tata Harper Resurfacing Mask ($55), Blissoma Clay Renewal Treatment Mask ($26.75)
  • Best Natural Facial Mask for Normal, Dry or Aging Skin – Annmarie Gianni Coconut Honey Mask ($29.95)
  • Best Natural Eye Cream – 100% Pure Organic Coffee Bean Caffeine Eye Cream ($19)
  • Best Natural Spot Treatment for Blemishes – Living Nature 100% Pure Manuka Oil ($19.95)
  • Best Natural Facial Sunscreen – Erbaviva Sunscreen SPF 15 ($22), True Naturals SPF 20 ($17.99) & Alba Botanica Hawaiian Green Tea SPF 45 Sunblock ($4.69)
  • Best Natural Loose Mineral Foundation – Alima Pure Satin Matte Mineral Foundation ($22)
  • Best Natural Pressed Mineral Foundation – Tarte Pressed Mineral Powder ($30)
  • Best Natural Liquid Foundation – Organic Glam Luminous Antioxidant Foundation ($59.95)
  • Best Natural Bronzer – Alima Pure Mineral Bronzer ($17)
  • Best Natural Blush – Alima Pure Mineral Blush ($17)
  • Best Natural Eyeshadow – Alima Pure Mineral Eyeshadow ($11)
  • Best Natural Eyeliner – Lavera Soft Eyeliner ($14.50)
  • Best Natural Inner Rim Eyeliner – Tarte EmphasEYES Natural High Definition Inner Rim Eyeliner ($18)
  • Best Natural Mascara – Josie Maran GoGo Instant Volume Argan Mascara ($22) & Lavera Volume Mascara ($20)
  • Best Natural Lip Color – Tarte LipSurgence Lip Tint ($24) & 100% Pure Fruit Pigmented Lip Glaze ($15)
  • Best Natural Multi-Tasker – Revolution Organics Freedom Glow Beauty Balm ($34), Vapour Organics Aura Multi-Use Blush ($28), & 100% Pure Fruit Pigment Lip Cheek Tint ($15)
  • Best Eco-Friendly Makeup Brushes – Alima Pure ($12-$29) & EcoTools (6.99-$15.99)
  • Best Natural Makeup Remover – Desert Essence Jojoba Oil ($5.89)
  • Best Eco-Friendly Nail Polish – butter LONDON ($14) & Zoya ($8)
  • Best Natural Body Soap – Dr. Bronner’s Soap ($3.99-$16.99), Moksa Organics Bar Soap ($6.50), Zum Bar Soap ($5.75)
  • Best Natural Body Oil – Shiffa Soothing Body Oil ($81), Weleda Pomegranate Body Oil ($28) & Moksa Organics Body Oil ($18)
  • Best Natural Body Lotion – Jason Vanilla Hand & Body Lotion ($5.47)
  • Best Natural Body Butter – Deep Steep Body Butter ($10.95)
  • Best Natural Body Scrub – Glowology  Exfoliant ($12) & Deep Steep Grapefruit Bergamot Sugar Scrub ($7.25)
  • Best Natural Hand Soap – Deep Steep Foaming Hand Wash ($4.37)
  • Best Natural Hand Cream – Weleda Pomegranate Hand Cream ($12.50)
  • Best Natural Spray Perfume – Tsi-La Organics ($95) & Tallulah Jane Hope Eau De Parfum ($48)
  • Best Natural Roll-On Perfume – Tsi-La Organics ($38) & Pacifica ($12)
  • Best Natural Solid Perfume – Ituri ($30)
  • Best Natural Deodorant – Soapwalla Natural Deodorant Cream ($12) & Blissoma Natural Deodorant Spray ($9.25)
  • Best Natural Lip Balm – Organic Indulgence Lip Butter ($2.95)
  • Best Natural Body Sunscreen – True Natural SPF 40 ($17.99) & Alba Botanica Hawaiian Green Tea SPF 45 Sunblock ($4.69)
  • Best Natural Cure-All – Pratima Healing Neem Oil ($29)
  • Best Natural Skincare Oils (for face, body & hair) – Kahina Giving Beauty Organic Argan Oil ($36-$82) & Now Foods/Solutions Oils ($5-$10)
  • Best Natural Essential Oils – Mountain Rose Herbs Essential Oils ($1.75-$45)
  • Best Natural Shampoo for All Hair Types (including color treated hair) – Rahua Shampoo ($32) & EO Lavender French Lavender Everyday Shampoo ($8.99)
  • Best Natural Conditioner for All Hair Types (including color treated hair) – Rahua Conditioner ($34) & EO Rose Chamomile Protective Conditioner ($8.99)
  • Best Natural Leave-In Conditioner for All Hair Types (including color treated hair) – EO Lavender Coconut Style Nourishing Hair Cream ($8.99) & Giovanni Direct Leave-In ($4.71)
  • Best Natural Line for Curly Hair (including color treated hair) – SheaMoisture Organic Coconut & Hibiscus ($9.99-$14.99)
  • Best Eco-Friendly Must-Have Product for Curly Hair – CURL-ease ($19.99)
  • Best Natural Hair Mask/Deep Conditioner/Scalp Treatment (including color treated hair) – Shea Moisture Organic African Black Soap Purification Hair Masque ($9.99)
  • Best Natural Facial & Shave Line for Men – Bulldog ($9.99-$13.99)
  • Best Ingrown Hair & Bump Preventer – SheaMoisture Tea Tree Herbal Bump Preventer ($9.99)
  • Best Natural Fragrance for Men – Tallulah Jane Yiska Natural Eau De Parfum Pour Homme ($48)
  • Best Natural Lines for Children/Baby – Erbaviva ($10-$22), Weleda ($7-$17), & SheaMoisture ($9.99)
  • Best Natural Sunscreen for Children/Baby – Erbaviva Sunscreen SPF 15 ($22) & Alba Botanica Kids SPF 45 Sunblock ($5.16)
  • Best Eco-Friendly Shoes for Women – Coclico ($149-$545)
  • Best Eco-Friendly Casual Shoes – Toms ($44-$69)
  • Best Eco-Friendly Clothing Line for Men – Threads For Thought ($14-$268)
  • Best Eco-Friendly Basics for Women – Threads For Thought ($10-$48)
  • Best Eco-Friendly Fashion Clothing Line – H&M Conscious Collection ($24.95-$79.95)
  • Best Eco-Friendly Jeans – AG Denim ($148-$215)
  • Best Eco-Friendly Underwear & Tees – PACT ($10-$30)
  • Best Eco-Friendly Jewelry – Kyler ($48-$138)
  • Best Natural All-Purpose Cleaner – Method All-Purpose Pink Grapefruit Surface Cleaner ($3.99)
  • Best Natural Glass Cleaner – Method Mint Glass + Surface Cleaner ($3.99)
  • Best Natural Dishwashing Liquid – Seventh Generation Natural Dish Liquid ($3.69)
  • Best Natural Powder Cleaner – Bon Ami Powder Cleanser ($1.09)
  • Best Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner – Greenworks Toilet Bowl Cleaner ($3.49)
  • Best Natural Candles – Aquiesse Soy Candles ($35) & Red Flower Petal Topped Candles ($34)
  • Best Natural Air Freshener – Neom Luxury Organic Room Mist ($26) & Pure Citrus Orange Air Freshener ($5.39)
  • Best Natural Reed Diffuser – Neom Luxury Organic Reed Diffuser ($56)
  • Best Eco Savvy Paper Products – Ecojot ($4.75-$17)
  • Best Natural Line for Pets – Castor & Pollux ($1.99-$40)
  • Best Natural Dog Treats – Cloud Star Soft & Chewy Buddy Biscuits ($3.99)
  • Best Eco-Friendly Pet Feeding Products – Ore Pet ($7-$25)
  • Best Pet Shampoo & Odor Remover – Fresh Wave ($13.99)
  • Best Natural Dog Spritzer & Deodorizer – Cloud Star Buddy Splash ($5.95)

Featured Beauty: Elena Rubin Skincare

I get seriously excited about finding like-minded, holistic practitioners in a wide variety of different disciplines that complement the work I do as a Health & Nutrition Counselor.  And when that practitioner’s focus just happens to be looking amazing through an inside-out approach, all while using natural, environmentally friendly products, well that’s just icing on the cake.  Elena Rubin, of Elena Rubin Skincare, is a truly exceptional holistic facialist, who provides not only an amazingly effective, skin-nourishing facial, but also a wonderfully healing, whole body experience.  In addition to her practice, Elena is also the co-owner and founder of Ethos Collective Wellness, a unique collective of wellness practitioners (including yours truly!) in Soho, New York.  She shared some of her skincare secrets with us, as well as her truly fascinating path to the holistic beauty world: 

When did you decide to go into the holistic beauty industry, and what influenced the choice?

Over three years ago, although I thought about it on and off for two years before finally making the jump.  Basically, I was interested in doing something that would simultanously both INTEREST me and NOURISH me.  After years of the corporate grind, long hours and high stress of being a management consultant at McKinsey and working on Wall Street as an Investment Banker, I knew I was in serious need of a change.  I could no longer ignore the continual hair loss, the 15 extra pounds that wouldn’t go away, my very pale complexion and simply just feeling quite drained from my every day life.  
After reflecting a bit, I realized I will always going to work very hard at any job I do — I’m simply passionate about making a positive impact in the world.  So, I had better pick wisely!  I wanted a field that the more I worked, the more nourished and radiant I would be.  Essentially, I wanted to transform my life that was ever increasingly unhappy into a virtuous cycle of both giving and receiving satisfaction.  
I narrowed it down by focusing on the places that I felt happiest and most at ease in.  And of course, the spa was the first place to come to mind!  And, it just kept lingering there.  I liked the image of being in a serene and peaceful place dedicated to making people feel better and healthier.  So I set about finding a way to just be in a spa every day.
What do you love most about being a facialist?
Solving mysteries!  I feel like a skin detective…trying to always figure out what is the root of the issue with my client’s skin.  Why is that pimple there, in that exact spot?  Why does it look like this and not like that?  Why is their skin different since the last time I saw them?  What habits did they change? How is this person now versus when I saw them earlier?  It’s an endless journey for me to understand people’s skin.  I don’t have all the answers but I do know a few tricks and I’m love to just keep asking questions because I always want to understand more about that person, that day, their skin and finding a way where I can make it even better.
What sets your approach apart?
I am probably the world’s nerdiest facialist.  I love skin care with a passion and I throw a lot of energy, drive and love into what I do.  In fact, I had to cultivate my sense of humor just to balance out how seriously I care about doing the best job I possibly can, each and every time.  This is my craft and I’m dedicated to it in a way that most in my industry don’t try to be.
If you had to pick one must-have item from the Elena Rubin Skincare line, what would it be, and why?
My Solace cleanser.  It’s very important to get the cleanser right.  There is much focus on creams and lotions and other pretty products, but little love and glamorizing of a basic necessity like a gentle, non-irritating, dirt removing, hydrating, skin health promoting, pH balanced cleanser.  You’d think there would be more good ones out there in the marketplace but surprisingly, there aren’t.  Solace is glycerin and shea-butter base with gentle botanicals and a lovely, sulfate-free foamy texture.  It has rave reviews from my clients who try it and feel the difference — their skin simply feels healthier than with other cleansers.  And happier.
How do you source your ingredients?
I have a lab with a team of chemists who are just as committed as I am to creating great, effective natural products that respect the skin and the planet.
What are your top three tips for beautiful skin?
Beauty Sleep – there is no replacement for getting enough rest.  Sleep is when we do our cellular repair and regeneration.  If at all possible, try to sleep at least between the hours of 10 pm – 2 am.  I find snoozing during those hours leaves me more rested than sleeping many more hours in a during a different time of the day.
Eat Your Greens – specifically the dark ones.  Green vegetables are wonderful at tonifying the liver which filters out toxins in the body.  And, they provide many of the minerals and nutrients our bodies need to carry out cellular repair and heal ourselves.  My favorites to take in are kale, spirulina and broccoli.
Stick to a Regimen – 80% of great skin comes from the products you use every day.  The other 20% comes from what I can do in the Skin Care Studio.  It’s important for everyone to have a cleanser, hydrator, day lotion with a mineral sunscreen and a night moisturizer.  Many other people also benefit from using specific products to treat their current skin conditions like blackheads, redness or fine lines.
What are some misconceptions people have about skincare?
That it’s your skin’s fault for having skin conditions.  It’s not. Your skin is fundamentally, an amazing miracle and it’s doing a great job of dealing with a lot of hostile factors in today’s modern world.  I help turn people’s skin around because I teach you how to work WITH your skin to help it do it’s own job better.  Many skin care products on the market and habits in our daily lives do the opposite.
Are there any foods you recommend for great skin?
Get your fibrous vegetables every day – they really do make a difference.  And, avoid too much meat, sugar and dairy as these can contribute to more breakouts and oilier, more congested skin.
Check out a list of Elena’s services here… I highly recommend the Signature Facial, it really is a skin-transforming experience!

How Can We Avoid the Effects of Toxic Chemicals?

How Can We Avoid the Effects of Toxic Chemicals? | The Organic Beauty BlogThis past Tuesday, I attended a conference put on by the Mount Sinai Children’s Environmental Health Center in conjunction with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), entitled “Birth Defects, Learning Disabilities, Obesity and Breast Cancer:  How Can We Avoid the Effects of Toxic Chemicals?”  Although many of the chemicals discussed were those that we at the Organic Beauty have been writing about for some time (see 4 Steps to Naturalize Your Life), hearing first hand about the research and catastrophic effects these chemicals have on our bodies, and particularly children, was very jarring.

A panel of brilliant doctors, many of them young fellows in the Children’s Environmental Health department at Mount Sinai, spoke about the effects of endocrine disruptors (like parabens, DDT, phthalates, PBDEs, BPA and DBP found in common plastics, electronics, furniture and beauty products) on reproductive and neurological development, as well as cancer, diabetes, and obesity.  These toxins are ubiquitous, but it is with persistent, on-going contact that the long-term effects begin to manifest.  What struck me most was how preventable  these environmental causes of disease are.  By taking action in our communities and taking manageable steps within our own homes, we can significantly lessen our exposure to toxins that can not us sick, but make our unborn children sick as well.

So… what can you do?  Become an educated consumer!

  • Use glass or stainless steel instead of plastics, especially when storing or cooking foods.  If you must use them, avoid #3 and #7 plastics, which are chock full of pretty much every toxic chemical we should be avoiding. This handy saying helps you remember: “Four, five, one and two, all the rest are bad for you!”
  • Avoid using vinyl shower curtains.  Like many other products mentioned here, these contain phthalates, the fumes from which are then inhaled every time you enter your bathroom.  Phthalates disrupt development of male reproductive organs, lower sperm count, and damage the endocrine and immune systems.
  • Use natural beauty products.  I mean honestly, at this point there is no excuse not to!  There are countless affordable, natural products out there with ingredients that are recognizable.  If you don’t know what it is, don’t put it on your skin.  At the very least, make sure anything you put on your body and hair is paraben-free, phthalate-free, and SLS-free.
  • Clean your home with a wet mop and/or a vinegar solution, and when you must use cleaning solutions, make sure they are natural and non-toxic as well.  Everything you use to clean your house with is inhaled by you, your family, and your pets.  If it’s full of disease-causing toxins, that’s what you’re going to get…disease and toxicity.  Cleaning with homemade solutions is infinitely cheaper than store-bought as well!
  • Buy fragrance-free products, or those scented with essential oils only.  Nearly every common product with a fragrance, from lotions and shampoo to detergent and countertop spray, contain toxic VOCs (volatile organic compounds) that increase risk of all manner of cancer as well as neurodevelopmental disorders like ADD, ADHD, autism, behavioral problems and lower IQ.
  • Only use DBP, formaldehyde and toluene-free nail polish.  There are loads of brands that are now free of these chemicals, so again, there really is no excuse to expose your body to these deadly, carcinogenic chemicals, especially if you are, or are around, a pregnant woman!  (Priti and O.P.I. are just a few of the safer brands)
  • Choose PBDE-free electronics and furniture (especially mattresses).  PBDEs are flame retardants that are found in most older, stuffed furniture items and rugs, and many electronics like phones, TVs and computers.  When buying any of these items, verify that they are free of PBDEs, which decrease thyroid hormone levels, damage reproductive systems, and cause neurological symptoms as well.  The EWG has a handy PBDE Guide everyone should check out! 
  • Avoid canned foods and beverages, unless they are BPA-free.  Almost all canned foods and beverages contain BPA, which can have devastating effects on the neurological and reproductive systems, and has also been linked to heart disease, intestinal damage, diabetes, and obesity.  So far, Eden Organics is the only brand that has made the switch to all BPA-free cans.  But Trader Joe’s and Wild Planet offers some, but far from all, products in BPA-free cans.
  • Wash your hands after handling thermal receipts.  Those smooth, warm, thermal receipts used by so many retailers are made up of nearly 3% pure BPA, which then gets onto your skin and even straight into your mouth.  Always wash your hands after touching the receipts, or forgo them altogether!
Dr. Philip Landrigan, who moderated the panel, added the following universal recommendations for avoiding exposure to these dangerous toxins:
  • REDUCE YOUR CLIMATE FOOTPRINT (which lessens universal risk of exposure)
  • USE INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT (instead of toxic pesticides, sprays and fumes)
  • EAT ORGANIC WHENEVER POSSIBLE (which lowers exposure to pesticides by a whopping 90%)
  • JOIN A FOOD CO-OP  (or start one if there isn’t one in your area)
  • BE A CITIZEN!  (nothing will change if we don’t make our voices heard.  All of these environmental causes of disease are preventable, and with enough public pressure, we can get these toxins banned!)

Stay Healthy and Beautiful While Traveling


Stay Healthy and Beautiful While Traveling | The Organic Beauty BlogMost of us do a lot of traveling during the summer months, and whether it’s for work or those long-awaited vacations, travel can wreak utter havoc on our health.  Air travel is dehydrating, and can leave us exhausted for days.  Unfamiliar surroundings can make finding a healthy, organic meal difficult.  Sitting for hours on our chosen form of transportation can cause soreness and swelling.  All this stress on the body can increase the chances of getting sick, but can also cause fluid retention, breakouts, stomach problems, and other unfavorable effects.  But there are some simple steps we can all follow that will help us leave the downside of traveling behind so we can enjoy our well-deserved vacations, and be super productive on our business trips.. With no regrettable after-effects!

Tips for healthy air travel:

  • Make sure to drink lots of water before, during, and after air travel to combat fatigue, swelling, skin dryness, and jet leg.  Aim for a large glass of water for every hour you are in the air.
  • Don’t eat the food!!  Plane food is utter garbage, and is laden with salt, which worsens dehydration, bloating, and fatigue that many people experience while flying.  Instead, make sure to eat a healthy meal before you leave the house, or if you must, grab a salad at the airport.  But avoid anything heavy, greasy, or salty before getting on that plane.  And bring a healthy snack like raw, unsalted nuts, some fruit, or veggie sticks with you on the flight in case you get hungry!
  • With their recycled air, planes are breeding grounds for germs.  Make sure to strengthen your immune system by taking 1000 mg of vitamin C the morning of your flight and when you land.  And make sure you eat lots of nutrient-rich, immune-boosting fruits and veggies before your flight!
  • I know it can be fun, but stay away from alcohol before and during your flight.  If your goal is to arrive looking fresh and great, alcohol will definitely not help, and it adds to the body’s dehydration.  Getting off the plane hoarse, dry, and with circles under your eyes is anything but fabulous.  If you’re a nervous flier, and need a little something to help you relax, take some valerian root to calm your nerves, or some natural melatonin to help you sleep.  Benedryl, or any prescription sleep aids will just result in arriving groggy and out of it.
  • Flying is no fun for your skin either.  Make sure to wear a good, oil-free facial moisturizer with SPF to protect your skin from the super strong UV rays up there, and pack a revitalizing facial spray to perk up your face after the flight (I like L’Occitane Olive Tree Organic Toning Face Mist).  Ladies, avoid caking on the makeup before your flight.  If you must wear something, just a little mineral powder, some mascara, and a moisturizing lip balm should do the trick to get you there in style.  Wearing more than runs you the risk of getting post-flight pimples, clogged pores, oily skin, and looking all melted when you land.  I like to bring a little face wash with me to wash up after the flight, and if necessary, putting on a little more makeup at the airport when I land.

Stay Healthy and Beautiful While Traveling 2| The Organic Beauty BlogTips for when you arrive:

  • Try to do some stretching (or even hit the gym at your hotel if you feel up to it!) shortly after you arrive.  This will do a lot to combat post-flight stiffness, swelling, not to mention fatigue.
  • Do some research before you leave about some healthy food options near where you’ll be staying, and locate them when you get in.  We often arrive at our destinations famished, and it’s really easy to make terrible food choices in the interest of convenience when we’re stressed and tired.  But that’s exactly the time when a healthy, nutritious meal is most important!
  • Once you’re all settled, purchase some healthy snacks, bottled water, and maybe some breakfast items to keep in your hotel room (that little fridge isn’t just for overpriced candy bars!).  This will help keep you away from those hotel buffets and continental breakfasts that are responsible for so much of travel-related weight gain.  Fruit, some whole grain crackers and hummus, nuts, and Larabars are all great options to have around.  If you’re going to be in a location where purchasing specific items you like will be difficult, just bring them from home!
  • If your hotel room has a kitchen, try to incorporate some home (or hotel-) cooked meals into your travel schedule, especially if there aren’t a lot of healthy restaurant options around you.  And even when eating out at the most dubious of restaurants, you can still make healthier choices!  A soup or salad is always a good idea, and almost all restaurants will have at least one or two vegetarian options available, which are definitely preferable to the sketchy, high-fat meat dishes you’ll find at that greasy spoon or chain restaurant.
  • Lastly, try to keep up some semblance of your normal routine while you’re traveling.  Go to bed around the same time (accounting for time differences, of course), eat around the same time you are used to, and definitely maintain your exercise routine!  This will keep you from getting sick, putting on travel weight, and throwing your body out of balance.  Indulging in treats you wouldn’t normally eat, and getting a little lax with working out can be a fun part of de-stressing and letting go while on vacation, bit it’s important not to overdo it.  Spending the three weeks after you get back undoing all damage you did to your body while traveling isn’t really worth that one week of blissful abandon, is it?
 Photo via Pinterest

The Sephora of the Organic Beauty World

Ok… This is a little embarrassing.  I literally JUST stumbled upon a site that is going to change my life!  (And hopefully the lives of my lovely readers)  It’s no secret that there is a huge shortage of quality online stores that carry a wide variety of all-natural and organic beauty products that have been carefully edited to exclude harmful ingredients.  Enter:  Spirit Beauty Lounge!  Kind of like a Sephora for Organic Beauties, they carry a wide range of organic and/or natural products that adhere to a strict list of do’s and don’ts (including NO harmful chemicals, no animal testing, recyclable and/or biodegradable packaging, and actual potency of the product), and they carry some of my favorite brands!  Check out great beauty gear by SkinnySkinny, RMS Beauty, Priti, and Pangea Organics.

Just from my initial, super excited sweep of the site, here are some of my top picks:

RMS Beauty Lip2Cheek
has been one of my favorite products since I got one in a gift bag from the release party for Pure Food & Wine’s latest cookbook.  It comes in a great palette of colors that look great on lips AND cheeks, and the ingredients are organic and super potent.

RMS also makes this amazing and versatile Raw Coconut Butter, which serves as a great moisturizer for face and body, a super nourishingleave-in product for hair (great for dry ends!), and an easy makeup remover.  Coconut oil is deeply moisturizing, and has anti-aging, anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties.

In addition to all of their awesome, non-toxic nail polishes, in all the best seasonal colors, this Soy Nail Polish Remover by Priti is an absolute must-have.  It is totally green, with no formaldehyde

Intelligent Nutrients Organic Volumizing Spray is another great, organic, multi-functional beauty bad-ass.  It embodiesthe hair with tons of volume, activates curls, and is great to use between showers as a water-free hair refreshing tonic! Plus it won awards from everyone that matters, like Elle Mag and Fig+Sage.  A+

Safer Sunless Tanning

Safer Sunless Tanning | The Organic Beauty BlogAs the weather heats up and those pasty white legs start emerging from their layers into the late spring sun, many people (male and female alike) feel the need to quickly get some color to lessen the glare (and embarrassment) of those day-glo limbs.  Often times we remedy this by baking in the sun, SPF-free, for as soon as the weather permits, working on that “base tan” that will usher us into the summer months.  Though I myself have been known to commit this offense, let me be the first to admit this is a TERRIBLE idea.  Coming out of the colder weather, when our skin has not been receiving much sunlight, we are significantly more susceptible to getting a dangerous sunburn if we’re exposed to UV rays without the necessary protection.  Risk of developing melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer, doubles for people who have experienced a sunburn 5 or more times in their lives.  Think about all those innocent summer sunburns in childhood… do you really want to compound that risk?

Some people, presumably those who have no exposure to media, advertising, or common sense, still favor a few sessions in a tanning bed to get that preliminary summer color.  People, this isn’t 1995.  There is now irrefutable evidence that points to tanning beds as even more dangerous than the sun.  I’m not even going to go into the multitude of ways that tanning beds are terrible, aging, carcinogenic monsters (that’s a whole different article).. but needless to say, just stay away!

The much safer option of sunless tanning has long been a popular solution for people looking to get that summer glow without the cancer risk.. But is it really safe?  A closer look reveals that not all sunless tanners are the same.

Most sunless tanners, particularly sprays, contain DHA (dihydroxyacetone), a color additive that is still largely controversial.  For what it’s worth, the FDA has thus far only approved topical uses of DHA, but not sprayed methods during which the chemical could be inhaled.  Some adverse reactions to DHA inhalation include fainting, dizziness, coughing, and rashes, which are definitely not symptoms of a healthy and safe chemical.  Until more research is done, experts suggest avoiding spray tanning altogether.

This leaves lotion self-tanners as by far the safest choice for sunless tanning.  As with all beauty products, the majority of conventional, pharmacy bought self-tanners feature ingredients that read like a laundry list of chemicals to avoid.  Parabens, dioxane, BHT, and pretty much anything with a long, chemical name that is difficult to pronounce are best to avoid.  These common additives have been linked to birth defects, many forms of cancer, and liver, kidney, and skin problems, just to name a few.  But luckily, there are lots of more natural self-tanning lotions out there, some even with organic, anti-oxidant ingredients.  If you take the time to read your ingredients, educate yourself about what common chemicals to stay away from, and maybe even do a little research to find brands that create safe, quality self-tanning formulas, you can totally have your beautiful, pre-summer base tan without compromising your health!

Some healthy sunless tanners to try:

  • Lavera Self-Tanner is non-toxic, and features organic ingredients like jojoba oil, soy, lavender and aloe to soothe skin while gently providing color, and it doesn’t have that terrible, self-tanner smell.
  • Chocolate Sun Cocoa Glow Sunless Tanning Cream smells amazing, is 92% organic, and has super rich, antioxidant ingredients that actually moisturize, soothe, and protect skin.
  • Josie Maran’s Argan Self-Tanning Cream isn’t quite as impressive with its ingredient list (it has DHA and some other mostly innocuous chemicals), but it is still chock full of good stuff like organic argan oil (obviously), caffeine (to fight cellulite), and antioxidants like matcha and ginseng.  Not quite as natural, but definitely super effective.

[From my feed on One Minute News]

Exfoliating Homemade Sugar Scrubs

Homemade Sugar Scrubs | The Organic Beauty Blog

Ever notice how near the end of winter your skin starts looking a little dull and listless?  Dry, winter skin causes a build up of dead cells on your skin that make the outer layer look a little less than fabulous.  Though there are a lot of good facial scrubs on the market, sometimes all those added ingredients aren’t all that necessary.. I’ve found that a really effective, super easy, and decidedly cheap option is a simply at-home sugar scrub.  I did one this morning to wake up my skin a little bit, and noticed an immediate improvement in the brightness, smoothness, and moisture of my skin, not to mention a marked shrinking of a pesky zit I woke up with.

I recommend using a raw, organic sugar of a medium coarse size (a little finer than Sugar in the Raw, but not nearly as fine as table sugar).  This size gives you a really good exfoliating effect without being too harsh on the skin.

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Smell like a rose.. with no lasting side effects!

As promised, today I want to write about natural deodorant and give some recommendations about how to stay healthy and organic, without venturing into the stinky BO world of compromised personal hygiene. Most conventional deodorants, and nearly all antiperspirants contain pretty much a laundry list of everything you should let anywhere near your skin, especially not so close to your glands and the tender tissue of the underarms.

The primary ingredient in a lot of deodorants, and all antiperspirants is aluminum. Aluminum is what blocks the sweat glands from allowing sweat to come to the surface of the skin.  Unfortunately, aluminum has also been found to have a direct correlation to breast cancer (in fact, high levels of aluminum have been found in many malignant breast tumors).  Additionally, aluminum can interfere with calcium absorption, stunt growth, weaken bones, AND cause all kinds of liver and kidney toxicity.  A 2003 study published in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention found that women who applied deodorant at least twice a week and shaved their armpits at least three times a week developed breast cancer almost 15 years younger than women who did neither. Need I say more??

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