
Recent Posts by Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

Natural Summer Makeup Essentials

jcrew summer makeup Summer heat, humidity and sun present an annual makeup quandary that can either leave us melting into an oily, streaky mess or going uncomfortably bare. Neither option is particularly alluring, and neither embodies that glowing je ne sais quoi  that we’re going for.

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What are you dependent on?

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

What are you dependent on? | The Organic Beauty Blog

“When I accept myself, I am freed from the burden of needing you to accept me.” – Dr. Steve Maraboli

As the 4th of July approaches, I’ve been thinking a lot about independence and freedom.  Though I am no less a patriot than the next gal, my thinking has been more personal, as opposed to civic.  Namely, that of emotional independence.  In my own life, and in my work with my beloved clients, emotional dependency (on food, on a relationship, on a way of being or thinking) is a big recurring theme, and is often times a huge barrier to feeling joy and living the life we crave.

So I ask you this: where in your life do you feel dependent, and how does that dependency make you feel?

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Wearable Organic Beauty from Lovely Hunt

lovely huntIt’s no secret that I’m obsessed with all things organic and beautiful (I mean, it’s in our name!).  I believe that living the organic beauty life is about so much more than eating beautiful, healthy food, prioritizing self-care, joy, and balance, and living a non-toxic lifestyle (in all meaning of the word).  It’s also about adorning your body and home in beautiful things that make you FEEL the way you want to feel.  Whether it’s a unique, one-of-a-kind vibe, an earthy goddess sensibility, or a super cool trendsetter feel, surrounding yourself with beauty is such a key element in living a life of joy, ease, and radiance.

So you can imagine how giddy I was when I discovered Lovely Hunt, a beautifully curated online marketplace of handmade jewelry, bags and accessories that are all deliciously covetable and perfectly unique.

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The Magic of Acupuncture with Mital Khatri

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

I have long been a huge proponent of acupuncture.  I’ve been getting weekly treatments for the last 2 years, and consider it an absolutely necessary part of my self-care and holistic health.  I recommend it to so many of clients for so many different ailments, and have seen some pretty fantastical levels of improvement in both myself and those I work with.

I sat down with acupuncturist and RN, Mital Khatri, my friend and fellow holistic practitioner at Ethos Collective Wellness, to help demystify that magic that is acupuncture and answer some common questions I hear from clients and readers.  Mital specializes in helping her clients to restore balance in their bodies, and also in the natural anti-aging benefits of acupuncture!  A non-toxic, non-invasive alternative to injectables and cosmetic surgery?  I am SO in!

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What would happen if you let go?

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

What would happen if you let go? | The Organic Beauty Blog

What would happen if you let go of it?  Of the need to be perfect.  Of the fear of standing out. Of the plan. Of the self-criticism.  Of that crappy relationship or unfulfilling job.

A lot of my clients and readers who struggle with weight or their health are holding on to negative thought patterns, past experiences, or current habits that are holding them back.

When we’re in a place of “holding on,” our bodies and minds get a clear signal that we’re not safe. It’s not safe to lose the weight.  It’s not safe to get out of emergency mode and feel calm.  It’s not safe to put yourself out there.  It’s not safe to be happy.

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Our fave healthy reads!

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

The stack of books on my night stand just keeps growing and growing with all these awesome wellness books that I just can’t get enough of!  From creating miracles in your life, and acting in alignment with how you want to feel, to eating for a perfect period, and having a super healthy, natural pregnancy… There’s so much to choose from!

Here’s what I’m reading now:

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