
How I Created My Dream Business (and Life!)

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

Dream Business

This has been a month of reflection — on my life, my intentions, my mission, and my future. Some huge changes have been happening… getting pregnant, moving cross-country to Southern California.

And all of it has gotten me thinking about the choices I’ve made along the way that have led me here: with a dream business that allows me to help hundreds of women to love themselves and their bodies, and live a vibrant, healthy life; and a flexible schedule with plenty of time for my own self-care, fun, and travel.

The name of the game has really come down to one word: clarity.

When I first thought about leaving the performance world, I got super clear on what frustrated me most about that lifestyle: being poor, relying on my parents for financial support, needing to cater, wait tables, or babysit as a “day job” (which at times could feel so demeaning and uninspiring), constantly being subject to the criticism and scrutiny of the people I was auditioning for, and above all, feeling powerless.  My future felt totally in the hands of others.  This was my specific set of circumstances, but I know a lot of you can relate to feeling underpaid, undervalued, and uninspired.

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More big news!!


Ahhhh! I know, right??

This has been such an exciting and illuminating time for me — adapting to an insane amount of changes in my body and how I need to eat, and finding a wellspring of flexibility to give myself space and time for rest, relaxation, even the occasional nap!  (Turns out babies grow best when mama is nourished, chill, and well-rested.. who would’ve thought?!)

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How to LOVE your body and life!

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

Greens. Grains. Gorgeous.

We spend so much of our lives wishing things were different — that we were skinner, richer, married, single, healthier, happier, more whole.

Here’s the truth of the matter: we are powerful.  We can change what we don’t like in our lives.  We can create a life we absolutely adore.  But we can’t do it through self-criticism, self-hatred, and self-doubt.  And we can’t do it alone.

True transformation comes from a place of love.  Hating your body won’t make you skinnier or motivate you to stick to a new healthy way of eating.  But learning to truly love your body means treating it with care, nourishing it, moving it, and allowing it plenty of time for rest, fun, and sensuality.  This is what leads to permanent changes in your health, your shape, how you look and feel.

Truly loving and caring for yourself attracts amazing things into your life — from more fulfilling relationships to a job you truly love.  It attracts more love, more joy, and more of what you really want than negative reinforcement ever could.  And best of all, it feels damn good.

I created Greens. Grains. Gorgeous. for women who are ready to transform their health and their lives through exquisite self-care, clarity, and powerful daily steps that add up to a whole world of change.  I created it for women who are ready to be done with dieting and deprivation once and for all.  For women who want to discover what makes their bodies tick, and what unique combination of eating, movement, and self-care help them look and feel phenomenal.

Are you ready to transform your health and life?

There’s 1 week left to enroll in Greens. Grains. Gorgeous.!

>> Click here to learn all there is to know about the program and how to start <<

Why I’m Leaving New York

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

In the summer of 2005, I moved to New York City. I missed my graduation from Oberlin College to perform with the Opera Orchestra of New York, and stayed with a host on Central Park West, overlooking the Museum of Natural History. I found my very first New York apartment during that stay, and fell in love with this beautiful city and all it had to offer. Or so I thought.

The 10 years that I’ve spent here have been a journey in self-discovery. The hustle and noise of lower Manhattan proved to be way too crazy for my delicate sensibilities, and I spent a good part of those first few years feeling sick, disconnected, and lost. A move to Brooklyn in 2007 changed all that. I found myself a gorgeous, quiet, tree-lined street in Carroll Gardens, with loads of neighborhood charm and exactly the antidote to dirty concrete jungle that I needed. And yet, things weren’t quite ideal.

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Free webinar: Eat for Less Stress!


With all the work we do to manage our stress with exercise, yoga, meditation, we’re woefully unaware of the effect that the foods we eat have on our anxiety and overwhelm.  With just a few simple tweaks to your eating, you can make a huge difference in your emotional balance!

Sign up for my free webinar on Eating for Less Stress next week, with an intro by the incomparable Buddhist psychologist and life coach, Vanessa Scotto to learn:

  • What foods actually increase stress, overwhelm, and anxiety
  • What foods create more create more calm, balance, and ease in your day!
  • The 3 most important supplements for feeling your best, physically and emotionally

Sign up at: http://www.anymeeting.com/PIID=EB54D687814D3C

Ready to Transform Your Health, Life and Body?

No More Diets -- GGG

Greens. Grains. Gorgeous. is open for enrollment!

Are you a busy, stressed out woman ready to finally get off the dieting train, the stressed out mindset, and the body frustration?  Are you ready to start living the gorgeous, calm, and radiant life you’re craving?  Well I created Greens. Grains. Gorgeous. just for you!

Over the course of this 12-week online transformational program, you will:

  • Know how to eat for YOUR body, for the rest of your life — and never utter the word “Diet” again!
  • Understand the roots of your cravings and demystify the workings and needs of your body
  • Be empowered with stress management tools that will keep you more calm, balanced, energized, and happy — no matter what life throws your way
  • Detoxify your home, body, and life or harmful chemicals, patterns and practices that are making you sick
  • Start living the GORGEOUS life you know you are meant to be living!

Enroll by Monday, August 4th to get $400 worth of awesome bonuses, including:

  • AN OPTIONAL EXCLUSIVE EXTENDED PAYMENT PLAN to make the program even more affordable!
  • A GGG GIFT BAG full of my favorite wellness and beauty tools to get you started off right! (a $100 value)
  • A PRIVATE 45-MINUTE SKYPE STATEGY SESSION WITH ME! We’ll discuss your goals in depth and develop a custom strategy to help you get the most out of your program! (a $150 value)
  • PLUS, THE FIRST 10 PEOPLE TO ENROLL WILL RECEIVE AN UP24 BAND to help you track your movement, eating, and sleep, and keep you motivated throughout the program! (a $150 value)

Click here to get all the program details, including a week-by-week breakdown of what we’ll cover.


How to get over the guilt of self-care

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

Prioritize Happiness
Last Monday, I woke up feeling a little “meh.” I had tons on my plate between clients, my upcoming program launch, and preparing for my trip home to Minneapolis, but I was feeling some resistance toward jumping into my super productive morning routine.

These days, I know that when that happens, it’s rarely for no reason.  When I feel “meh,” unmotivated, or run down, I know it’s because I haven’t been taking well enough care of myself.  I know what I need in those moments… SPACE.

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What would happen if you let go?

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

What would happen if you let go? | The Organic Beauty Blog

What would happen if you let go of it?  Of the need to be perfect.  Of the fear of standing out. Of the plan. Of the self-criticism.  Of that crappy relationship or unfulfilling job.

A lot of my clients and readers who struggle with weight or their health are holding on to negative thought patterns, past experiences, or current habits that are holding them back.

When we’re in a place of “holding on,” our bodies and minds get a clear signal that we’re not safe. It’s not safe to lose the weight.  It’s not safe to get out of emergency mode and feel calm.  It’s not safe to put yourself out there.  It’s not safe to be happy.

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30 Day Greens. Grains. Gorgeous. Challenge!

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC


Before I tell you about the cool new project I’m working on, I want to share a little story with you.

Over the winter, when I was working on the first launch of my online program, Greens. Grains. Gorgeous., I got totally off my game.  I was so stressed out about all the deadlines, all the content I was working on, negotiating designers and clients and everything, that I completely abandoned all the little daily things that made me feel deliriously happy, balanced, and radiant.

I stopped taking my pup on long, head-clearing walks through gorgeous, peaceful Brooklyn Heights.  I stopped going to my favorite yoga classes 3 days a week.  I stopped taking the time to make myself delicious big lunches at home, and started ordering in more.  I stopped taking breaks throughout the day to read, watch a favorite show, or relax.  I stopped meditating regularly.

I was so overwhelmed by all the stuff I had to get done, that these little acts of self-care felt like luxuries, suddenly totally frivolous.  How could I possibly take an hour for lunch when I have to finish creating this module by tomorrow!  How can I possibly take an hour for a yoga class when I have three articles to write and an email to get out?

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