By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

Biao’s Beauty Rejuvenation Collection
It’s no secret that dry, winter skin is something that plagues many of us, and is yet another reason to dread the coming of these darker months. Well, I am happy to report that you can cross this winter bummer of your list! Introducing the Beauty Rejuvenation Collection from Biao Beauty. This line of hyper moisturizing, extremely nourishing products are your key to dewy, glowing, soft skin all winter long, no matter what mother nature throws your way!
The secret to this amazing line of products is a potent one-two punch of Epicalmin TCM and babassu oil. Epicalmin TCM is a synergistic blend of three plants traditionally used in Chinese Medicine which have amazing protective and anti-aging effects on the skin. When combined with babassu oil, which improves skin’s elasticity, suppleness, and moisture, the result is an amazing combo for youthful, glowing skin!
I’ve been using the Rejuvenating Night Creme, which leaves my skin feeling like absolute silk. Loaded with other powerful skincare ingredients like olive oil, vitamin E, lavender and honeysuckle, the cream is also intensely healing for sensitive skin or skin prone to eczema or psoriasis. The rose scent, which is absolutely heavenly, comes from palma rosa oil, which is not only yummy smelling, but has powerful oil regulating and cell regenerating effects, making it perfect for reducing the appearance of wrinkles or scars. I wake up in the morning with glowing, supple skin, that, I kid you not, barely even needs a brush of powder to look flawless! This is definitely my new favorite night cream.
The Rejuvenating Mask is also a vital addition to your winter toolbox. Not only does it totally drench your skin with intense hydration and essential nutrients, it also detoxifies, deep cleans pores, and combats premature aging. Ingredients like green tea, sunflower seed oil, and vitamin A add even more power to the line’s already powerful herbs and oils. The mask goes on like a thick cream, and I definitely felt something tingling under there. When I washed it off, my skin looked like I had just gotten a facial.

Sprouting boxes! How beautiful!
These formulas are, of course, all natural, and free of parabens, sulfates, synthetic fragrances, synthetic dyes, petrochemicals, phthalates, GMOs and Triclosan. To boot, the boxes — which come with such warm fuzzy reminders such as “Remember to think beautiful thoughts to create positive energy during this skin beautification,” (adorbs, right?!) — are also plantable and embedded with a mix of seeds including Baby Blue Eyes, Black-Eyed Susan, and Siberian Wallflower. How’s that for eco-friendly! (Click the photo to enlarge and see the seeds sprouting when you soak the boxes!)
To celebrate this beautiful line, we’ve got a couple goodies for you!
First, we’re holding a giveaway! To enter, just complete the following 3 steps by this Sunday, November 24th:
- Follow us on Twitter!
- Leave a comment on Biao’s Facebook Page sharing what makes you feel beautiful, inside and out!
- Leave a comment here sharing that you’ve completed the two steps! Bonus if you share your answer here too ; ) We want to know!
Second, Biao Beauty is looking for 15 women between the ages of 35 and 55 to test their product! If you’re interested, fill out the form here to be one of their testers!
Here’s to perfect, glowing, winter skin!
Our giveaway is now closed… Congratulations to our winner, Erica Jones!
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