
5 Tips for Healthier Treats This Halloween!

Check out the post I wrote for Metromoms.net, just in time for Halloween!

5 Tips for Healthier Treats This Halloween! | The Organic Beauty BlogHalloween stands out as the season for eating unhealthy, gut-busting treats and a real challenge for health-conscious parents whose children are surrounded by peers and media enticing them with sweets. As a certified holistic health counselor, I know it takes an insane amount of willpower to be surrounded by all that candy and not partake; and of course, who wants to be that lame parent who puts the kabosh on sweets?

But fear not! As with everything food-related, there are always healthier, while still yummy, choices to make. Follow these 5 tips to ensure that this year’s Halloween doesn’t spell a diet breakdown for you, or a weeklong sugar rush for the little ones.

  1. Be a chocolate purist. When selecting the sweets to hand out (which invariably equals what sweets you’ll have sitting in your pantry, taunting you for weeks to come), opt for candy that is mostly made up of dark chocolate. For example, Hershey’s Dark Chocolate Kisses (20 cal. each), Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate Miniatures (40 cal. each) and York Peppermint Patties (140 cal. each) tend to have way less calories than their milk chocolate or caramel and nougat-filled counterparts. Plus, you’re getting a bit of a health benefit from the antioxidants in the dark chocolate. Need that milk chocolaty goodness? Go for a Three Musketeers Fun Size Bar, which, thanks to its airy insides, packs only 63 calories!
  2. Don’t taste the rainbow. Avoid all those brightly colored candies that are full of toxic artificial flavors and colors. Ever notice how you can’t eat just one of those little “fruity” suckers? Which makes them major calorie bombs – 10 little Starbursts have over 200 calories (and zero nutritional value). Instead, opt for chocolate-based candies, which are less likely to have tons of chemical additives. And if you’ve gotta have some fruity love, go for Natural Sunkist Fruit Gems, which are made with all-natural ingredients and colored with fruit and vegetable juice.
  3. Don’t stock your faves. I know this sounds crazy, but don’t buy a huge bulk-sized bag of your number one favorite candy. You’ll have tons leftover, and it’ll be that much harder for you to resist overindulging. Instead, pick up a few bags of candy that you (and your kids) are pretty ambivalent about, which means the only candies you’ll be fighting over are the ones your kids brought home.
  4. Consider the alternative route. Remember that one weird house in your neighborhood that gave out bizarre candy no one had ever heard of? They were probably the family that was doing yoga and biking to work way before it was cool. Be a trailblazer and order up some healthier treats from NaturalCandyStore.com, which has delicious candy that fit every ethos and health concern out there, from vegan and gluten-free to sugar-free and organic.  Unreal Candy is a new company that makes healthier, versions of popular candy (M&M, Milky Ways, Snickers & Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups) with no high-fructose corn syrup, partially hydrogenated oils, artificial flavors and colors, or GMO ingredients!  Best of all, they’re available at CVS and Target!
  5. Set the rules, and stick to them. A great rule of thumb to keep your kids from turning into psychotic sugar monkeys for the entire week after Halloween is to set some reasonable rules around candy consumption. Lead by example by following the rules yourself. Select a certain amount of candy to keep, and take the rest to share at school or the office — a great way to weed out the bad guys above. Also make sure to set a limit of how much candy everyone gets per day. For example, one piece of candy after dinner keeps the Halloween spirit alive much longer, and keeps everyone from getting pimply and plump.

Natasha Uspensky, CHHC
Holistic Health & Nutrition Counselor
NU Health & Wellness

Quick & Yummy Macro Brown Rice Porridge

Alicia Silverstone is not only one of my absolute favorite silver screen starts (I miss you!! Come back!!), but she is also one of my favorite diet gurus. Her book, The Kind Diet, was a big reason behind my decision to become (mostly) vegan, and her recipes have had a lasting influence on my cooking. The following recipe is inspired by her soft rice porridge recipe.  It’s super fast, healthy, and is a great way to get some whole grains in at breakfast!

Macrobiotic Brown Rice Porridge

1 cup cooked brown rice (or 1/2 cup brown rice flakes)
1/2 cup water if using cooked rice, or 2/3 cup water if using brown rice flakes
5-6 dried unsulphured apricots, chopped
1/2 tbsp tamari
1/4 cup raw pumpkin seeds
Raw, organic agave to taste–1 tsp is typically enough
1 tsp umeboshi plum paste (optional)

Boil bring water and apricots to a boil. Add rice and cook until it reaches a porridge consistency (typically about 3 minutes). In the meantime, toast pumpkin seeds in a small pan over medium heat, until they start to pop and lightly brown. When they’re browned, transfer to a small bowl and add tamari. When rice is almost done, stir in agave and umeboshi paste, if using. Serve rice topped with tamari pumpkin seeds.

I’ll upload a photo when I make it again next week!

Healthy, Vegan Avocado Chocolate Pudding!

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

I don’t know what it is about this time of year, but suddenly, everyone seems to be craving pudding.  There is definitely something comforting about the rich, creamy consistency of this favorite dessert… and you know what?  Sometimes it’s ok to have pudding!  BUT, it is never ok to eat the crappy, supermarket stuff that is full of sugar (or carcinogenic fake sugar), artificial flavors and colors, and low quality dairy.  Your amazing body deserves better than that!

How about a chocolate pudding that is actually healthy?  “Whaaaaaat????” you say… Well it exists.  Avocados are a super amazing, healthy food that are full of delicious, vital nutrients, and their creamy consistency make them the perfect base for yummy desserts!  This recipe uses avocados to achieve that pudding consistency, and a select few other, healthy, natural ingredients that honestly taste pretty close to that crappy store-bought kind you know you shouldn’t let within a 10 foot radius of your body.

Vegan Chocolate Avocado Pudding

Healthy, Vegan Avocado Chocolate Pudding! | The Organic Beauty BlogServes 2-3 (please keep this in mind, and don’t eat the whole batch in one sitting!  Sa-a-a-a-avor the experience!)

1 avocado pitted and removed from the shell
2 tbsp organic maple syrup
3 tbsp organic cocoa powder (preferably raw)
1/2 cup plant-based milk of choice
2 tsp vanilla

In a blender, mix all ingredients until smooth and the consistency of pudding. Refrigerate and enjoy!

Is Rice Poisoning You?

Is Rice Poisoning You? | The Organic Beauty BlogThere has been tons of alarming news of late about the high arsenic content in rice, which is throwing consumers into a bit of a frenzy.  So what’s the real deal?  Is the arsenic content in rice a reason to cut it out of your diet?

First, a fact that may surprise you.  Arsenic is a naturally occurring element present in soil and water, which means that there are trace amounts of arsenic in almost all fruits and vegetables!  Exposure to low levels of arsenic is an inevitable factor of eating foods grown in the United States, and the effects of these low levels is pretty unclear, but we do know that exposure to higher levels of arsenic has been linked to several different types of cancer, skin conditions, and birth defects.

Because it is grown in water (which has high arsenic levels in the U.S.), rice is susceptible to higher levels of arsenic, which is definitely a concern for people that eat rice every single day.  People that eat rice a few times a week are not exposed to dangerous levels of arsenic.

What can you do to limit your exposure to arsenic?

  • Keep rice consumption to a few times a week, and vary the type of rice you eat.  Jasmine and basmati rice not grown in the U.S. has very little if any arsenic content, whereas American-grown brown rice has the highest.  As long as you are eating a variety of rices, your overall exposure will remain minimal! (For kids, limit consumption of American-grown white or brown rice to about a 1/4 cup of uncooked rice a week).
  • Rinse your rice before cooking it.  This actually applies to most grains, and is a great cooking habit to stick to!
  • Stock up on other grains.  Keep the majority of your grain consumption to other healthy whole grains that have little to no arsenic content.  Quinoa, oatmeal, barley, amaranth, and millet are all great options!
  • Stay away from store-bought juices, particularly apple and grape juices.  Store-bought juices have very little nutritional value anyway (being mostly sugar, with no fiber, and often times a lot of additives), so you may find that omitting them from your diet will actually benefit your waistline!
  • Wash your fruits and vegetables thoroughly.
  • Always drink filtered water.  Invest in a high quality filtration system like ZeroWater to make sure your aren’t ingesting high levels of arsenic and other toxic substances.
  • Eat a varied diet.  Every week there’s a new study about what food is now going to kill you.  Instead of falling prey to all the hype, stick to eating a varied, healthy diet of many different types of organic produce, whole grains, and lean and plant proteins and avoid any diet that goes overboard on any one food or food group (ie: high protein, high carb, powders, shakes or super high fruit-based diets).

Natasha Uspensky, chhc
Holistic Health and Nutrition Counselor
NU Health & Wellness

Healthier State Fair Food Choices

By Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

Healthier State Fair Food Choices | The Organic Beauty BlogI know, it sounds crazy. But it is possible to enjoy the State Fair without doing serious damage to your arteries, your waistline, and your conscience. On a recent trip to the Minnesota State Fair, we managed to stay totally vegetarian AND keep the gut-busting, greasiness to a bare minimum, while still having a great time and indulging a bit! The added bonus was not feeling like a bloated ball of guilty grossness when leaving at the end of the day.

Healthiest State Fair Foods:

Healthier State Fair Food Choices | The Organic Beauty Blog Corn on the cob

• Roasted nuts

• Fresh fruit

• Pickles

• Falafel

• Turkey leg (shared by at least two people!)

• Popcorn (hold the butter!)

• Vegetarian hot dogs or corn dogs

• Local honeycomb (to share with friends!)

If you really need to have some of the junkier State Fair foods, the best rule of thumb is to have just a bite or two and share the rest. A couple cheese curds or slices of fried green tomatoes won’t harm you, but a whole carton will.

Remember to stay hydrated (with WATER! Not slushies and beer) and keep moving. And definitely don’t arrive on an empty stomach… A hungry you will have a lot more trouble making healthier choices!


Holistic Treatment of Migraines and Headaches

Holistic Treatment of Migraines and Headaches | The Organic Beauty BlogHeadaches and migraines are among those pesky and debilitating health concerns that are more often than not a sign of an imbalance in the body. A healthy body may get an occasional headache from stress or dehydration, but when it’s a regular, frequent complaint, action needs to be taken.
If you’re getting headaches consistently once a week or more, the first step is to rule out anything neurological.  See your doctor for a CT Scan or MRI. Once these causes are ruled out, it’s important to identify your triggers and get to the bottom of your headaches.  Migraines are actually more often caused by gastrointestinal or environmental factors. Common causes and triggers of headaches and migraines are:


  • Alcohol, especially beer and red wine
  • Certain foods, such as dairy, chocolate, peanuts, some fruits, sugar, foods with monosodium glutamate (MSG), onions, meats, some cooking oils
  • Poor diet or nutritional deficiencies
  • Blood sugar imbalance (skipping meals)
  • Inflammation
  • Environmental toxins
  • Fluctuations in hormones — for example, during pregnancy, before and during your period, and menopause
  • Certain odors, such as perfume 
  • Stress, physical or emotional 
  • Too little or too much sleep
  • Caffeine
  • Smoking or exposure to tobacco smoke
  • Some medications
  • Heat, high humidity, and high altitude

Holistic Treatment of Migraines and Headaches | The Organic Beauty BlogTry identifying which of these factors play a role in your headaches, and eliminate them for at least two weeks.  Keep a symptom journal or tracker (I like Chart Myself) to help keep track of the factors that influence your headaches.  The specific holistic treatment approach you’ll take will be dependent on what your triggers are.  For example, if you primarily get headaches around your period, focusing on balancing your hormones through diet and supplementation will be key.  Or if your headaches come on when you are stressed or overworked, you’ll want to focus on stress management, relaxation, and, of course, a diet that supports your adrenals and immune system.

That said, there is definitely a holistic headache treatment protocol that can help all sufferers…

  • DIET:
    • It’s important to balance blood sugar with regular, filling meals, particularly in the first part of the day.
    • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, fast food or processed food, artificial or chemical sweeteners, preservatives, additives like MSG and artificial flavors and colors, sugar (which headache sufferers will want to cut out completely), dairy, gluten, excessive animal products (particularly red meat and any meat containing nitrates) and hydrogenated oils
    • Opt for a clean, whole foods, mostly plant-based diet of vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats
    • Stress management is vital for headache sufferers.  A relaxation practice like yoga or meditation are HUGE and non-negotiable for living headache free.
    • Regular breathing exercises
    • A consistent exercise routine
    • Quality sleep
    • Quit smoking and avoid being around cigarette smoke
    • Drink half your body weight in ounces of water a day
    • Rid your home of toxic chemicals
    • Naturalize your beauty regimen
    • Supplementing your diet is vital to filling in the nutritional blanks left by food.  Consult a my supplement guide for some great general supplements everyone (especially headache sufferers) can benefit from.  Of particular importance are:
      • Magnesium (200-600 mg a day) — a deficiency in this nutrient is a common cause of headaches
      • Vitamin B2 (400 mg a day) or B Complex — another supplement especially beneficial for reducing the frequency and duration of headaches
      • Omega-3 Fish oil (2 g a day) — the most vital supplement to combat inflammation
      • Chlorophyll (1 tbsp in water twice a day) — a cleansing, purifying and detoxifying supplement
      • Apple Cider Vinegar (2 tbsp in water twice a day, or at onset of headaches)
      • Feverfew (50-80 mg a day) and Butterbur (50-75 mg twice a day) and two herbs known for markedly decreasing intensity and frequency of headaches when taken regularly for up to 4 months.
    • Acupuncture
    • Reflexology
    • Massage
    • Chiropractic
    • Homeopathic treatment
Feel free to contact me for a consultation to develop your own holistic headache treatment protocol and to get healthy!
Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

The Healthiest (and Yummiest) Snack Bars!

The Healthiest (and Yummiest) Snack Bars! | The Organic Beauty BlogThose of you who are no stranger to The Organic Beauty know that I am not a huge proponent of snacking. Excessive need for snacking means you’re not getting enough substantial nutrition, and it can lead to weight gain from unnecessary added calories, as well as constantly fluctuating blood sugar. That said, sometimes you really need a frickin’ snack! Maybe you didn’t have time for a big healthy lunch, or don’t want to arrive at your nephew’s birthday pizza party famished. It’s times like these (hopefully not too often!) that you want to have access to a delicious, nutritious and quick snack that get’s the job done, without setting your diet back.  An ideal snack bar gives you a good bit of protein to keep you full, fiber to keep things moving, and healthy carbs to give you energy.  I’ve compiled a list of my top 5 snack bars that fit the bill…  Plus, I’ve added the snack bars you should avoid at all costs, just for good measure.

  • LARA BARS:  These are consistently my number one top recommended snack bar.  They are made of nothing but nuts and dried fruit… no additives, no sugar, no chemicals, no crap.  Simple, whole food ingredients means more complete nutrition! This also means they’re gluten-free and vegan.  A typical Lara Bar provides you with a full serving of fruit, 5 grams of protein, and 5 grams of fiber, making it the perfect snack!  My favorite flavor is Cherry Pie… delish!

  • JOURNEY BARS:  These are a relatively new bar on the market, and I have to say, I am super impressed!  The bars are savory, which means you’re not getting that god awful blood sugar spike, and come in yummy flavors like Rosemary, Hickory Barbecue, and Coconut Curry (my current fave).  The bars feature amazing organic, gluten-free whole grains like amaranth and millet and savory spices and herbs that do great things for your body.  They also pack about 5 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber.

  • BUMBLE BAR:  Here’s another delicious, organic, gluten-free bar filled with nutritious seeds, grains, nuts, and dried fruit.  The bars come in great flavors like Awesome Apricot (my favorite), Chai Almond, and Lushus Lemon, and many are sweetened with naturally low-glycemic sweeteners like organic agave or organic brown rice syrup.  They pack anywhere from 4-7 grams of protein, 5 grams of fiber, and an average of 7-10 grams of sugar!

  • PURE BAR:  These are another line of delicious, organic snack bars that have perfectly simple and pure ingredients.  Dried fruit, nuts, brown rice protein, and agave make up the vast majority of their bars, that come in flavors like Banana Coconut, Wild Blueberry, and Dark Chocolate Berry (that last one is more of a dessert bar, but I’ll tell you what, it is sooo good, and still super healthy!).  They have around 6-7 grams of protein, 4 grams of fiber, and are loaded with antioxidants!
  • RISE BAR:  Rise has three different lines of breakfast bars, energy bars, and protein bars, all with simple, healthy ingredients like organic fruit, nuts, and whole grains.  Depending on your needs, you can select bars with as much protein as 20 grams (in the Almond Honey Protein Bar),  and all the bars have about 4 grams of fiber and are sweetened with healthy brown rice or tapioca syrup, or honey!  The bars are designed to keep you sustained and energized for 3 hours, which is definitely the mark of a great snack!
Now what you don’t want out of a snack bar is unfortunately what the vast majority on the market have to offer:  chemical additives and sugar replacements, processed or refined carbs, processed soy, processed dairy, and all kinds of other allergens (I love this image on the left from A Healthy Kitchen, which illustrates all the harmful crap found in most “diet” bars).  As with anything you put in your body, LESS IS MORE!  Any product with a super long list of ingredients is no good for you.  A good rule of thumb is to only eat foods with 5 or less ingredients, and if you can’t pronounce an ingredient, stay away!  Anything with “hydrolyzed” or “partially hydrogenated” ingredients typically means a low quality product.  Some bars to stay away from are:
  • “Diet” and meal replacement bars like Atkins Meal Advantage, Zone Perfect Bars, South Beach Diet Bars, Slim-Fast Snack Bars, Balance Bars, Nutribar, Special K Meal Bars — which are all full of tons of processed soy, fake sugars, chemicals and additives.
  • Protein bars and sports bars like Pure Protein, PowerBar, Solid Protein by Nature’ Best — also full of processed soy, palm and canola oils, dairy, and unhealthy chemical sweeteners.
  • Pseudo-healthy bars like Kashi Go Lean bars, FiberOne Bars, Think Thin Bars — which, although slightly better than the bad guys above, are still full of processed ingredients, unhealthy oils, and sugar substitutes.
If you’re trying to bulk up your muscles and are working out a ton, a much healthier alternative to protein bars is a great shake with organic rice or hemp protein powder, fruit, and water or a nut milk!
Bottom line, derive your nutrition from REAL FOOD, not fake food substitutes.  If you need something quick to grab and go, grab something that is REAL FOOD (i.e.: nuts, fruit, whole grains) and not a food facsimile!  Just because something is “high protein,” “high fiber,” “low calorie,” or “sugar free” does not make it healthy — in fact, usually, it means the exact opposite!
Natasha Uspensky, chhc
Holistic Health & Nutrition Counselor

Cancer, Nutrition and Coping after Chemo

Guest post by Jillian McKee, Complementary Medicine Advocate.
Bringing a wealth of personal and professional experience to the organization, Jillian McKee has worked as the Complementary Medicine Advocate at the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance since June of 2009. Jillian spends most her time on outreach efforts and spreading information about the integration of complementary and alternative medicine when used in conjunction with traditional cancer treatment.

Cancer, Nutrition and Coping after Chemo | The Organic Beauty BlogCancer treatments often alter our ability to meet some necessary nutritional needs. Take chemotherapy treatment — a necessary evil that wrecks havoc on the body. Chemotherapy causes a decrease in our red blood cells, which leads to anemia, the path to vitamin deficiencies, which weakens our immune system little by little. One of the ways to combat these problems is by eating well and maintaining a good weight, both during and after chemotherapy treatments.

Eating enough calories can help the body recover quicker and heal during and after chemotherapy treatments. Once weight loss begins, muscle loss, strength and energy will follow. Research studies have proven that Omega-3 supplements can help. Omega3 fatty acids tend tohelp cancer patients maintain muscle mass and stabilize weight. The Journal reported that 16 patients, taking a daily supplement of 2.2 grams of fish oil, for 10 weeks were able to maintain their weight, while 24 patients, did not take the daily fish oil supplement, and continued to lose weight. Those patients with the largest amounts of fish oil in their blood had gained muscle mass. Scientists theorize that fish oil may interfere with cancer, thereby providing a way to beat undernourishment in patients.Cancer, Nutrition and Coping after Chemo | The Organic Beauty Blog

Ways to improve your appetite:

  • Start meals with solid foods first. This will help you avoid filling up on liquids. Solid foods fill the stomach up and liquids leave the stomach quickly. Unless you are on a liquid-only diet, avoid soups unless they are thick and filled with vegetables.
  • Break up meals into six or more sittings per day. One of the side effects of cancer treatments is diminished appetite. Loss of appetite also depends on the type of cancer and the type of treatment. In general, it is often difficult to eat a full meal. Eat light meals, and don’t worry so much if you do not feel like eating. Staying hydrated is more important. Drinking water, broth, non-acidic fruit juices and vegetable juices works best.
  • Start an exercise plan. Of course, get approval from your physician first. Physical activity can boost your appetite and help to maintain muscle mass. Exercise will also promote more bowel movements, which flushes toxins from the system.
  • Take your time and chew slowly. After the meal, do not rush to lie down; remain upright to help avoid nausea and heartburn.

Coping with treatment side effects is no easy task. Exercise and improving the appetite can help patients cope with effects such as the coughing and excess fluid. Certain foods can be especially helpful in battling certain cancers, such as broth and vegetable juices serving as natural cough suppressants for mesothelioma cancer patients.

No one can predict exactly how each patient is going to feel. Cancer is complex and everyone experiences this disease differently. The best advice is to always be proactive and anticipate ways to deal with your nutritional needs.

You can read more from Jillian on her blog: http://www.mesothelioma.com/blog/authors/jillian/

The Key to Sustained Weight Loss

Sustainable Weight Loss
I’m sure by now you’ve read about the French diet paradox (those slim, beautiful women who somehow are able to eat pastries, butter, fat, and wine without consequence), or have witnessed for yourself that enviable friend who all the foods you wish you could eat, guilt-free, for brunch or lunch, and still manages to maintain her skinny physique.  What is the secret??  Something so easy, and so engrained in our DNA that you won’t believe how naturally you’ll be able to reach and maintain your body’s healthiest weight without uttering the word “diet” ever again.
From our hunter-gatherer ancestors to the eating cultures of East Asia, much of Europe, and even the Pacific Islands, most of the day’s calories were eaten in the earlier part of the day, with dinner being a much lighter, more supplementary meal.  Though this has always been a natural way for our bodies to consume calories, this runs very much in contradiction to the American way of eating, as well as the fad diets so many people fall prey to.  Our metabolisms are not designed for small meals every two or three hours, and they certainlyaren’t designed to take in the bulk of the day’s calories at dinner (traditionally Americans’ biggest meal).  Our bodies do best with three meals a day, with breakfast and lunch being the time to bring out the big guns.  Finally, there is some scientific proof (for those skeptical of empirical evidence): A new study from the University of Alabama at Birmingham suggests that we’re built to consume high-fat meals in the early part of the day and low-fat meals in the latter.
Think about it this way… You wake up (still exhausted), have a cup of coffee and maybe a bagel for breakfast at 7am, are starving by 10am, reach for a granola bar, or some sweets around the office, make it to your light lunch of salad or a sandwich, totally crash by 4pm, needing more snacks, sweets, or coffee to get through the rest of the day, and then come home, tired and hungry, for a huge, calorie-ridden meal at 8pm.  Your body doesn’t have the chance to burn off that big meal before bedtime, so you go to sleep with everything still sitting in your belly, and wake up exhausted, in need of that coffee that starts the whole thing up again.  Sound familiar? 
Now try this on for size… You wake up well-rested, have a delicious breakfast of eggs, avocado, whole grain toast and some fruit, have tons of energy all morning without even thinking about snacking, have a big, leisurely lunch of salmon, quinoa, salad, maybe even some sumptuous dark chocolate for dessert, are full, energized and productive all through the rest of your day, sailing by that 4pm mark without even glancing at the birthday cake in the break room, come home, still not starving (since you had that awesome big lunch), have a nice light salad or some soup dinner, and go to bed where you enjoy deep, restful sleep.  Sounds a lot better, doesn’t it?
Eating larger meals with healthy fats in the first half of your day is not only more satisfying and energizing, it also prevents metabolic syndrome, obesity, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.  And think about those extra empty calories you’ll be able to avoid!  Those late afternoon snacks, lattes, trips to the vending machine, or dips into the cookie jar on the receptionists desk are all a function of low blood sugar.  Big, healthy breakfasts and lunches (with healthy fats, protein, whole grains, and veggies) eliminate the need for any snacking by keeping your blood sugar consistently balanced.  Meanwhile, light, low-fat dinners give your body very little to do in terms of digestion and fat-burning at night, which allows you to detoxify and rest your whole system while you sleep.  Waking up feeling light and refreshed eliminates the need for coffee and sugary breakfasts, which in turn allows you to make healthier food choices right from the start.
So if you make one change to your diet, make it this one!  You’ll be amazed at how much more simple and natural losing weight and being healthy is when you let your body do what’s designed to do!
Ready to make a change, but feel like you need some guidance?  Contact me to schedule a Skype consultation to get started!