
Magical Natural Cough and Sore Throat Remedy!

Magical Natural Cough and Cold Remedy | The Organic Beauty BlogBy: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

It seems like everyone is walking around hacking up their lungs these days, so I thought what better time to share my amazing, all-natural cough and sore throat remedies remedies!  Unlike Robitussin and other over-the-counter cough medicines, these remedies are perfectly safe to take throughout the day, are safe (and healthy!) for kids, and are also super yummy.  And they’re ridiculously easy to make!  Below are my recipes for the cough syrup as well as sore throat tea.

Magical Natural Cough and Cold Remedy | The Organic Beauty Blog

Natural Homemade Cough Syrup

¼ tsp cayenne pepper
¼ tsp raw, grated ginger
1 tbsp raw, organic apple cider vinegar (Bragg’s is my personal fave)
2 tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice (for maximum potency) or filtered water for a mellower potency
1 tbsp raw honey (organic, if possible)

Dissolve cayenne and ginger in cider vinegar and lemon juice. Add honey and shake well. Take as needed for cough.  Always shake or mix up before using.  If you’d like, you can add more honey to make it palatable for the kiddies (over 1 year)!

Or, if you’d prefer a more warming version, which is also amazing for any cold or flu, try the tea!

Magical Natural Cough and Cold Remedy | The Organic Beauty Blog
Honey-Lemon-Ginger Cough and Cold Busting Tea

Juice of 1/2 of an organic lemon
2 tsp fresh grated ginger (or about 3/4 inch of ginger thinly sliced)
1 tbsp raw organic honey
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper

(optional) Add 1 tbsp of raw apple cider vinegar for even more healing!!

Combine ingredients in a teapot and pour boiling water over the mixture.  Cover and let steep for 3-4 minutes.  Strain, sip and enjoy!  This recipe makes 2-3 cups.

5 Tips to Beat a Cold in Two Days Flat!

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

5 Tips to Beat a Cold in Two Days Flat! | The Organic Beauty BlogI don’t know about you, but my body has a wicked way of letting me get sick at precisely the worst possible times.  I got laryngitis smack dab in the middle of my first big orchestra gig singing in Cleveland; I got terribly sick about a week before my wedding;  I got a sinus infection right before going home for the holidays last year.  Just like clockwork, two days before we leave to spend Thanksgiving (and my birthday!) with my family in Minneapolis, I caught a cold!

But this year, I was determined to do everything I could to get better ASAP, before the plane and the festivities and the traditional Russian vodka and zakuski could turn a cold into something much more unpleasant.  And guess what?  It worked!  With the right mix of traditional and natural remedies, and a bit of rest, you too can beat a cold in just two days, so you’re not walking around coughing and sniffling for weeks!

Here are my top tips for killing that cold, fast.  Follow each and every one, and you’ll be right as rain!  But it’s important not to skimp, especially on the first recommendation.  To get better, you need to give your body the chance to get better, which is doing completely the opposite of what we’re taught in terms of “powering through” and medicating (and thereby ignoring) each of our bodies’ symptoms.  Give yourself a break, and shower some extra loving care on your system.   That’s the trick, and it works.

1.  Take a day off.  

The number one worst thing you can do for your body when you start to come down with something is “power through” and act like you’re not sick.  A cold or other virus is not in your head, and you can’t trick yourself into getting better.  By downing Dayquil and trudging off to work, you are not only exposing everyone around you to your bug, but you are pretty much ensuring that your cold will last much longer.  When you’re starting to get sick, you need to do everything you can to support your immune system and give your body a chance to heal up.  Stress at the office and germs on the subway all put added strain on your system, and don’t allow your immune system to do it’s job!  So take a sick day, stay home, catch up on your favorite shows, and leave yourself plenty of time to do all the great self-care below… One sick day now is better than a week later!

2.  Take care of your nose.

If you don’t already have and use a Neti pot, get one, and get one now.  This is your secret weapon for avoiding seasonal colds and allergies, and can also be a huge boost to your system once you’ve gotten sick.  A neti pot irrigates your nasal passages with salt water, which flushes out irritants and bacteria, loosens up mucous, and clears up a stuffy or runny nose.  Most neti pots come with a salt mixture but if yours doesn’t, you can just use 1/2 tsp of sea salt per 16 ounces of water in your neti.  I recommend using a neti pot every other day throughout the whole cold season, if you’re prone to getting stuffy, but when you start to get sick, it’s especially helpful.  Use your neti twice a day (morning and night) right from the onset of cold symptoms.  And always follow it with a couple drops of nasya oil or organic sesame oil in your nose, to lubricate things and keep your nose from drying out!

3. Drink up!  

When you’re starting to get sick, it is especially important to drink tons and tons of fluids… Like, way more than you think.  Basically, you should be drinking something pretty much all day long.  This flushes out your system, and supports your immune system in beating that bug!  When I’m starting to get sick, I like to alternate between a tall glass of water with Wellness Fizz or Emergen-C (to blast your system with vitamins — don’t exceed 3-4 times a day though!), ginger tea with lemon juice and raw organic honey (which act as an antibacterial tonic for your throat), water with lemon (super yummy, more interesting than plain water, and alkalizing for your system) , and water with apple cider vinegar (a magic, cold-fighting potion).  Make sure to avoid caffeine, and shoot for keeping your water intake at about half your body weight in ounces as a bare minimum.

4.  Make the 3 G’s (garlic, greens, and ginger) your very best friends!  

Yes supplements are all fine and good, and can help give your system a boost when you’re fighting a cold, but nothing does the job as effectively as cold-fighting super foods.  Bulking up on these foods also means you’re not eating terribly unhealthy “comfort” foods (cookies, crackers, mac n’ cheese, cereal, canned chicken noodle soup, etc) that we tend to turn to when we’re sick — which actually serve to weaken our immune systems and prolong illness!

Garlic has an antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, immune boosting quality that is pretty much unparalleled… I’ll press about 2 cloves into pretty much anything I eat while I’m sick, and it definitely gets the job done.

Dark leafy greens, always a healthy powerhouse food, are absolutely loaded with vitamins and minerals your body needs to get better.  Kale and spinach are particularly amazing for this.. so make sure to have a garlicky kale or spinach salad at least once a day (but preferably more) while you’re sick.  Check out my Yummy Cold-Busting Salad recipe that packs a potent one-two punch to kill that cold!

Lastly, ginger is absolutely key for cold-fighting, due to it’s warming effect on the stomach, lungs, and entire system.  It does wonders for alleviating congestion, coughing, and a sore throat!  Make your own ginger tea by slicing up about an inch of raw, peeled ginger root and steeping it in boiling water.  Add fresh lemon and raw, organic honey (a super awesome antibacterial combo), and you’ve got yourself a potent remedy!  Drink this tea several times throughout the day for best results.  Here is my recipe for Honey Lemon Ginger Cough & Cold Busting Tea!

5.  Supplement smartly!  

Taking the right supplements right when you start to feel under the weather is actually the biggest secret to nipping colds in the bud.  The goal of these supplements (which are taken in these doses short-term, just while you’re getting rid of a cold!) is to supercharge your immunity.  Here’s what I take, right when I start to feel yucky or start to sniffle:

  • Vitamin C (1000 mg 2x a day)
  • Echinacea (400 mg 2-3x a day)
  • Vitamin D (4000-6000 IU 1x a day — this is 2-3 drops)
  • Zinc (20 mg 2x a day)
  • Elderberry — (1000 mg 2x a day) only if you’re sure it’s not COVID 

Your Natural Cold-Busting Essentials:

Do you find yourself getting sick more than 1-2 times a year?

There may a larger immunity or systemic issue at hand.  Schedule a free Consultation with me to find out what’s at the root of your frequent illnesses and what simple steps you can get to strengthen your immune system and improve your health!

4 Surefire Election Day Stress-Busters

Still in line to vote after an hour and a half wait, I can personally attest to the need for some serious stress relief today! Check out this post I contributed to from The Daily Zeel for some ideas!

4 Surefire Election Day Stress-Busters | The Organic Beauty Blog

After months of mudslinging politicians urging us to vote this way or that, Election Day is finally here. Off to the polls? Don’t forget to bring along these four surefire tips for relieving voter-related stress.

Yoga: Salute the Sun

If you need to relax after casting your ballot, try working off some of that nervous energy or tension with a simple yoga flow. Zeel Expert and SMARTer Bodies co-founder Melissa Gutierrez suggests something slightly rigorous, like a couple of sun salutations or, if you’re looking for a single pose, warrior 3. After holding the pose (which can create some muscle tension), Melissa recommends topping off the sequence with a few cat-cow poses to find fluidity in your movement and energy in the spine. “This little routine helps to get me to a more relaxed place,” says Melissa. “It forces me to focus and slow my breathing.”

Acupuncture: Point by Point

Endorsed by the National Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization, acupuncture may be just what you need to battle voting booth-induced anxiety. “There are specific points that help facilitate both an endorphin and serotonin (natural anti-depressants) release in the body,” explains licensed acupuncturist and Zeel Expert Bruce Mandelbaum. “The patient also is evaluated, and points are added to promote balance in the body as well. The treatments are pain-free and very relaxing. Change can often be felt within a half hour.”

Massage: What You Knead

Similar to acupuncture (only without the needles, of course!), massage therapy has the ability to balance hormone levels when your stress goes through the roof. “Massage has been known to reduce cortisol in the body and increase serotonin and dopamine levels,” confirms Zeel Expert Cory Moran, a nationally certified massage therapist. “Massage not only helps the body let go of physical issues but emotional and mental issues as well!”

Nutrition: In the Kitchen

“There are lots of foods that have a wonderful stress and anxiety-busting effect on the body and mind,” says Zeel Expert Natasha Uspensky. “In general, opting for grounding foods like whole grains, beans and root vegetables is great for staying calm, focused and firmly rooted. Foods rich in healthy fats like avocados, almonds or pistachios and omega-3′s like salmon and walnuts are also amazing for reversing the effects of stress. The combination of fat and vitamins B and E in these foods can have an almost immediate effect on a stressed out mind. They are also super stabilizing for blood sugar levels, which can be a major contributor to freak-outs when it gets low.”

In addition, Natasha touts the benefits of foods that are high in magnesium, like spinach and other leafy greens. Magnesium’s relaxing effect on the body and mind can “do wonders,” she explains.

Natasha adds: “A perfect stress-busting meal plan for a crazy day could be a bowl of grounding, fiber-rich oatmeal with some sliced bananas and a handful of nuts for breakfast; quinoa with roasted root veggies and salmon for lunch; and a creamy, calming tomato-avocado soup with rye toast for dinner.” On another note, she also cautions against raw veggies (“which although super energizing and creativity-boosting, can be too light and spacey for a stressful day”), coffee (“which can increase anxiety and trigger higher stress levels”) and sugar (“which can also increase anxiety, and lead to a blood-sugar crash later in the day”).

How to sleep better, naturally!

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

How to sleep better, naturally! | The Organic Beauty BlogIf you have trouble falling asleep at a healthy time, the culprit is often everything that’s happening in the hours leading up to bedtime.  The late evening (on weeknights) is not a time for high energy, intensive activity, doing work, or eating heavy, hard-to-digest foods.  It’s a time to naturally wind down after your day, and start to calm the body and mind.  Follow this pre-bedtime timeline to insure a great night’s sleep, and shoot for being in bed, ready for sleep no later than 11pm.  Adjust your timeline accordingly to make this happen!

  • 3.5 or more hours before bed:  Eat a light, healthy meal that is quickly and easily digestible.  Soup, a salad, or some cooked veggies work best.  Avoid anything super greasy, fatty, salty, sugary or high in protein.
  • 30 minutes to 1 hour before bed: Turn off the TV, your phone, and any other electronic devices.  These interfere with your body’s production of melatonin, and can be really stimulating for a brain trying to gear up for sleep.  An obvious no-no is doing any work, checking work emails, or anything like that before bed!
  • 45 minutes before bed: Take a hot bath and/or drink a cup of chamomile or Kava Stress Relief teaall of which are deeply relaxing for mind and body.
  • (Optional) 30 minutes before bed:  Take an herbal sleep supplement.  If you need a little extra soporific action, opt for a natural sleep formula that combines melatonin, valerian root, GABA, hops, and L-Theanine.  My favorites are Natural Balance Herbal Slumber and Schiff Knock Out.
  • Get in bed and do this 5 minute yoga routine.  Doing some light, easy stretches before bed helps to get you out of your head, and to relax tense muscles.
  • If you’re still not ready for sleep, take out a somewhat boring book (now would be a great time to brush up on your Kafka!) and read until your eyes start closing.  Don’t read anything super exciting, engaging, or steamy (Game of Thrones and Fifty Shades of Grey are obvious no-no’s!).  And no reading on your iPad or other eReader!

Click below for my amazing, quick yoga sequence that helps to improve sleep and increase relaxation of both body and mind. Complete this routine right before going to sleep, in your bed.

Foods for Perfect Hair

Foods for Perfect Hair | The Organic Beauty BlogWhat you eat plays just a big a role in creating smooth, clear skin, and shiny, luscious hair as the products you use.  Check out 5 Foods to Maximize Beauty for the best foods for healthy skin, and read on for the best nutrients and foods to prevent dry, wintery hair, hair loss, and ways to eat your way to lusciously healthy locks…  Luckily, the foods below aren’t just the key to amazing hair, they are a blueprint to ideal health!

Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Foods for Perfect Hair | The Organic Beauty BlogFound in sardines, salmon, walnuts, flaxseeds and seaweed

One of the best nutrients for overall beauty, including hair, omega-3s prevent inflammation and keep our systems moisturized and healthy.  Stock up on these foods to keep hair shiny and lush, prevent dry scalp and hair loss, and promote hair growth!

Vitamin B12 & B7 (Biotin)
Foods for Perfect Hair | The Organic Beauty BlogFound in fish, beans and legumes, whole eggs, swiss chard, berries, carrots, nuts and nut butters and oatmeal

These two forms of vitamin B are key for healthy hair, and promote hair growth, strength, elasticity, and prevent breakage!  In conjunction with a good conditioner, a diet rich in these foods will ensure the healthiest hair possible.

Foods for Perfect Hair | The Organic Beauty BlogFound in eggs, beans, fermented soy like tempeh, quinoa, nuts, fish, and free-range chicken

You need to eat a moderate amount of healthy proteins every day to maintain hair growth and strength.  Protein is a building block of hair, so if you find that your hair is dull, brittle and prone to breakage, increase your consumption of healthy protein to literally build better hair!  But the emphasis here is on healthy — a diet with too much animal protein like red meat and pork increases risk of cancer and other diseases, so stick to the foods above!

Vitamins A & C
Foods for Perfect Hair | The Organic Beauty BlogFound in leafy greens like kale, spinach, and chard; orange foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, and bell peppers; cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, brussel sprouts, and broccoli; and fruit like strawberries, citrus, and kiwi.

In combination, these vitamins help your body to produce sebum, which is what gives you beautiful, shiny hair. Load up on these foods, and you’ll need to use less product and synthetic oils to keep your hair from drying out!  Not to mention, these superfoods keep you healthy, energized, and boost your immunity.

Foods for Perfect Hair | The Organic Beauty BlogFound in nuts and seeds, seafood like oysters, scallops, lobster and shrimp, and oatmeal

Zinc is a vital nutrient that prevents hair-loss and keeps hair full.  Increase consumption of these foods preemptively if you have a family history of thinning hair or baldness, or just to make sure your hair stays put as you age!

Natasha Uspensky, chhc
Health & Nutrition Counselor
NU Health & Wellness


Newsflash: Shorter Workouts More Effective!

Newsflash: Shorter Workouts More Effective! | The Organic Beauty BlogNew research that recently appeared in the American Journal of Physiology shows that 3o minute workouts actually have as good, and often even better, effects on weight loss, calorie burning, and energy levels than 60 minute workouts!

I have long been a big fan of the shorter, more targeted workout..  I always feel drained and just generally blah after longer workouts, while regular shorter workouts leave my body feeling energized and fabulous.  So I’m thrilled that there is now research supporting this much more pleasant method of exercise!

The key is to workout in a smart and targeted manner to make the most of the shorter duration.  Opt for a combination of cardio and strength training for maximum results, and alternate between the parts of your body you work.  Shoot for working out 5 days a week, with 1-2 of the days dedicated to pilates or yoga.

Check out some of these great 30 minute workouts!

30 Minute Fitness Blitz from WebMD

3o Minute Workout, No Gym Required from Health.com

30 Minute Outdoor Playground Workout from Women’s Health Magazine

Total Body Transformation 6 Month Workout Program from Women’s Health Magazine


Natasha Uspensky, chhc

Holistic Health & Nutrition Counselor

5 Minute Meditation for Stress Relief

Check out this super potent, stress-relieving yoga nidra from Dr. John Douillard.  You can use this exercise anytime you need to relax, unwind, refocus or center yourself.  Since it’s a seated meditation, you can even put in your headphones and do it at your desk at work!

Try it out, and post what positive results you noted!

5 Great Mini-Workouts You Can Do Everyday!

5 Great Mini-Workouts You Can Do Everyday! 2| The Organic Beauty BlogFollowing up on my recent post “Start Working Out! Now!” I wanted to share some great, mini-workouts that anyone, even Mrs. BusyBusy Pants McOverworkedstein, can fit into every day life.  By no means do these mini-workouts take the place of a real, bona fide exercise regimen, but they are a great place to get started incorporating movement into everyday life, or to keep moving and burning those calories between workout days.  When you have a regular exercise routine, you’ll find that your body starts to physically crave movement, like your muscles are itching to be flexed!  These little mini-workouts are great tricks to scratch that itch, boost energy and maximize calorie burning all day long.

  1. 5 Great Mini-Workouts You Can Do Everyday! | The Organic Beauty BlogThe Subway Ballerina:  While waiting for the train, I often find myself sub-consciously doing pretty little ballerina moves that are super-toning, but still subtle enough to not attract too much attention.  Opt for little leg lifts (lifting leg behind you, reps of 15 per side) and little plié/calf-raises (in first position, squat slightly and then get on your toes, come down, repeat. Reps of 15), that will tone up your butt, calves and thighs, while you’re reading Lucky Mag and waiting for your train!  Can’t find a seat on the train? Do your pliés while you’re standing!
  2. 5 Great Mini-Workouts You Can Do Everyday! 3 | The Organic Beauty BlogThe Stairmaster:  You know you should be taking the stairs, but now, actually do it!  Leaving your building, going up to your office… any time you have a chance to take the stairs (particularly going up), do it!  It’s great cardio, and a wonderful workout for your legs
  3. 5 Great Mini-Workouts You Can Do Everyday! | The Organic Beauty BlogThe Compulsive Walker:  This is the easiest daily mini-workout you can do.  If you live in an urban environment, this is definitely a lot easier.  Get off the train a stop early on your walk to work, and at the end of the day, pick a station slightly further away, so you can have a nice, long walk to end your day!  If you live in a rural or suburban environment, pick a parking spot further away from your destination, so you can sneak a longer walk in.  For lunch, skip the car, and get the gang together to walk to your favorite lunch spot! In the evening, a wonderful activity to do as a couple or family (or even solo!) is taking a nice walk after dinner!  It gets everything moving, improves digestion, and is another great way to sneak in some physical activity!
  4. 5 Great Mini-Workouts You Can Do Everyday! | The Organic Beauty BlogThe Office Iron Pumper:  Depending on what you do for a living, there is tons of time throughout the day when you can multitask in some exercise throughout your workday.  When I had an office job, I, along with a lot of the women I worked with, kept some light weights in their cubicles to do bicep curls (3 sets of 10-15 reps per arm), or overhead triceps extensions (3 sets of 10) while talking on the phone at work.  Don’t want to bring weights to work?  You can use water bottles, soup cans, or any other comfortable 2-4 lb. item!
  5. 5 Great Mini-Workouts You Can Do Everyday! 2 | The Organic Beauty BlogThe Ball Chair Baby:  I am a big fan of the exercise ball office chair.  In addition to being amazing for stability, posture, and core strength, the ball chair comes with a ton of awesome exercises you can do, right at your desk!  Your ball chair should come with a little booklet of workouts, but my favorites are seated leg lifts, seated side crunches, and trunk rotations.  You can do these throughout the day to maximize time spent in front of the computer, and tone up that core!



Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

Holistic Health & Nutrition Counselor

Holistic Treatment of Migraines and Headaches

Holistic Treatment of Migraines and Headaches | The Organic Beauty BlogHeadaches and migraines are among those pesky and debilitating health concerns that are more often than not a sign of an imbalance in the body. A healthy body may get an occasional headache from stress or dehydration, but when it’s a regular, frequent complaint, action needs to be taken.
If you’re getting headaches consistently once a week or more, the first step is to rule out anything neurological.  See your doctor for a CT Scan or MRI. Once these causes are ruled out, it’s important to identify your triggers and get to the bottom of your headaches.  Migraines are actually more often caused by gastrointestinal or environmental factors. Common causes and triggers of headaches and migraines are:


  • Alcohol, especially beer and red wine
  • Certain foods, such as dairy, chocolate, peanuts, some fruits, sugar, foods with monosodium glutamate (MSG), onions, meats, some cooking oils
  • Poor diet or nutritional deficiencies
  • Blood sugar imbalance (skipping meals)
  • Inflammation
  • Environmental toxins
  • Fluctuations in hormones — for example, during pregnancy, before and during your period, and menopause
  • Certain odors, such as perfume 
  • Stress, physical or emotional 
  • Too little or too much sleep
  • Caffeine
  • Smoking or exposure to tobacco smoke
  • Some medications
  • Heat, high humidity, and high altitude

Holistic Treatment of Migraines and Headaches | The Organic Beauty BlogTry identifying which of these factors play a role in your headaches, and eliminate them for at least two weeks.  Keep a symptom journal or tracker (I like Chart Myself) to help keep track of the factors that influence your headaches.  The specific holistic treatment approach you’ll take will be dependent on what your triggers are.  For example, if you primarily get headaches around your period, focusing on balancing your hormones through diet and supplementation will be key.  Or if your headaches come on when you are stressed or overworked, you’ll want to focus on stress management, relaxation, and, of course, a diet that supports your adrenals and immune system.

That said, there is definitely a holistic headache treatment protocol that can help all sufferers…

  • DIET:
    • It’s important to balance blood sugar with regular, filling meals, particularly in the first part of the day.
    • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, fast food or processed food, artificial or chemical sweeteners, preservatives, additives like MSG and artificial flavors and colors, sugar (which headache sufferers will want to cut out completely), dairy, gluten, excessive animal products (particularly red meat and any meat containing nitrates) and hydrogenated oils
    • Opt for a clean, whole foods, mostly plant-based diet of vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats
    • Stress management is vital for headache sufferers.  A relaxation practice like yoga or meditation are HUGE and non-negotiable for living headache free.
    • Regular breathing exercises
    • A consistent exercise routine
    • Quality sleep
    • Quit smoking and avoid being around cigarette smoke
    • Drink half your body weight in ounces of water a day
    • Rid your home of toxic chemicals
    • Naturalize your beauty regimen
    • Supplementing your diet is vital to filling in the nutritional blanks left by food.  Consult a my supplement guide for some great general supplements everyone (especially headache sufferers) can benefit from.  Of particular importance are:
      • Magnesium (200-600 mg a day) — a deficiency in this nutrient is a common cause of headaches
      • Vitamin B2 (400 mg a day) or B Complex — another supplement especially beneficial for reducing the frequency and duration of headaches
      • Omega-3 Fish oil (2 g a day) — the most vital supplement to combat inflammation
      • Chlorophyll (1 tbsp in water twice a day) — a cleansing, purifying and detoxifying supplement
      • Apple Cider Vinegar (2 tbsp in water twice a day, or at onset of headaches)
      • Feverfew (50-80 mg a day) and Butterbur (50-75 mg twice a day) and two herbs known for markedly decreasing intensity and frequency of headaches when taken regularly for up to 4 months.
    • Acupuncture
    • Reflexology
    • Massage
    • Chiropractic
    • Homeopathic treatment
Feel free to contact me for a consultation to develop your own holistic headache treatment protocol and to get healthy!
Natasha Uspensky, CHHC