
Super Yummy Lactation Balls!

Yummy Lactation Balls

Continuing on our lactation kick here at The Organic Beauty, we have a new delicious recipe from a beautiful mama, my friend Tara at Tara Josette Snacks.  Tara is part of the amazing community of new mamas that I’m so lucky to be a part of here in LA, and she’s always bringing these super duper yummy lactation balls to our mommy playdates.  No joke, you guys, these things are FOR REAL.  After eating a couple delicious little balls, my milk got flowing like crazy, which was especially crucial after my supply took a hit when I starting my period again : ( (For more ways to naturally boost milk supply, click here).

The delicious lactation balls have a bunch of ingredients that are amazing for milk supply (like brewer’s yeast and oats) and quality (like coconut oil and nuts).  They are naturally sweet and are perfect for satisfying a sugar craving healthfully.  They’re loaded with healthy fats, protein, and whole grains, so they’re also awesome for keeping you full and stabilizing blood sugar. The long and the short of it.. They’re awesome.  Here are a few words about them from the lovely Tara:

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6 Ways to Boost Milk Supply

Boost Milk Supply

A lot of breastfeeding women freak out when they notice their supply dropping while traveling, if they get sick, or around the time they start menstruating again (usually between 4-6 months after birth), and think they need to start supplementing with formula.  It doesn’t help that many myself had major drops in supply from all three of these factors, which led me to dive deep into natural ways to boost milk supply. The good news is, I discovered tons of easy peasy things you can do to boost your supply when things get a little dry.  Unless there is something medical going on, like hypoplasia (or insufficient breast tissue), there is no reason to start using formula if you want to keep exclusively breastfeeding.  If you choose to use formula for other reasons, no judgment here! These ways to boost milk supply are for you ladies (like me!) who desperately want to keep nursing your little one and are faced with a drop in supply.

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2016 #skingoals: 5 Rules to Drive Away Dry Skin

5 Rules for Dry Skin | The Organic Beauty Blog
How do you like my clever use of alliteration?  Sweet, huh? I’m going to try to keep it up for the whole #skingoals series.. Just to keep you entertained!

So dry skin is the number one skincare complaint I hear about from you guys.. and I’m with you! It seems like pretty much October-March spells dry, lackluster skin, be it from the cold weather, the dehydrating indoor heating, or less moisture in the air.  Either way, it sucks.  Personally, I managed to drive away my dry skin a few years ago with the tips I’ll share below, until they all came back after I had little M. A few weeks after I gave birth, my cheeks, chin and jawline got insanely dry, and it took months of experimenting with different hydrating techniques to really make a difference.  But my pain is your gain! I was able to further refine my remedies to suit even the most stubbornly dry skin.

Follow these dry skin rules and you will be a beautiful, hydrated, goddess in no time at all! (And by no time at all, I mean anywhere from 1-3 weeks… true beauty takes time, people).

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Hydrate and Glow with Sunkissed Dream Cleansing Oil

Sun kissed Dream Cleansing Oil

If you’ve been reading The Organic Beauty for a while, you know I am huge into using cleansing oil to wash my face. This has been the biggest skincare game changer in my whole damn life.  Ditching the face wash and using oil has cleared up my stubborn breakouts, eradicated my dry skin, and helped my skin be youthful and glowing year round.  And it’s not just me! This skin cleansing method has changed the lives of so many of my clients, who’ve been battling issues like acne, rosacea, dull and dry skin for YEARS.

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Slay your 2016 #skingoals in 90 days

The new year is an awesome time to finally address all those skincare and beauty woes that are always standing in the way of you looking and feeling your absolute best, and I am here to help. In honor of this beautiful year of the monkey (hehe), over the next few months I’m going to post a series addressing all the skin and beauty issues you guys ask me about the most.  We’re going to vanquish your dry skin, brighten up that dull visage, eradicate redness, clear up acne, deep clean face and body, and smooth away wrinkles and bumps.  How’s that for some #skingoals? Whoa.  2016 is looking mighty fine, is it not?

To get us started, it’s crucial to have a regular daily, weekly, and monthly healthy skincare regimen. Doing a mask every once in a while, or drinking a glowing green smoothie when you feel like it isn’t going to cut it, ladies.  That covetable, confidence inducing radiance comes from committing to a regular routine of self-care. This awesome infographic from Holland & Barrett breaks it all down for you with easy to follow steps, and some great natural beauty DIY’s for a holistic approach to true radiant beauty. Ready, set, go!


#skingoal 1: Drive Away Dry Skin

#skingoal 2: Amp Up Anti-Aging

#skingoal 3: 5 Steps to Clear Skin

4Moms bounceRoo Giveaway!

bounceRoo Giveaway!

Little 2 month old M loving the bounceRoo!

Ok you guys, here it is.. our last big giveaway to celebrate 2016! This has been such a banner year, both personally and professionally — with the birth of little M, a huge growth in readership on the blog, and features in all kinds of publications.  Super exciting stuff, and so much of it is due in no small part to you beautiful organic beauties reading the blog and showing your support.  (The birth of M we accomplished all by ourselves thankyouverymuch ; )  It’s also been really fun seeing so many mamas and mamas-to-be coming out of the woodwork, and it’s been awesome to be able to support this subsection of our readership with our exclusive guides to natural, holistic parenting tips and tools.

To celebrate this awesome year and you awesome readers (particularly the ones with bebes) we are giving away a 4Moms bounceRoo bouncer!  For you new mamas, having a great bouncer is so super crucial to maintaining your sanity — being able to shower, make a cup of tea, and put your little one down once in a while… not to mention naps!!  We’ve been lucky enough to test a bunch of bouncers throughout little M’s infancy, and the 4Moms ones have definitely topped out our list!

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5 Ways to Use Lavender Essential Oil for a Happy Baby

Bali Lavender Essential Oil of BabyI have long since been a huge fan of using lavender essential oil to ease stress and anxiety, but honestly had no idea how versatile a tool it was in the home until little Margaux was born. Since becoming a mama, I have gotten rid of so many household items that could be harmful to my precious little bundle — toxic cleaning supplies (even ones masquerading as natural), dryer sheets, perfumes, air fresheners.. the list goes on and on.  I started researching natural replacements for all these things I wasn’t sure I could live without, and was really surprised to see lavender pop up everywhere.  Lavender essential oil was about so much more than better sleep and stress release!

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How to Go Into 2016 With Intention

How to Go Into 2016 With Intention | The Organic Beauty Blog

Whether you stayed in last night and cuddled with your sweetie and a bottle of Dom, got glammed up for a night on the town, or something in between, I hope last night was exactly what you needed it to be!

We had a low-key gathering of a few friends and family, with sake cocktails and sushi, while little Margaux slept upstairs. It was a great night, and it felt awesome to be able to let go of the expectation to make New Years epic, and just go with the flow.

That’s been a definite theme of the last year — letting things happen as they are meant to, letting go of my need to control and plan everything within an inch of it’s life — which usually tends to lead to disappointment and frustration when things don’t go my way (for more on all that, check out my posts on leaving New York Cityour struggle with getting pregnant, and our birth story).

Maybe you’ve been experiencing something similar in your life… Perhaps you had an idea of what you wanted to accomplish this past year — losing 20 lbs, making a 6 figure salary, finding your soulmate, getting pregnant, traveling more, buying a house, revitalizing your relationship…etc. etc. etc.  And maybe you found that things took a different turn and didn’t go exactly as you had planned.  And you got frustrated, and down on yourself, maybe a little hopeless. Or maybe you were able to adapt on the fly and make the most of what did come your way.

In either case, I propose we go into 2016 differently.  Instead of setting resolutions about losing weight, getting engaged, making more money, etc. etc., let’s focus on our intention for the year.  What overarching theme are you seeking? What emotions are you craving?

If you take a little time this way to gain clarity about what you would like this year to bring (and why), the odds of having the year of your dreams increases exponentially.

Try these 3 simple steps for going into 2016 with intention:

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Holistic New Baby Essentials + Giveaways!

Ok guys, we’ve gotten through the essentials for first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy, natural birth and now… your natural new baby essentials!!

I cannot overstate the importance of utmost absolute vigilance when selecting the products you use on and around your baby.  This guide has products I have used and loved with my own baby, as well as a couple of vetted items that I didn’t get much use out of, but come highly recommended by my mommy community.

In general, there are a few things to keep in mind when selecting products for baby: safety, purity, and intention.  Little babies are so sensitive to their environment, and the choices we make in the first months of their lives set them up for a healthy and happy childhood and rest of their lives.  Choose the easy, cheap, unresearched route, and your child will likely battle issues like hormonal imbalance, allergies and asthma, behavioral issues and ADD, and even more serious long-term effects.  Maybe a few items are a little more expensive than their drugstore or box store counterparts, but when it comes to your little one, it is soooo worth it.  If budget is a concern, skip a few weekly trips to Starbucks and you will more than make up for the difference in cost.

In general, here are the rules I follow when choosing products for my baby:

  • EVERYTHING must be BPA, SLS, phthalate, and paraben-free
  • Wood or glass over plastic
  • Organic or bamboo fibers whenever possible
  • Simple items with developmental value over battery-powered products that make noise or blink lights


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What to Pack for Your Natural Birth

As I learned from my somewhat unexpected birth experience (which you can read all about here), the key to a more pleasant and confident birth experience is to be prepared for what may come. We were planning on a birth center birth, and were adamantly against the hospital. As it turned out, we had a bit of both.. What both experiences had in common was our desire for a natural birth, and in retrospect, I am so grateful that we thought to pack the tools necessary for the birth we wanted, both at a birth center, and at the hospital.  I did plenty of research to make sure everything I brough with me was as natural, healthy, and safe as possible, both for myself and for my new baby! Here are your must-have’s for your natural birth, wherever it may be*:


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