
Holistic 1st Trimester Must-Have’s

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC1st-Trimester-Organic-Beauty

Doing some prenatal yoga during my 1st trimester

Those of you who have experienced it know that pregnancy is totally bananas. 9 months of your body being completely hijacked by another creature leads to some pretty interesting side effects.  But it can also be one of the most rewarding, beautiful, and radiant times in a woman’s life… IF, and only if, you set yourself up right.

One thing I’ve learned in my 8 months of pregnancy so far is that being prepared is the KEY to a healthy, happy, and radiant baby-growing experience. Each trimester seems to bring with it a whole slew of new and exciting changes, but if you know what to expect and are armed with the right tools, you are in for some much smoother sailing.

My 1st trimester was actually pretty bearable.  I never once threw up, could wear all the my normal clothes, and felt decently good throughout.  I did, however, feel queasy, super sleepy, and bloated for quite a bit, and the tools below really helped me keep it all together.  Since I know every pregnancy is different, I’ve also included some tools for those mamas who have a different experience — more nausea, more of an expanding body, etc.

A major focus for me in this pregnancy has been to minimize stress and anxiety, treat my body with the utmost love and care, and eliminate anything that could harm my growing baby.  Luckily, my years of writing this blog and working as a holistic nutritionist have armed me quite well for this intention, and I’m eager to share what I’ve learned with you!

Below you’ll find the most effective, beneficial, and safe products and tools that helped me throughout my 1st trimester.  If you have some healthy, non-toxic, natural tools to share, please feel free to add them in the comments!

Holistic 1st Trimester Must Have's


1: Earth Mama Angel Baby Body Butter ($13)

Even though you may not start showing yet in your first trimester, subtle changes (perhaps even ones only you and see) are already taking place.  My boobs grew an entire cup size in the first 3 months of my pregnancy, and I definitely noticed a bit of a “burrito belly” coming in, that was bigger some days than others.  With your body starting to expand, it is super important to keep your skin hydrated and supple, which will help avoid stretch marks later in pregnancy.  Earth Mama Angel Baby is a wonderful line of non-toxic, natural products for pregnancy and baby, and I absolutely loved this super hydrating Body Butter during my first trimester.  Though it’s great for your whole body, I recommend focusing on your thighs, butt, hips, belly, and breasts for maximum benefit.  And of course the body butter is organic, free of all toxins, AND has a lovely scent that won’t aggravate morning sickness!


2: Belly Armor Belly Blanket ($69)

If you’re like me and tend to use your laptop on your lap or rest your tablet on your chest or belly at night, the Belly Blanket is an absolute MUST. It protects your growing baby from the radiation emitted by your computer, iPad, phone, etc.  I even used it every time I traveled by plane to protect my baby from the high levels of radiation up in the skies! It comes in a chic grey color that won’t clash with your look, is lightweight, and machine-washable.  Radiation in pregnancy is no joke guys, so please make sure you’re protecting yourself and your little one! The Belly Blanket is perfect to use at home, the office, or while traveling!


3. Natural, non-toxic cleaning supplies

Cleaning products account for a huge percentage the harmful toxins you and your baby are exposed to in pregnancy.  The toxins in bleach, toxic scrubs, and abrasive sprays can cause birth defects, hormonal imbalances, and complications in pregnancy, let alone be super unpleasant to smell for a queasy pregnant mom.  If you haven’t already, now is the time to switch over to a line of natural, non-toxic cleaning and laundry supplies in your home, and toss all the toxic crap. I’m a fan of Mrs. Meyers, Honest Company, Common Good, and Puracy.  For more information on detoxing and naturalizing your home and beauty products, check out my guide to 4 Steps to Naturalizing Your Life.


4. Natural anti-nausea remedies

Nausea rears its ugly head for many women in their 1st trimesters, to varying degrees of intensity.  I myself felt a little queasy throughout, but have friends who were throwing up nonstop for three months.  No matter where you fall on the spectrum, it’s important to arm yourself with a bunch of anti-nausea tools to make the whole thing easier.  The most effective remedies I’ve found were ginger (in the form of chews, tea, or fresh grated ginger in your food), lemon essential oil (put a few drops on a hanky and seal in a ziplock bag — sniff whenever nausea strikes), and Organic Preggie Pops. To be honest, the Preggie Pops worked the best, but since they do have some sugar in them, I used them sparingly.  Many women have also had success with Sea Bands, but unfortunately, I was not one of them.  A trial and error approach works best with finding the right anti-nausea remedies for you, but definitely find something that works. Nausea is a horrible reason to deprive your growing baby of vital nutrients and building blocks in the 1st trimester, so make this a priority!


5. A whole foods prenatal vitamin + DHA

All supplements are not created equal, my friends, and just because something is labeled as a prenatal does NOT mean that it is a high quality supplement worthy of your growing bundle and your own health!  I recommend a whole foods based prenatal vitamin like Vitamincode Raw Prenatal or New Chapter Perfect Prenatal, which have food-based folate (instead of synthetic folic acid), support for healthy digestion and elimination, and hormone-balancing pregnancy safe herbs and vegetable blends.  Also, if you’re not regular eater of low-mercury seafood like wild Atlantic salmon, I highly recommend a fish oil supplement high in DHA like Nordic Naturals ProOmega.


6. BellaBand ($28)

Even though you may not be obviously showing in your 1st trimester, many women (myself included) experience a persistent bloated feeling that can make fitting into your skinny jeans a little frustrating.  You don’t need to shell out on maternity clothes yet, but it is definitely worth investing in a BellaBand, which extends the wear of your normal pants and skirts by months and months.  I was still using it well into my 2nd trimester.  The BellaBand comes in a bunch of different colors and sizes and allows you to leave your pants, jeans and skirts unbuttoned/unzipped, making things infinitely more comfortable.  I have one in every color!


7. The Natural Pregnancy Book ($14.35)

Information overload is a common overwhelming symptom of pregnancy, so it’s really important to choose your sources wisely.  I am NOT a fan of the typical pregnancy books which can instill a lot of fear, and are not at all supportive of a natural, joyful pregnancy.  So I was SUPER excited when I found The Natural Pregnancy Book, by physician, midwife, and holistic health expert, Aviva Jill Romm.  Packed with all kinds of useful information like pregnancy nutrition, natural remedies for common pregnancy symptoms, moving your body, and overcoming fears and anxieties around pregnancy and childbirth, this was my ultimate resource in the first and second trimesters.  Try to resist the urge to buy up too many books too early… you have tons of time to get all the info you need! In the 1st trimester, focus on educating yourself about the basics, and making sure you have your prenatal care, nutrition, and wellness down for you and baby.  A few other fun books I enjoyed in the 1st trimester are Mama Glow and Kind Mama, both wonderful books on having a gorgeous, healthy, and vibrant natural pregnancy.  But if you’re going to read just one, The Natural Pregnancy Book has you covered!  I’ll share my fave books for the 2nd and 3rd trimesters in upcoming posts.

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Learn to love your body, no matter what

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

There’s this weird stage in pregnancy that no one ever talks about, where your body has changed enough to be noticeable, but not quite enough for it to be obvious that you’re carrying a child.  It was in this ambiguous state that I went for a beach vacation to Mexico last week… in a bikini, no less.

I’m not going to lie and say that I love everything about my changing and expanding body, or that I’m thrilled that my boobs have gone from a reasonable B-cup, to an insane and pornographic DD.  Obviously, I am in awe of the fact that there is a baby growing inside me, but connecting to my sense of body love has come with it’s challenges when I look in the mirror and see an unfamiliar form.

I see this with my clients all the time — they gain some weight, feel out of control, or have a bloat-inducing weekend of indulgence and suddenly they’re overcome with body hatred.  Their bodies become the enemy.  The irony is that body hatred is not a place from which to healthfully and successfully make any kind of changes.  Body hatred leads to crash dieting, deprivation, hours on the treadmill.  None of these tactics lead to any kind of lasting change, and they certainly don’t feel very good while you’re at it.

The fact is, our bodies are not static. They change, they swell and shrink, expand and contract. Some days we look and feel light and lithe and slim, other days we’re carrying a little something extra as our bodies voice their displeasure with how we treated them the night before.  Some days we are flexible and energized, other days we feel heavier, slower, and sluggish.  This is a natural ebb and flow.  It might last a night, a week, or even a whole season.  The key is not to jump to the response of body criticism.

When you approach your body with love, understanding, and compassion, you are able to actually recognize the pattens and behaviors that are causing the shift, and do something productive to restore balance.  Here’s how:

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Spring Break Travel Essentials

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: traveling is no excuse to get off your heathy routine, overindulge, and throw your body off track.  If you feel like you need a detox after you return, you know something is up!

We got back from our baby moon in Mexico the other day, and I knew I had to share some of the goodies that helped make the trip super awesome (and a whole lot healthier) — as well as a few that I totally spaced on (and paid the price!).  From looking radiant and gorgeous, to staying healthy and balanced, these spring break essentials will change the way you travel.

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How I Created My Dream Business (and Life!)

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

Dream Business

This has been a month of reflection — on my life, my intentions, my mission, and my future. Some huge changes have been happening… getting pregnant, moving cross-country to Southern California.

And all of it has gotten me thinking about the choices I’ve made along the way that have led me here: with a dream business that allows me to help hundreds of women to love themselves and their bodies, and live a vibrant, healthy life; and a flexible schedule with plenty of time for my own self-care, fun, and travel.

The name of the game has really come down to one word: clarity.

When I first thought about leaving the performance world, I got super clear on what frustrated me most about that lifestyle: being poor, relying on my parents for financial support, needing to cater, wait tables, or babysit as a “day job” (which at times could feel so demeaning and uninspiring), constantly being subject to the criticism and scrutiny of the people I was auditioning for, and above all, feeling powerless.  My future felt totally in the hands of others.  This was my specific set of circumstances, but I know a lot of you can relate to feeling underpaid, undervalued, and uninspired.

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More big news!!


Ahhhh! I know, right??

This has been such an exciting and illuminating time for me — adapting to an insane amount of changes in my body and how I need to eat, and finding a wellspring of flexibility to give myself space and time for rest, relaxation, even the occasional nap!  (Turns out babies grow best when mama is nourished, chill, and well-rested.. who would’ve thought?!)

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How to LOVE your body and life!

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

Greens. Grains. Gorgeous.

We spend so much of our lives wishing things were different — that we were skinner, richer, married, single, healthier, happier, more whole.

Here’s the truth of the matter: we are powerful.  We can change what we don’t like in our lives.  We can create a life we absolutely adore.  But we can’t do it through self-criticism, self-hatred, and self-doubt.  And we can’t do it alone.

True transformation comes from a place of love.  Hating your body won’t make you skinnier or motivate you to stick to a new healthy way of eating.  But learning to truly love your body means treating it with care, nourishing it, moving it, and allowing it plenty of time for rest, fun, and sensuality.  This is what leads to permanent changes in your health, your shape, how you look and feel.

Truly loving and caring for yourself attracts amazing things into your life — from more fulfilling relationships to a job you truly love.  It attracts more love, more joy, and more of what you really want than negative reinforcement ever could.  And best of all, it feels damn good.

I created Greens. Grains. Gorgeous. for women who are ready to transform their health and their lives through exquisite self-care, clarity, and powerful daily steps that add up to a whole world of change.  I created it for women who are ready to be done with dieting and deprivation once and for all.  For women who want to discover what makes their bodies tick, and what unique combination of eating, movement, and self-care help them look and feel phenomenal.

Are you ready to transform your health and life?

There’s 1 week left to enroll in Greens. Grains. Gorgeous.!

>> Click here to learn all there is to know about the program and how to start <<

Why I’m Leaving New York

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

In the summer of 2005, I moved to New York City. I missed my graduation from Oberlin College to perform with the Opera Orchestra of New York, and stayed with a host on Central Park West, overlooking the Museum of Natural History. I found my very first New York apartment during that stay, and fell in love with this beautiful city and all it had to offer. Or so I thought.

The 10 years that I’ve spent here have been a journey in self-discovery. The hustle and noise of lower Manhattan proved to be way too crazy for my delicate sensibilities, and I spent a good part of those first few years feeling sick, disconnected, and lost. A move to Brooklyn in 2007 changed all that. I found myself a gorgeous, quiet, tree-lined street in Carroll Gardens, with loads of neighborhood charm and exactly the antidote to dirty concrete jungle that I needed. And yet, things weren’t quite ideal.

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Free webinar: Eat for Less Stress!


With all the work we do to manage our stress with exercise, yoga, meditation, we’re woefully unaware of the effect that the foods we eat have on our anxiety and overwhelm.  With just a few simple tweaks to your eating, you can make a huge difference in your emotional balance!

Sign up for my free webinar on Eating for Less Stress next week, with an intro by the incomparable Buddhist psychologist and life coach, Vanessa Scotto to learn:

  • What foods actually increase stress, overwhelm, and anxiety
  • What foods create more create more calm, balance, and ease in your day!
  • The 3 most important supplements for feeling your best, physically and emotionally

Sign up at: http://www.anymeeting.com/PIID=EB54D687814D3C

What’s Your Ayurvedic Type?

Your Ayurvedic type, or dosha, is a super powerful tool to have in your healthy lifestyle arsenal.  It reveals what foods and self-care practices are going to help you feel amazing, slender, energized, and radiant, and which may be causing you to gain weight, feel sick and sluggish, and experience of physical and emotional imbalance.

Take this quiz to find your dosha, and learn a few simple steps you can take to bring your body and mind into balance.

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Are you self-sabotaging?

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

Are you self-sabotaging? | The Organic Beauty Blog

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the phenomenon of self-sabotage…

You know, things are going great: you’re eating well, taking care of yourself, you’ve finally gotten into a rhythm… and then, slowly, things start to slide.  You start “rewarding” yourself for being so good by more dinners out ordering foods you normally would avoid.  You start skipping the gym or your favorite yoga classes, because, you know, you’ve just been so good all week!

And before you know it, you’re back to feeling totally off your game, contemplating doing another cleanse to “get back on track.”

This cycle totally sucks!  But luckily, it’s also totally avoidable.

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