
How To Meditate: Chakra Meditation Guide – Root To Crown

By: Stephanie Heino

How To Meditate Chakra Meditation Guide – Root To Crown | The Organic Beauty Blog

As you might have heard, scientists tell us that everything is made up of energy. And this is something ancient cultures have known for thousands of years. The well-developed and proven healing systems of traditional Chinese medicine are based around even flow of energy. Energy flows through different pathways, called Meridians, around the body. This energy that I am talking about has intense focal points called Chakras. There are 7 main chakras in our bodies.

A healthy system works with an even flow of energy. But if the flow of energy gets blocked it works just like a garden hose getting plugged leading the entire system to be dysfunctional. The same thing happens in our body, if just one of the chakra centers is out of balance it can affect everything. And yes, it does feel like you are out of balance.

If you chose to not go and see an energetic healer for a treatment, alternatively, you can work on yourself. But for those of us without a developed psychic sight, how do we know what chakras need attention? Luckily, there are often proven physical, emotional and mental conditions that suggest where attention is needed. When you get the hang of it, it makes sense and your intuition will guide you further. Chakra meditation is a form of meditation that is concentrative, recharging, and cleansing. Chakra meditation is used as a balancing form of meditation, channelling in good energy and and ridding the body of negative energy. The chakras that are the centers for energy within the body, and using chakra meditation helps to keep that energy balanced and aligned.

Chakra meditation can be performed in a couple of different positions including lying down or sitting in a position that feels comfortable and relaxed (cross-legged on the floor works great). It is important that the head and back are aligned. While practicing chakra meditation, many people choose to listen to soft, soothing music or to listen to complementary music that is soft and relaxing. It is important to remember that this form of meditation is very powerful and you should take the effects into consideration before you begin. Usually, it is an excellent idea to start out with a chakra meditation instructor to properly guide you. Chakra meditation uses thought, contemplation, and reflection on the various chakras to bring about the balance that is needed and also to provide more energy as well. As you are meditating, it takes deliberation to focus on the chakras and to get rid of problems and negative energy that may be held in each. If you are going to practice chakra meditation it is important that you understand the seven chakras and how they effect the body and mind, so let me tell you a little bit about each.

Below you see a figure illustrating the chakras from the base of your spine and all the way up to the top of your head. Notice the colours of each chakra, as you will use them in your work.

The Seven Chakras

  1. The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine.
    It vibrates with the color frequency of Red. This is the location for your stability, balance and security.
  2. The Naval (or Sacral) Chakra is located in the lower abdomen.
    It vibrates with the color frequency of Orange. The place for passion and sexuality. It is also the location for psychic abilities and higher consciousness.
  3. The Solar Plexus Chakra is located between the navel and sternum. It vibrates with the color frequency of Yellow. This is where spontaneous actions and energy are located. It is also the place where our willpower can be found.
  4. The Heart Chakra is located in the center of the chest at the same height as the physical heart. It vibrates with the color frequency of Green. This is the center for compassion and unconditional love.
  5. The Throat Chakra is located in the throat region. It vibrates with the color frequency of Blue. This is where our communication abilities and our ability to express our selves verbally are located.
  6. The Brow Chakra (Third Eye) is located in the center of the forehead. It vibrates with the color frequency of Indigo. This is our window to the spiritual world. This eye has the ability to see beyond the physical world.
  7. The Crown Chakra is located on top of the head. It vibrates with the color frequency of Violet, or pure white light. This chakra is the direct channel to higher consciousness and getting in contact with our Higher Self, which can work as a guide, if you learn to listen to it.

Step by step Chakra meditation guide to open your Chakras – Root to Crown.

Start off by sitting comfortably in the Lotus position or in any posture you find most comfortable. Take a few deep belly breaths, feeling all your tensions, anxieties, and stressors leave your body with each exhalation.

Step 1

The Closed Flower. Close your eyes and take a deep breath all the way down to your root chakra. Imagine a bright red colour at your root chakra area. This is the Chakra of stability and security. Visualize a closed flower on that area. As you breathe in, imagine that the air carries a warm energy to the root chakra flower, which slowly opens. Feel how you are allowing your chakra to heal and be free.

Step 2
Sensing. Use your senses and see the red colour clearly in your minds eye. Feel the colour slowly expand from the root chakra flower and stretch out through your legs and all the way down to your toes. Feel it expand from its source up through your body, out your arms and all the way to your fingers. The bright red chakra colour stream also enters your head and fills your whole body with its warmth.

Step 3

Opening The Flower. Feel the love and security as the root chakra flower continues to open, making you feel more and more safe. Say to yourself (mentally) that you will not allow anything to come in the way of the blossoming of this root flower. Any bad experiences or any obstacles are not powerful enough to close this remarkable flower. When you feel that your Chakra has opened, let the bright red colour float upward to your second Chakra, the Sacral Chakra below your naval, and blend with its warm orange colour.

Step 4

The Closed Sacral Flower. See the orange closed sacral chakra flower at your second chakra. Breathe in deeply and feel how the energy is carried to the closed orange sacral flower, and how it stimulates it to open up just a bit. See how the bright colour from the chakra flower slowly leaks out and expands from this Sacral Chakra to all sides.

Step 5

Sensing. Visualize clearly in your mind how the orange colour moves through the bright red root chakra colour and further down to your thighs and legs and finally reaches your feet and toes. Feel how warm and pleasant the sensation is. The warm orange colour also moves upward like the red root colour, passes through your stomach and your chest, and fills it all with a warm secure feeling. It also reaches your arms, hands and finger and your head, filling it all with love and security.

Step 6

Opening The Flower. Allow your sacral chakra to open. You are in a safe and secure environment so allow it to open up and embrace the world as it has become much stronger now. Your source for passion and sexuality and even some psychic abilities is opening and is sharing its warmth and its qualities with the rest of the body and the rest of the world. It does not have to hide anymore, so allow your sacral chakra flower to remain open no matter what the future may bring.

Step 7

Continue. Do the above chakra exercise for each chakra, but remember to change the chakras individual qualities and colour. Try to work with each chakra for at least 5 minutes. Do not rush through the meditation.

Chakra meditation is a great investment in balancing your body, mind and spirit. Comment below and share how you felt afterwards. Good luck!

13 Essential Brain Foods For Improved Memory, Mood And Clarity

By: Stephanie Heino

13 Essential Brain Foods For Improved Memory, Mood And Clarity | The Organic Beauty BlogYour brain is a complex and hungry organ, and its cells require two times the amount of energy than that of other cells in the body. Therefore it is very important to feed the grey matter with highly effective brain foods that improve memory, mood, concentration, and overall clarity and keep your mind sharp and nourished. As you might know, your brain is mostly composed of fat, and therefore needs fatty acids to process information and for brain cells to communicate. Omega-3 fatty acids – particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) – play a very important role in allowing brain cells to transmit signals properly. Lack of DHA can cause brain signals to become distorted and difficult to read, which will make it harder for you to control your mood, concentrate, and remember things. DHA can also help you feel happier by helping your body to release serotonin (the amazing chemical the body uses to boost mood and relieve depression!).

Eating foods rich in antioxidants is also very important since it helps your system rid itself of free radicals. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals and halt the damaging effects they have on the body. Berries, such as blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, goji berries, and many others are a great source of antioxidants, as are a variety of nuts and seeds.

While only making up two percent of total body weight, the brain consumes 20 percent of the oxygen your body gets. Your brain needs oxygen, and your blood is what delivers it. This means that by having healthy blood flow, the oxygen and nutrients can keep your brain going at full power. Foods like goji berries are great since they naturally promote circulation.

Recent studies suggest that inflammation, high blood pressure, elevated insulin levels, obesity, arterial inelasticity and a condition known as metabolic syndrome are all risk factors that can lead to a decline in brain health, so it is very important to eat the right foods for your brain!

Take a look at these 13 super foods for excellent brain health:

13 Essential Brain Foods For Improved Memory, Mood And Clarity 2 | The Organic Beauty BlogFish (Salmon, anchovies, mackerel, tuna). Awash with nutrients, coldwater fish like salmon are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which play an important role in strengthening synapses in your brain, strengthening brain function and memory. One concern that many have about consuming fish are the levels of mercury that accumulate through the food chain and residing in salmon. To avoid contaminates, experts recommend eating wild salmon. Wild salmon is also an excellent source of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), two potent omega-3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation. Sardines, anchovies, and mackerel are also packed with brain-healthy omega-3s, but have lower levels of mercury that may be found in other fish.

Turmeric. This Asian spice is commonly found in mixed curry powder and contains a powerful, non-toxic compound called curcumin which has serious anti-inflammatory effects.

Mushrooms. For thousands of years, the Chinese have revered mushrooms, specifically shiitake, cordyceps, and reishi, for their immune-boosting properties. Mushrooms increase blood flow and supports lower cholesterol levels, and are considered a superfood for many reasons.

Avocado. Many consider avocados to be the food of the gods. This nutrient-packed fruit (yes, it’s technically a fruit) is high in monounsaturated fat, which helps to lower cholesterol and improve blood flow. Since the brain uses 20% of all the oxygen the body consumes, it’s vital to have healthy blood flow to carry oxygen and nutrients to the brain. Avocados are also a good source for omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, which functions as an antioxidant and promotes healthy brain activity.

Go Nuts!. Three specific nuts have been linked to a decreased risk of many diseases. Now there’s evidence that they also improve cognition. Most have high concentrations of vitamin E, B vitamins, antioxidants, magnesium, minerals and Omega-3s, which all support the nervous system.

  • Walnuts. The walnut’s shape resembles a brain, so why shouldn’t it be a brain food? It is! Rich in both omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, walnuts offer a variety of benefits for brain health. Since omega-3 fatty acids are typically found in meats, walnuts provide a great non-meat alternative. They can help you concentrate and protect your brain against the effects of aging. Walnuts have also been shown to improve mood by influencing the brain’s serotonin levels. For those who suffer from depression, insomnia, anxiety, or related issues, walnuts may be a helpful food to munch on.13 Essential Brain Foods For Improved Memory, Mood And Clarity 3 | The Organic Beauty Blog
  • Almonds. Almonds may help to save your memory! In studies on laboratory mice, the rodents rendered temporarily amnesiac were more apt to remember their way around a maze 24 hours later if they first consumed an almond paste. The evidence suggests that almonds slow the decline in cognitive abilities linked to Alzheimer’s disease. The memory effects can be linked to the presence of the essential amino acid phenylalanine and L-carnitine, which are believed to boost neurotransmitters essential to memory.
  • Brazil nuts. Brazil nuts can spare the obese the vascular damage associated with body fat. An excess of fat tissue stimulates low-grade inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which can lead to cardiovascular disease. With high levels of unsaturated fatty acids and bioactive substances that combat inflammation like selenium, phenolic compounds, folate, magnesium among them, Brazil nuts improved microcirculation, lowered cholesterol levels, and normalized blood lipid profiles without causing weight gain in 17 obese females (wow!).

Green Tea. China’s (and now our!) favorite drink has been shown to provide many benefits for memory, and may positively impact cellular mechanisms in the brain. There is an organic chemical found in green tea, EGCG (epigallocatechin-3 gallate) that is a key health property of green tea and is a known antioxidant. EGCG is found to boost the production of neural progenitor cells, which like stems cells, can adapt or differentiate into various type of cells. EGCG is also said to enhance learning and memory by improving object and spatial memory.

Seeds: Flax, chia, hemp, sesame. These small seeds all provide big benefits for both the body and the brain.

  1. Flaxseeds. Flaxseeds are an even more potent source of omega-3 fatty acids than walnuts, and also a source of B vitamins, which is great food for your brain cells since they need this for improved cognitive function and memory. Flaxseeds are also a source of manganese, which acts as a powerful antioxidant. It’s best to grind flaxseeds before eating them, since the body has difficulty absorbing the seeds’ nutrients when left in their natural state.
  2. Chia seeds. Chia seeds are a super-food that the ancient Mayans heavily relied upon. These seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids and contain more antioxidants than blueberries. Add chia seeds to your diet (in your smoothies or sprinkled on top of your salads) for improved concentration, memory, mood, and protection against diseases like Alzheimer’s.
  3. Sesame and hemp seeds. These seeds contain plant sterols that help strengthen the immune system and bring down an overreaction.

Quinoa. Quinoa is an amazingly good grain; I love having quinoa porridge in the morning! It makes up a complete protein, containing all nine of the essential amino acids. It is also an excellent source of iron, which is needed to produce energy for the brain’s neurons, as well as being rich in riboflavin (or vitamin B2), which is another important energy source. Since the brain consumes such a large amount of the body’s energy, it’s important to eat the right foods to supply it. Riboflavin also functions as an antioxidant, helping to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Vegetables: Broccoli, Kale, Spinach, Collard Greens, Brussel Sprouts, Cauliflower, and cabbage. These veggie powerhouses are highly regarded for being a great source of nutrients. Many are rich in vitamin K, which has been shown to prevent arterial calcification in the brain, which may be linked to Alzheimer’s. Vitamin K also plays a role in creating important fats that the brain needs to perform properly. Great sources for vitamin K are broccoli, kale, spinach, collard greens, and brussels sprouts. Broccoli also contains sulforaphane, which helps the body get rid of potentially carcinogenic compounds. In studies, broccoli, red cabbage and sulforaphane have been shown to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. Nice!

Sweet Potato. A good (and yummy!) complex carbohydrate, as well as a great source of beta-carotene, manganese, vitamin B6, C and a great dietary fiber. Combined, these are powerful antioxidants that support inflammation in the body.

13 Essential Brain Foods For Improved Memory, Mood And Clarity 5 | The Organic Beauty BlogBerries: Blackberries, Blueberries, Goji Berries, StrawBerries, Cranberries – All berries. Adding berries to your diet can help your brain better process information and stay mentally sharp. Loaded up with polyphenols and antioxidants, berries can help reduce inflammation in brain cells, making it easier for them to communicate with each other. Polyphenols found in blackberries also help reduce accumulation of toxins in the brain. Rumor has it that blueberries, strawberries and cranberries can improve metabolic syndrome through lessoning inflammation.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Olive oil is a great source of monounsaturated fats, which have been shown to slow brain aging. Virgin olive oil is the Mediterranean secret to longevity. Its rich supply of polyphenols protects the heart and blood vessels from inflammation. The monounsaturated fats in olive oil are also turned into anti-inflammatory agents by the body that can lower occurrences of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.

Water. Last but not least, we can never forget this amazingly important nutrient. Water makes up 85% of brain weight– so by being dehydrated, brain volume decreases, whereas rehydration increases cerebral volume significantly. So make sure to get your 8 glasses a day, people!

9 Natural (and fun!) Ways to Relieve Anxiety

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

9 Natural (and fun!) Ways to Relieve Anxiety | The Organic Beauty Blog

Your job, your health, your relationships, money, the future, the end of the world… Sometimes it seems like life is filled with an endless stream of things to feel anxious about.  If left unchecked, anxiety can run rampant, taking over your thought processes and making everything feel like a major catastrophe.  This is no way to live!  Life is just too short to spend so much of it worrying.  Plus, not to worry you even more, but the long term effects of anxiety can wreak havoc on your body, your immunity, your digestive system, and even your skin!  So it’s time to take control, and stop letting anxiety rule you.  The best part is, the natural ways to relieve your anxiety that I detail below are FUN… which, in and of itself is a wonderful balm against anxiety! Now before you read this list and start thinking of a million reasons why these remedies won’t help, or don’t apply to you (“I mean, how can having more sex help me feel less anxious about money??”), just take a breath and give them a try.  When you are in a happier and more balanced state, you are much more able to calmly take on life’s challenges without letting the anxiety take over!

Continue Reading…

Let Deepak and Oprah Teach You to Meditate!

Let Deepak and Oprah Teach You to Meditate! | The Organic Beauty Blog

Meditation is one of the most powerful techniques you can employ to decrease stress and pain, manage anxiety and depression, increase longevity and optimum health.  Not only does it lower blood pressure and clear your head, but it can help with weight loss and motivation to exercise!

But starting to meditate can be really hard.  I’ve been working on it for years, and even I have trouble just sitting, focusing on my breath.  Luckily, there’s an easier way.  Guided meditations start you off with some thoughts, insights, or a mantra, and then lead you into a short solo meditation that is much more manageable and user-friendly for novices.  And who better to lead you down this healthy and enlightened path than everyone’s favorite gurus, Oprah and Deepak Chopra!

The 21 Day Meditation Challenge is an easy, effective, and really powerful way to start a regular meditation practice, and best of all, it’s free!  You just sign up online, and starting March 11th you’ll receive an email every morning with a short guided meditation to start your day with.  The theme for this particular challenge is Perfect Health, with inspirations, visualizations, and mantras geared toward helping you reach that perfect place of balance, well-being, and happiness that does indeed lead to optimum health.  Plus, the daily practice helps you build the habit of meditating, so you can continue your practice after the program is over.

The digital program includes:

  • Daily welcome from Oprah Winfrey
  • Daily guided meditations by Deepak Chopra
  • Inspirational messages, images, and centering thoughts
  • Sanskrit mantras and their meanings
  • Daily reflection questions with a private, online journal to save responses and additional notes
  • Mindful Moments – daily takeaways showing you how to incorporate daily lessons into your life right now

Now you have no more excuses about not being able to meditate or not having the time!  This easy to follow, 21 day challenge helps you to develop your practice with help from the experts.

Click here to sign up!

Green Tea for Maximizing Health and Beauty


By: Stephanie Heino

Green Tea for Maximizing Health and Beauty | The Organic Beauty BlogTea (Camellia Sinensis) refers to Black, Green, White and Oolong teas. The teas differ by the fermentation process where the black tea is fully fermented (oxidized), oolong is partially fermented, white is minimally processed and green is unfermented, which makes green tea the healthiest. This article will focus on the health benefits of green tea, but in general all teas are similar due to similar bioactive health substances, like bioflavonoids (super-antioxidants found in many natural foods), for example.

Green tea, made from a bioflavonoid-containing plant – has been enjoyed as a hot (and cold!) beverage and an herbal remedy in China and Japan for thousands of years. Recently, researchers have investigated green tea’s healing properties and have discovered some interesting health benefits which include protection against certain infections; improved cardiovascular health; better dental hygiene; clearer, healthier skin; and protection from developing some types of cancer.

There are many different types of teas available these days.  Some are sold as herbal teas to distinguish them from black tea. Green tea and regular tea come from the same plant – the Camellia sinensis shrub, which is native to Asia.  The leaves of Camellia sinensis are dried and cured in different ways to yield different types of tea. Instead of fermenting the green tea, the leaves are steamed, dried, and ready for use. The steaming deactivates enzymes present in the tea leaves that can slowly break down the bioflavonoids. Therefore, the green tea process preserves much of the beneficial nutrient content found in the fresh tea leaves. Many people are confused about green tea containing caffeine –it does, but only half as much as a cup of coffee (6-ounce cup of green tea can contain 15 to 60 mg of caffeine). There are also decaffeinated green tea beverages and supplements available for people who want to avoid caffeine intake while experiencing the health benefits.

Some of the major beneficial effects of green tea include a reduced risk of many diseases such as heart disease; a reduction of dental problems; a reduced cancer risk, especially gastrointestinal cancer; the maintenance of healthy cholesterol levels; and anti-hypertensive effects. According to Japanese researchers there is a reduced risk of gastric cancers in populations drinking several cups of green tea per day.  According to vital health statistics, the death rate from cancer in both men and women in the Shizuoka region of Japan was found to be much lower than the national average. After conducting animal experiments to see if feeding green tea leaves to mice would suppress cancer cell growth they found that tumor growth in experimental mice fed green tea was indeed suppressed. There is also some evidence that consumption of green tea can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack and stroke. This can be accomplished by keeping the levels of cholesterol in the blood within a normal range and promoting good blood flow.

There is a great amount of other health benefits of green tea. Due to the naturally occurring amount of fluoride in green tea, as well as the anti-bacterial property, studies have confirmed the positive effect green tea has on teeth. Therefore green tea may be used to prevent dental cavities. Other benefits of drinking green tea before, during, and after meals includes antibacterial action, antioxidant effects, reduction of blood-glucose levels, as well as increased longevity.

The best way to get the benefits from the green tea, take green tea supplements before or with your meals and enjoy a cup of green tea often, in particular with meals. When selecting dietary supplements, look for brands with green-tea extracts standardized to 25-percent or more polyphenols. As part of a total dietary supplement plan, green-tea extract intake of 50 mg or higher will be beneficial.

As for the beauty aspect of drinking green tea, specialists found out that green tea has a special effect on our skinGreen Tea for Maximizing Health and Beauty 3 | The Organic Beauty Blog especially for eczema and acne sufferers. If you suffer from eczema, drinking green tea regularly can be a remedy for reducing the symptoms since green tea plays the role of a moisturizer with its powerful antioxidant properties that are 20 times stronger the vitamin E. Some say that 3 cups a day is enough for a guaranteed result!

Green tea is also good for preventing and fighting existing acne and a much better method that is far less harmful than the chemicals in all products you usually are recommended. You can find several cosmetic products containing green tea extracts, but consuming it is the simplest and best method to receive all possible benefits. It is said that this miracle beverage contains more antioxidants than any of the beauty products rich in chemical antioxidants and vitamins like E, C, and A. Green tea is an amazing antioxidant beauty food for skin and glow, as well as your general health!

Drink it up!

8 Foods for Male Virility and Fertility

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

8 Foods for Male Virility and Fertility | The Organic Beauty BlogNo time like Valentine’s Day to pump up your man’s diet with some majorly potent virility foods.  These 8 foods enhance virility, libido, balance testosterone levels, keep spermies healthy, and help prevent prostate cancer.  Eat up and enjoy nature’s own Viagra!

  • Oysters:  These puppies are loaded with zinc, which is a key raw material for the production of testosterone. This also makes them a big aphrodisiac for both sexes!  Not a fan of oysters? Pumpkin seeds are a great vegetarian alternative.
  • Walnuts:  These guys are the closest thing to all-natural Viagra around. They’re full of arginine, an amino acid which is a key for quality erections, in terms of duration and frequency!    Throw a handful of walnuts into your morning smoothie to make any day way sexier.
  • Tomatoes:  Especially when cooked, tomatoes contain lycopene, which is amazing for your prostate health and virility. Rock some tomato sauce or throw a handful of grape tomatoes into your scrambled eggs or sautéed greens for an easy daily dose!
  • Chili peppers:  These hotties are full of capsaicin, which releases endorphins, increases heart rate and dilates blood vessels.  This makes them an awesome libido boosting food for both sexes, really heating things up in the bedroom.  Add some chili peppers and celery to your homemade tomato sauce to get a triple virility punch, or make a hearty, delicious bean chili!
  • Celery: In addition to allegedly making a man’s, ahem, stuff, taste better, the andosterone in celery also increases male pheromones, which are odorless ecto-hormones that make your irresistible to the opposite sex.  Having that kind of positive attention can be a major confidence boost in the bedroom!  Try making a potent and delicious juice out of celery, apples, and ginger!
  • Ginger: This potent food is a major libido booster, due to it’s testosterone and blood flow increasing effects.  It’s also generally amazing for your health!  Add ginger to your smoothies, juices, salad dressing, or make a tea with raw ginger slices!
  • Oats:  This breakfast staple is full of the B vitamin L-arginine, which increases sperm count and blood flow to the penis.  Rock some morning oatmeal with bananas and walnuts to get a mega virility boost!
  • Bananas:  These guys pack a virility double whammy.  They’re loaded with potassium, which is crucial for quality erections, and they also have bromelain, which can increase virility and help reverse impotence.  Check out this post that has a great banana superfood smoothie recipe for male virility!

Ladies, you’re welcome… : )

Naturally Beat Those Winter Blues!

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

Naturally Beat Those Winter Blues! | The Organic Beauty BlogWhether or not you actually suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), it is pretty tough to not get bummed when it’s freezing and grey outside for days on end.  Our social lives take a major hit, and we are much more likely to crave getting all bundled up and cozy at home than a night on the town.  It’s harder to motivate ourselves to get to the gym, and those cravings for comfort food just don’t let up. But fear not!  With just a few daily steps, you can naturally beat the winter blues, improve your mood and energy, and keep your system on track.

  • Catch some daylight!  Especially when the days are shorter and darker, it is that much more important to get exposure to daylight.  Ideally, this would be direct light outside, but, when it’s frigid and miserable outside, getting some daylight through a window does the trick too!  Leave your blinds open at night, so the morning light can wake you up and help regulate your production of melatonin, and thereby, your sleep cycle!  Keeping a regular sleep-wake cycle is vital to staving off wintertime depression. If your bedroom doesn’t get much natural light, then stand dreamily in front of your brightest window for a couple of minutes right when you wake up!  It’s a nice little morning ritual with wonderful health benefits.
  • Exercise!  I know it’s hard to get to the gym when it’s 0 degrees outside, but it’ll pay off in terms of your motivation and energy, which will help you tons in the long run.  If it’s super gross out, just work out at home!  Don’t let the weather be an excuse to skimp on exercise!  Find a dvd that you love, and sweat it out in the warmth and comfort of your living room.  Exercise is one of the best natural antidepressants out there!
  • Take some fish oil.  Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA, are amazing for balancing mood and staving off depression.  Even if you eat fish regularly, supplement with 2-3 grams of high EPA fish oil every day.  My favorite is NOW Super EPA.. I take it every day!
  • Take vitamin D.  In the dark of winter, especially in the northern parts of this fair country, it is impossible to get enough vitamin D from sunlight.  The result is that we’re all running around completely deficient in this important nutrient!  Low levels of vitamin D can cause depression, lowered immunity, anxiety, higher stress levels, and a host of other unpleasant symptoms.  It is absolutely crucial to supplement with a high quality vitamin D during the winter months, and for many of us, year round!  Opt for at least 3000-4000 IU of sublingual vitamin D daily.  My favorite is Biotics Bio-D-Mulsion Forte.. Just two drops under your tongue in the morning and you’re good to go!
  • Load up on plant nutrients.  Plant foods are nature’s amazing natural mood-boosters, and it is super easy to eat your way to a fantastic mood even in the greyest of winters.  Whole grains like amaranth and quinoa are great for raising serotonin, which is your brain’s natural feel-good neurotransmitter.  Olive oil and other healthy fats like avocados and nuts are also wonderful natural antidepressants.  Green leafies like spinach and collards are loaded with folate, which along with other B vitamins, is vital for regulating mood.
  • Treat yourself!  Plan a fun winter getaway weekend, a spa day, a fun party, or even some nights at the theater, a concert, or the opera!  Having some exciting things to look forward to is a great way to boost your mood and break up the monotony of a long winter.

Give Your Water A Delicious Flavor Boost!

By: Natasha Uspensky, CHHC

I myself admit that I am not a huge water person.  By which I mean that I didn’t grow up drinking lots of water, and pure, plain water just doesn’t do it for me.  This has made it a bit of a challenge to drink enough water throughout the day.  My trick is making my water super yummy by infusing it with lemon, cucumber slices, ginger, or berries.  At home or at the office, this is easy to do, but it’s hard to infuse water on the go!  Enter this adorable glass Flavor Infuser Water Bottle from AdNArt ($16.00 on The Organic Beauty Store).

Try yummy flavor infusions like:

  • Fresh or frozen raspberries and mint leaves
  • Lemon slices and fresh thyme
  • Fresh blueberries and sliced ginger
  • Fresh mangoes and basil
  • Orange slices and lavender

Drinking plenty of water is vital for detoxification, weight loss and management, beautiful skin and hair. No more excuses for not drinking your 8 glasses a day!

How to Naturally Prevent the Flu… (Plus, Should You Get a Flu Shot?)

How to Naturally Prevent the Flu… (Plus, Should You Get a Flu Shot?) | The Organic Beauty Blog

Seeing as we live in what CNN recently dubbed “Flu York,” where almost everyone we know is currently coming down with the flu virus, I thought I would share some natural flu prevention methods that will lower your risk of contracting this year’s rather severe flu bug.

But first, a word on flu shots…  Are you considering getting a flu shot? Read on to make sure it’s the right decision for you!

There is currently a 35 minute wait at all our neighborhood pharmacies to get the flu shot, obviously due to the pretty severe outbreak we are experiencing.  Now I know this is a bit controversial, but I am typically not a huge proponent of flu shots.  Due to the natural mutation of the virus, each year’s flu shot gives you only partial, if any, protection.  A review of 51 research studies involving 260,000 children ages 6 to 23 months found no evidence that the flu vaccine is any more effective than a placebo. Secondly, and perhaps even more importantly, the flu vaccine is chock full of harmful toxins like mercury, formaldehyde, and detergent.  These toxins lower immunity (ironically making you more susceptible to illness), and have been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease. One report showed that people who received the flu vaccine each year for 3 to 5 years had a 10 times greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s than people who never received any flu shots.

As far as I’m concerned, this is reason enough to avoid the flu vaccine… the benefits just don’t outweigh the risks!  My husband, my family, and I have rarely gotten a flu shot, and have only come down with the flu a handful of times in our lives.  That said, the flu virus, especially particularly rough strains like 2013’s, can be really hazardous to people with already compromised immune systems.  Pregnant women, the elderly, and anyone with an immunity-compromising illness should consider the flu shot.  But again, make sure to weigh the risks for yourself and your family!  As I stated above, the flu shot can actually lower your immune response, and could potentially be harmful to a developing fetus.  Think carefully…

How to naturally prevent the flu!

There are many ways to naturally decrease your risk of getting the flu, and whether or not you get the flu shot this year, I strongly recommend making the tips below a part of your everyday routine for the remainder of the flu season!

  • Wash your hands.  When you get to the office, when you come home, and throughout the day, especially after coming in contact with particularly germy areas like the subway, schools, communal office supplies, and (duh!) people showing signs of illness, wash your hands with hot soapy water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Moisturize.  With all this hand washing, your hands will naturally be inclined to dryness and cracking, which gives germs a direct pathway into your body.  Keep a travel-size bottle of natural moisturizer in your bag (I love Burt’s Bees Farmer’s Friend Hand Salve, which comes in a cute and portable little tin!), and lube up after every hand-washing, or throughout the day as needed.
  • Clear out your nose.  Yes, yes, you’ve heard me tout all the benefits of the Neti Pot a million times before, but I’m telling you, it is a vital part of flu prevention!  Your nasal passages are full of mucous and tiny little hairs that are designed to trap germs and bugs to keep you from getting sick.  But they can only do so much!  You need to help your nose out by cleaning and lubricating it, and getting all those trapped bugs out of there!  There is no better way to do this than regularly using a neti pot.  It’s safe to use everyday, but if you feel like your nose is easily irritated, every other day will do the trick as well.  Make sure to follow each neti session with some sesame oil or olive oil in your nose, to moisturize and soothe everything!
  • Get plenty of sleep!  Flu season is no time to start partying and staying up until all hours of the night. Your body naturally needs more rest in the winter months, and when the flu bug is running rampant, getting at least 7-8 hours up’s your body’s first defense against illness.  You need to do whatever you can to boost your natural immunity!  If getting to bed early is hard for you, check out How to Sleep Better, Naturally!
  • Supplement smartly.  Even if you’re not big on supplementation, flu season is definitely a time to fortify your system with some strategic vitamins.  Vitamin C is of course a big one (opt for 500-1000 mg 2-3 times a day, and make sure to get a formula with rose hips for maximum absorption!).  Another immunity powerhouse is vitamin D, which we all need to be taking year-round, but especially in the winter months.  Opt for 2000-4000 IU of a liquid, sublingual vitamin D (like this one) every day.  Lastly, North American Ginseng (panax ginseng) has been shown to reduce incidence of the flu, as well as duration if you do become ill.
  • Stay warm.  Although being cold doesn’t actually make you sick, it can definitely lower your immune response, making you more susceptible to contracting the flu virus.  So bundle up, and make sure to drink lots of warm liquids throughout the day… Green or ginger tea with raw, organic honey actually does a lot to boost your body’s natural defenses against the flu, due to the honey’s anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties!
  • Eat for health.  Flu season is definitely the ideal time to get serious about healthy eating.  Shoot for having as much of your diet as possible being made up of dark leafy greens, brightly colored veggies, sea vegetables, mushrooms, plant proteins, and fish to boost your immunity and not give your body any other toxins to contend with!  Keep alcohol, which compromises your immunity, to a minimum, and drink tons of water!

If you do get sick, STAY HOME!!!  The biggest cause of the flue epidemic spreading so rapidly is sick people walking around infecting everyone!  Don’t take the risk, and stay home to rest, which will also help you to recover as quickly as possible!  Make sure to read my article, 5 Tips to Beat a Cold in Two Days Flat for some great self-care tips to help you get healthy fast!

Do you have any other natural flu prevention tactics or remedies that work for you? Share them in the comments below!

One Minute Meditation for Those Who Think They Can’t!

One Minute Meditation for Those Who Think They Can’t! | The Organic Beauty Blog

Is not having enough time your big excuse for why you can’t meditate?  How about not being able to quiet your mind?  Well guess what?  Meditation problem: solved!  You can get so many of the benefits of a regular meditation practice from just 1 minute a day of breathing.  Just breathing!  I think a big part of the anxiety people have around meditation is that it is this big hard thing that takes years to master.  When you stop thinking about it as Meditation with a capital M, and start thinking of it just as sitting quietly and breathing with intention, so much of that anxiety and aversion goes away!  Below, you’ll find a sequence of two types of breathing that you can do in conjunction with one another for just one minute… Or extend the meditation for as long as you want.  Harnessing the powerful Bhastrika breath described below is all you need to bring your attention back to your breath when your mind starts to wander.  And it’s really as simple as that!

Sit comfortably, upright in your chair, with your hands in your lap. 

Start by breathing for about 30 seconds using a Bhastrika or bellows breath:  Breathe deep through your nose, in and out, using all five lobes of your lungs like a big bellows. Use your lungs in and out as much as you can, only in and only out through your nose. You do that for about 30 seconds.  Our upper lungs have stress receptors that get activated when our breath is shallow, which is how most of us breath throughout the day.  When we use our lower lungs, like in bhastrika, we activate calm receptors that soothe our nervous system.

Next, breathe for the next 30 seconds doing an Ujjayi breath: This is kind of the classic yoga breath where you actually do a snoring or ocean sound through your nose.  Constrict your stomach muscles and force that snoring sound out through your nose. You do that for about 30 seconds.  You can repeat this one-minute sequence as many times as you like.  Do bellows breath as deep in and as deep out as you can for 30 seconds and follow this with 30 seconds of silence breathing through an ujjayi or ocean breath.

Extended Meditation: If you would like to meditate longer, you can start by doing Bhastrika breath for 30 seconds.Then use Ujjayi breath and sit quietly until you start thinking again.  When you feel thoughts resurfacing do Bhastrika for 10-20 seconds to quiet your mind. Sit quietly again using Ujjayi breath until thoughts arise and follow once again with Bhastrika for 10-20 seconds. Follow this cycle until you feel you are done meditating.

via Meditation: One Minute to a Quiet Mind.